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Stupid survey questions.......
Lachelle B07-Jan-23 05:56 am
*If my annual turnover is less than 1 billion I'm excluded from the survey! Well what billionaire would be doing a survey?
*If I clicked I've never heard of a company why am I asked questions about that company on the next page?
*Yesterday I was asked about insurance clearly stating 'we will not be tracking your information'. But it asked me to click the tab below and log into MY motor insurance website with MY account details .......... um no thanks, close tab.
Have you come across idiotic questions?
  • Nora N 576968
    Oh it is so disheartening when you spend quite some time on a survey only to tell you that you didn't qualify to get the points promised 😖.
    • Robert F 1161011
      Which one is not a continent? It's France. It's always France.
      • APB
        Americans know where France is
    • Bugalugs
      How about those surveys you click on only to be told that your profile does not match and then you are told But we have another survey which does, so you click on that and then are told Sorry, but your profile does not macth the survey requirements or words to that effect? Just what sort of Profile Checking is actually being done? Seems like none at all so we waste time tryingto take part.
      • DooDoo
        I had to comment on how much alcohol I drink per week. I said I don't drink - alcohol is a carcinogen. Next screen: Great - you’ve qualified for our survey! A survey about alcohol.
        • Chosen
          They once asked me what was sitting on the table next to the bed as shown - I answered........ " A Heard of Elephants, a Giraffe and a Unicorn". They then replied/said - Great you have qualified. Ummmmmm.
          • Tom S Qld
            I think they are just counting words to see if you have made an effort. Otherwise, they would have to employ AI to look at the quality of your answer. In some instances, they actually look for certain words to pop up. I always write what's there - book, flowers, photo etc. That seems to be OK. If you were to answer a lot of gibberish, you might get away with it for a while, but if someone checks the quality of your answers, you may find that you will be screened out in the future. Good luck with your elephants, giraffes and unicorns.
        • Holly Cat
          Sometimes there's a list asking if you have done any of the following in the past and one of the options is landed on the moon. Lol
          • Lachelle B
            They do this to see if you are paying attention or aren't going to be truthful on a survey.
        • APB
          what happened to the five worst survey sites?
          • View all 3 replies
          • Lachelle B
            I had the original top 5 survey post that said I will put it up today, and then I posted the 5 worst surveys. As the latter wasn't showing up (posted about 10am) I decided to delete the first one. But instead I deleted the most recent one and it was rather long and I couldn't be bothered typing it all out again. So will tomorrow if I have the time. Have I confused you?
          • APBLachelle B
            No more than usual Lachelle!...look forward to reading them both tomorrow... I never even heard of a turtle neck poncho you learn something all the time!...
          • Lachelle BAPB
            Ipsos, Swagbucks, Nielsen, Prolific and Valued Opinions. Will give more info when I have time.
        • Dawn B 1183336
          What I don't like is the repetitiveness of questions such as age, income, marital status, gender, sexual orientation etc and every time I try to do a survey , more than half say I don't qualify. So how are we supposed to earn anything if we can't qualify?
          • Denise C (Qld)
            I can't even get a look in lately but yes, questions with answers I am forced to pick from that aren't relevant or my true intention.
            • Katzeye
              Yep all the time but I think it's to find out if you are paying attention lol because I had one just recently about mens erections hahaha
              • Lachelle B
                I hope you were straight up with your answers 🤣.
              • KatzeyeLachelle B
                Hahahaha LMAO🤣
            • Bugalugs
              Of course we all have. Given the apparent widespread ability of criminals to hack almost anything surveys on Finance, asking the name of your bank/s, what accounts, credit, debit cards etc. you have I refuse these. It is not that I have anything to hide it is just that My Finances are MY Private Business and I want them to remain just that: PRIVATE. There is one regular Survey, if memory serves it is conducted by DBSM and, I think, Monash University, which is unbelievably inquisitive, they want to know everything including how much money you have in Bank Accounts, Share holdings, Credit Cards - they want to know everything which in the event they are hacked if we have responded leaves us open to being defrauded.
              • Dada WA
                Ask any dumb questions you like - just give me the points.
                • Liane H
                  Still to this day the best one I had as a preselection question was in the last 6mths have you had a bath in tomato sauce ? As it was a multi answer question I think they thought oh let's just throw in a couple of randoms and see if we can screen anyone out early ..hah!!
                  • Siupolu S
                    Yes, question, how much turnover in your workplace annually, then has totals, gee I don't know, I just know the turnover of staff is really alarming with people starting on a Monday morning and not coming back after lunch And another is insurance. How many claims have you made? Is this survey for life insurance before you die or after cos damn that's confusing if I died and came back to do that survey for 22 minutes and earn 750points. I don't even finish most surveys
                    • Pato Lo Duck
                      I got one asking if I had life insurance, I answered yes. Next question was how many claims have you made on the policy…..
                      • Lachelle B
                        Wow, now that's stupid and funny!
                      • Pato Lo DuckLachelle B
                        Actually I realised now that is wrong, the next question was, have you ever claimed on the policy? Which is still stupid and funny….!!
                    • APB
                      some of them a flung together by morons....others seem to have more sinister intentions....
                      • Missy Wyld
                        I have two children: next question radio buttons to click a boy or a girl? WTF?
                        • Chosen
                          Cheer up. I got asked if I was a Male or Female. I answered I was a MALE. Next question asked if I was Pregnant. I am still thinking about my response. You have to laugh. Great entertainment.
                          • Paul G 348946
                            'Person who is pregnant' is becoming an increasingly common phrase in this PC/woke world.
                          • teresa b 607654Paul G 348946
                            it's such a waste of words. Only women can become pregnant. The question that gets this post menopausal woman is: are you pregnant?
                        • Pato Lo Duck
                          I don’t care how dumb the questions are, I only care that I actually get paid the promised amount at the end for my time…
                          • boy blunder
                            yes had a survey question can your 13-year-old granddaughter answer some questions,yes,1st question how old are you,13, 2nd question are you bisexual close survey immediate response just dumb
                            • Missy Wyld
                            • Lachelle B
                              That is terrible!
                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                            Unfortunately, I have and consider it a waste of my time. Furthermore, I immediately LEAVE the survey!

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