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The movie where the ending completely surprises you?
BLACK LIVES MATTER18-Jul-22 10:48 pm
Since I have all kinds of latent criminal behavior in me (HAHA) - the movie where the ending completely surprises me is "Thief" starring James Caan (1981).
    The Quiet Earth - will have to watch the movie.
    • Paul G 348946
      The Quiet Earth. Totally different ending for an end-of-the-world film. People still debate exactly what it means.
        Did not see the movie or heard (good or bad) anything about it - hence, I cannot comment on the movie.
        • Lachelle B
          Patient Seven starring Michael Ironside.
          • allin
            Vanishing Point,, i had a '71 Challenger just like the one in the movie,,,
            • OKIE K
              How about a book instead, it's just the one where the ending literally made me do a double take and really really stuck with me. It's Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier - they did make a movie of it though,I think with big name actors even, but I haven't seen it. I do a lot more reading!
              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                Great idea! I do a lot of reading!
            • boy blunder
              watched this western today nice old fashion movie called old henry really surprised by the ending
              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                I am not generally into westerns. Did not see the movie "Old Henry". However, have you seen the western: The Good the Bad and the Ugly starring Clint Eastwood - which definitely has a surprise ending!
              • allinBLACK LIVES MATTER
                unkanown,,, best last line,,, ;-))
            • Tim R 439287
              Love it
              • APB
                Fight could ever guess that one....and of course Angel Heart....that was a dark and brilliant film.... and what a cast....
                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                  Fight club (movie) reminds me of the movie "Falling Down" (1993) starring Michael Douglas) - in the sense each movie revolves around the theme - he (main character) is discontented with his white-collar job - still not a fan of Fight Club (movie). I like Angel Heart (starring Lisa Bonet - but I am definitely a fan of Lisa Bonet). The movie was ahead of its time (when it was first showed) - it was a neo noir psychological horror movie - in your words " a dark and brilliant film"- which I completely agree with your assessment of the movie.
                • Pato Lo Duck
                  Angel Heart was a brilliant movie, so good that I got it on Blue Ray a while ago, despite having already seen it before.. I always liked the line about Lou Cypher..
              • Lachelle B
                One flew over the cuckoo's nest.
                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                  A brilliant movie with a brilliant cast filled with brilliant quotes - starring Jack Nicholson!
                • allin
                  great movie, "we are going fishing",, ;-))
              • Smooch - Vic
                “No Way Out”, 1987 movie with Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman and Sean Young.
                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                  Seen the movie (like) - too. The movie does have a lot of twist and turn in it! Furthermore, the movie has a shocking ending.
              • KO
                A star is born with Lady Gaga
                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                  Not the type of movie (A star is Born starring Lady Gaga) I enjoy watching. However, the movie was a hit. Also, the soundtrack of the movie was a hit.
              • roger b 167654
                The Vanishing - the 1988 dutch film which got remade in the US in 1993, but with a totally different, happy, ending which ruined it.
                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                  Definitely sounds like a movie (1988) I will enjoy - will go on my movie list of movies to watch!
              • mary c
                I will have to watch it Walter- sounds good. We watch alot of movies but my brain is running on half a cell and i can't think of any at the moment. Some good Hitchcock ones might come to mind.
                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                  I am a Hitchcock fan - my favorite Hitchcock movie is "Rear Window" (1954) starring James (Jimmy) Stewart and Grace Kelly! FYI: "Run Lola Run" is a way better movie to watch than "Thief"!
                • mary cBLACK LIVES MATTER
                  oh yes! Rear window was great. We also watch a Series called Alfred Hitchcock presents. Made in '55. They are great too.
              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                I have never seen the movie - however, it is now on my must watch movie list (THANKS)! Have you seen the movie "Nocturnal Animals (2016)" starring Amy Adams? It is a neo-noir psychological thriller (not for the faint of heart :-))!
                • Colleen M 510798
                  A movie called Shattered with Tom Berenger. I think it was 1991 or close to it and the first time I saw that movie blew my mind! Of course I was 11, but I have to say I watched it many times since then and still love it.
                  • View all 4 replies
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    Will have to watch the movie.
                  • Colleen M 510798BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    I will have to watch the Thief. Pretty sure I haven't seen it, so I will definitely put it on my movie list. And I have a few more suggestions, too. Reservoir Dogs, The Usual Suspects and American Beauty. I had another in mind and forgot it!!
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERColleen M 510798
                    Have seen the movies you mention - all are "very good" movies to watch with surprising endings. Have you seen "Jackie Brown" (1997)? It was directed by Quentin Tarantino (who had a role in Reservoir Dogs).
                  • Colleen M 510798BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    yes! And I loved it! I do need to buy it, though. It's one of many I still don't own!
                • allin
                  The Shining as it does not end quite like the book,,, nice poll Walter,, ;-))
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    Thanks - Allin! Are we talking the movie "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson? A movie with a ton of great lines (for a horror movie). My favor line in the movie is: Knock, Knock, Who's there? "Here's Johnny?"
                  • allinBLACK LIVES MATTER
                    that be the one Walter, i reckon back when they made the movie, they didn't have the graffix ability we have today, so i believe that is why the end difference,,, here's johnny was one of the highlights from Jack in that flick 'eh,,, ;-))
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERallin
                    "nice" use of the word "graffix" ability
                • boy blunder
                  great endings to movies my fav would be [pay it forward] a bit of a tear-jerker, others that surprised me the sting and mystic river
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                    Never heard of the movie "Play it Forward". Never seen the movie "Mystic River", but I have heard of the movie. If you are talking about the movie "Sting" (1973) - with an outstanding cast - the ending of the movie caught me completely off-guard!
                  • boy blunderBLACK LIVES MATTER
                    pay it forward has Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacy its a story about a kid's social studies project [ its based on a true story] ending is really sad and unexpected, Mystic River is a murder mystery that has Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, is produced by Clint Eastwood, bout a cop who investigates his kid's murder and the investigation takes him back to an older murder I enjoyed it back then its an early 2000 film
                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERboy blunder
                    "Pay it forward" does not sound like a movie I would enjoy watching. However, Mystic River definitely sounds like a movie I would enjoy watching - it is now on my must watch movie list.

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