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It's Halloween time - What's your favorite scary movie?
Michele H 74908930-Oct-22 03:18 pm
It can be more than one ... let's hear it.
  • roger b 167654
    The Evil Dead was unsettling, even though it had some funny moments, although nowhere near as funny as the Exorcist.
    • Monica P 1068244
      Halloween, night of the living dead and the exorcist
      • Christine M 323842
        The Amityville Horror scared the shit out out me when I was young, but Wolf Creek has got to be the best.
        • MARGARET p 388156
          The first time my mum watch the exorcist with me when I was a teenager. The next morning she came up to me and said she could not sleep all night because of that movie I made her watch.
          • Tom S Qld
            Any nightly news program on TV. They are scarier than any made-up Hollywood movie.
            • Sweetums
              The Drowning is not a horror movie, but a great mystery movie with twists galore. Also Prisoners with Hugh Jackman, Maria Bello and Jake Gyllenhaal is really full of pulse pounding scenes and really freaks you out all along, with an ending that is both happy and sad. Do not watch if you are disturbed easily or do not watch content that is heavily rated R. Just a warning, but otherwise, it's scary, heart wrenching, thought-provoking. Has it ALL. But not for the faint of heart. Or people who won't watch a movie with some creepy sick behavior in it.
              • Sweetums
                Halloween and anything related to paranormal activity.
                • John Smith
                  Scream, Friday the13th, Night of the living dead
                  • John Smith
                    Night of the living dead - mean old classic one, some 197x ...
                  • John SmithJohn Smith
                    Googled it. Unbelievable, this film is released October 1, 1968 ... They're coming to get you Barbara
                • Matt M 461986
                  The Dutch movie The Vanishing I think, absolutely chilling ending. And then they did an American remake a few years later and slapped on an optimistic ending...
                  • Sweetums
                    I just saw the Vanishing and was riveted
                • Mopos
                  The world is scary enough, who needs movies!
                  • bill b 783563
                    black and white original "The Haunting" (of Hill House)
                    • allin
                      • APB
                        The Shining if you want to have a laugh (I thought it was funny)...or the Exorcist if you just want horror or nightmares etc...
                        • boy blunder
                          nasferatu old black and white film from the 1920s not a good film for little uneducated people
                          • Denise C (Qld)
                            I have seen: Terrifier 2 and Smile in the last fortnight at the cinema, but I cant say they were favorites.
                            • John Smith
                              Is it worth it to watch?
                            • Denise C (Qld)John Smith
                              Smile is more psychological Terrifier 2 is gore

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