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IF you were the Government how would YOU safely quarantine people to STOP the spread of Covid-19
Edward S 49734716-Jul-21 05:52 am
Everyone has thier own opinion.
The world leaders ( especially Scott Morrison ) has NO IDEA therefore let's give him a hand by offering suggestions.
  • Wendy Q
    We need to have all people in quarantine, off shore or away from our towns and cities.
    • Darren S 116121
      we were covid free for a while,we only have it now because they let people in with it,I would have been hard arsed with it,people were told at the start to get home but no,my holidays are important so stayed away,anyway i would have just closed the borders,no one in or out
      • Carolyn7 P
        I don't think it could be done without Marshall law and that presents an entirely different problem. Too many people don't want to believe this reality of Covid.
        • Chosen
          I would learn and take advice from New Zealand who are the world leaders in such matters. Again !!!!
          • Edward S 497347
            I've ALWAYS stated that New Zealand is the luckiest country in the world because they have Jacinda Adern as their Prime Minister ( I'm Jealous ). She is a "REAL" person who cares about that country and the people. She KNOWS what she is doing and how to run that country. She is in real touch with the reality of what people from all walks of life are going through and she makes the right decisions. NO I do not think she is perfect because no one is perfect but she is REAL.HEY all you politicians in every other country go have a long discussion with Jacinda Adern and learn many lessons from her.USA is also now on a much better track thanks to their new President and I feel sorry for him as he has a lot of damage to fix which was created by Donald Trump
          • ChosenEdward S 497347
            Having said that there is no better place to visit than the mighty USA and go Route66.
        • APB
          Scott Morrison doesn't like advice....even from his own medical advisers...he will be telling you to drink bleach shortly....

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