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Welcome to Lockdown Number 6 in Victoria, Australia
Edward S 49734706-Aug-21 05:10 am
In NSW thier Premier waited too long to go into Lockdown, then she bought in a partial and confusing Lockdown and the Covid-19 got out of control in NSW and spread like wildfire, including in to other States.
On Wednesday 4th August it was initially announced that Victoria had a "0" new infections day; then an hour later they reported 1 new case.
Next day, Victoria recorded 7 new cases which resulted in ALL of Victoria going in to Lockdown number 6 with just 4 hours notice.
I feel sorry for all small businesses in the food industry that has to again throw out a lot of food.
In previous Lockdowns based on what I see on the news, some of these food shops donate that food to charities but many throw it out in the bin.
In my opinion IF they ALL donated it to charity it would help a lot of people in need PLUS those shops would then be able to minimise their losses by claiming the cost of that food on their tax returns as a "Charity Donation"
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