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Eddie Vedder. Lead singer for American band Pearl Jam...
AntEye folkz77703-Jul-21 06:57 pm
... in my opinion , for what it's worth, is one of the coolest, honorable and finest artists to have ever lived.
I truly admire the man. He inspires and lifts my faith in the human race.
He loves a bottle or two of wine. He smokes cigarettes , however , without being judgemental , he is a very rare gem in that hard drugs have not (and will never) ruin/end his life... That's impressive considering his scene/style/genre have killed so very many of his close friends. Kurt Cobain was only one soul on a very long list of American rock stars to have had fame and fortune destroy them. A sensitive , emotional and wonderfully talented person is he. His genre (Grunge (garage) music) is music that has a focus of dark themes ... depression , drug use , badly treated souls , heartache and the loss of God, and yet it's pure and raw emotion, it's artistic expression is so very overwhelming and very thought provoking. I personally am very moved by the Grunge movement . It's birth and home is in Seattle Washington State and began in 1990... If anyone is interested in the bulk of this very extensive and complicated subject then you could do no better than watch the movie/music documentary Pearl Jam ' Twenty ' .. I highly recommend it , it tells the entire story in a truthful and humane way. Try it out folks , even if that style of music is not your cup of tea , the story itself is compelling, riveting...
Do let us know what you think...Peace and Blessings One and all... Daniel..
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