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Lactose intolerance - cow's milk - flatulence
Elizabeth J 44788801-Mar-21 11:32 am
Lactose intolerance is the inability to break down a type of natural sugar called lactose. Just about everyone in my family has this. I am wondering how many other people have it but are not aware. Just about everyone in my family is lactose intolerant. I remember going to my GP about 15 years ago thinking he was going to tell me I was dying, likely from bowel cancer, only to be told to give up cow's milk. Well I went home and had my last big mug of cow's milk before the big dry. Oh, how I grieved. But it is indescribable the difference it has had to my health. Lots of little niggly problems I had - gone. I am a different person. It is strange, I know and hardly relevant, but I even observed that the crepey skin on my chest has gone. I have grown to like soy milk and almond milk and other various milks. The real winners are Zymil lactose free milk and the tablets of enzymes that you take with meals to help break down the lactose ie Lacteeze and Lactofree. I have know many people over the years well before I was aware of the term 'lactose intolerance' who obviously had it, including myself. I must have had it for 15 years before I sought any guidance. I thought the flatulence was caused through eating too many vegetables. I wonder how much lactose intolerance is contributing to global warming. Cows get the blame but we who consume of their milk products must be contributing as well.
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