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Read this if you dare
Edward S 49734708-Feb-22 04:28 am
I see you dared and welcome.
You have just entered the Twilight Zone; OR wait have you entered the world of Reality.
2020 to 2021 The global pandemic hit the world and without going into detail we know the results of that.
2022 the above still continues BUT now due to the situation between Russia and Ukraine, we now also face the possibility of world war 3 in the near future in addition to the continuing pandemic.
What are YOUR predictions for 2022 in regards to the above ??
What would you like to see happen in the world OTHER THAN the above ???
  • APB
    If they are organising a third world war they need to factor that into our zero emissions plans for 2050..we don't want this to cause a larger carbon footprint than we have now...and we need to make sure that all the various components used in tanks subs guns and missiles etc are easy to disassemble and clearly marked so that if anyone survives we will be able to recycle them all....
    • Jenny L 591463
      I would like to see no one selling their donkeys to the Chinese they are eating their skin because they believe it has magical powers. Well I hope it causes their little things to shrivel up and fall off. They have eaten 2/3rds of their donkey population. How barbaric, I was absolutely disgusted. Plus they have raised the prices of donkeys from $800 to now $2000. I would love a donkey one day if fact I was hoping for a pair so I could breed them. If we did I certainly would not be selling the beautiful animals to any one.
      • mary c
        i love donkey's too :) thats awful to hear!
      • Jill N 111098
        Just heard about this on the ABC Radio the other day about the donkeys.
    • Pato Lo Duck
      I'd like to see my tomatoes get ripe soon...
      • Darren S 116121
        more of the same,another varient will pop up,russia will go ukraine,china rubbing its hands in glee will see russia go ukraine and think its a good time to grab taiwan
        • Christina C 466456
          Pretty sure this happened back in 2017 because I remember discussing with my friend who was worried about a cold war starting. So the power struggles between Nations have been happening for a while now. Who knows if it will amount to anything.
          • Grommie
            give power to people who know how to use it constructively
            • mary c
              Good Question Edward thankyou. Right now all i can think about and wish for is this hellish pandemic to leave us all alone. Into 3rd year of fear of it getting into my husband's care home- not a rest home- but a community for all ages with brain injuries etc. Its driving me crazy.

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