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Gambling is a Mug s game.
Golden Oldie14-Mar-25 09:11 pm
My mother s lifelong love of gambling on days that ended with a Y was well known.Her poison was the pokies and keno,the dedication she gave her addiction and sheer resolve to get rid of as much money as possible before she passed was admirable
Not being a gambler I found it to be an incredibly destructive addiction.
She would say watching all the reels going round relieved her stress .
She never won big.
  • Chosen
    If they were not addicted to gambling they would be addicted to something else. It's called - No self discipline.
    • Grommie
      much better to get into swearing smoking, drinking and spitting in the gutter. Without gamblers, lots of sports clubs would have to quadruple their subs. I see it as a money go round. Lots of the great unwashed gamble, we pay their unemployment benefit, they lose the money, it comes back to taxpayers through handouts/funding to clubs we belong to, and they don't belong.
      • Golden Oldie
        My mother WAS wealthy at one point in her life,when she passed…after cremation she had $1,000 left.
    • Von
      Gambling is like any addiction. Unless the person with the addiction realises they have a problem, admit to it, hit rock bottom, ask for amount of intervention or advice from others will help.
      • Golden Oldie
        I agree with you 100%,Mum was narcissistic and entrenched she would laugh at me whenever I said the word addiction.

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