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Solar buy back $'s from Energy Companies (Australia)
Bung,12-Apr-22 01:12 pm
The Government subsidised the installation of Solar Panels.
Even with the subsidy many paid thousands of dollars to install the panels.
The initial 66c pkw paid by the power company to buy the power from what our panels were supplying to the grid.
I add here, surplus power (from the grid) is on sold by the power company.
Now it seems after so many having invested in Solar Panels the usage costs have increased and the buy back (to grid) amounts can be 8.5 per kwh (and that's good) This power to the grid, supplied by your solar panels in then on-sold to consumers. Surely this could be classed as FRAUD. Where are is the control of this, seems there is none.
We are told electricity supply costs have reduced, fine, but what about those who have paid thousands of dollars to install solar, even after the subsidy from the Government. The buy back rate has dropped to next to nothing... It's a joke.
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