General Topic
Edward S 49734726-Jul-21 06:45 am
IF you have not already been following the unfolding story about Cinderella, please click on the topic "POOR CINDERELLA" on this forum board and read parts one to parts 12.
This has been an unfolding story with one part being added each day and now the story is about to reach its climactic ending.
This story is full of mystery, suspense and along the way will also give you a few laughs to ease your boredom of being in lockdown or just living under covid-19 restriction rules.
Only YOU can decide whether Cinderella is rescued to live her happy ever after with Prince Charming or not. Therefore, after reading the FULL story from part one to part 12, please click on the "LIKE" button on the bottom of part 12 if you like Cinderella and want her to be rescued.
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