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Attention Australian Pensioners ( UPDATE )
Edward S 49734701-Sep-21 05:04 am
In recent weeks I posted a topic on this Forum Board advising Australian Pensioners that I am in the process of fighting the government to get a better deal and payment increases for ALL Australian pensioners.
I also asked you to help in this fight by YOU also emailing numerous politicians about your own financial struggles and pushing for a increase in payments.
I recently received a reply from the Minister of Welfare who falsely claims that in March 2021 single pensioners received a increase of $8-40 per fortnight ( which is strange because I am single and only received a increase of $6 per fortnight ).
This politician also claims that pensioners did not get a increase in payments in late 2020 because the cost of living had DROPPED ( What a lie ).
Referring to the 2 "So Called" stimulus packages of $250 paid to pensioners in September 2020 and March 2021, this politician still FALSELY claims that those were "Stimulus payments" made to pensioners...... Even though when Scott Morrison announced these 2 $250 payments in September 2020 he clearly stated that Australian pensioners would NOT receive a increase in pension payments that month BUT would instead receive 2 x $250 payments 6 months apart to give pensioners that increase "In Advance" as 2 once off payments to stimulate the economy.
This statement by Scott Morrison at that time clearly tells us pensioners that those 2 payments were to replace the increase we were meant to get in late 2020 and is therefore NOT a "Stimulus package" payment paid to pensioners.
This politician also stated that the Australian welfare system is set up to guarantee that the pensioners are ALWAYS paid more each fortnight than the unemployed and that the unemployed have NEVER been paid more than pensioners...
What a massive lie because for 9 months, from March 2020 the unemployment benefits had doubled from $550 per fortnight to $ 1,100 per fortnight (much more than pensioners) AND during the current lockdowns the unemployed are receiving $1500 per fortnight (much more than pensioners).
This politician also falsely claims that the Government DOES NOT decide how much pensioners are paid per fortnight as that is decided by another body....What a lie.
There is another body that recommends to the Government how much pensioners should be paid each fortnight then the Government decides how much we are paid. Over the past few years that other body has been telling the Government that pensioners cannot financially survive on the measly payments they receive and that ALL Australian pensioners need a increase in payments of at least $200 a fortnight .... BUT as we all know the Government always ignores that advice.
Australian pensioners are supposed to get a increase in payments in March and September, meaning we are due for a increase THIS month, therefore now is the time for YOU to email the politicians to pressure them into giving us a DECENT payment increase
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