General Topic
Alex H 48749806-May-21 11:45 pm
Losing a person we love is a very tragic thing - when I lost my mother a couple of years a go as a person I was devastated and still am at this point and she did a lot for me.
How do we express gratitude to somebody we love?
What is the best thing to do to remember that person
Is it wrong to remember that person and honor their memory
This is an interesting discussion I want to have - and I am interested in hearing from other people about this - different views is important - so if anybody can share their views - please - I'd love to hear from you
  • JustE
    For me I found comfort, or acceptance of my close loved ones passing by writing poetry. Helped me process the passing & accept changing to communicating with them on a spiritual level. I will never forget them & honour them by talking about them and happy or funny memories with my grandchildren, so they will grow up with some knowledge of those gone before them.
    • mary c
      My mum died too young, my daughter was only 6- i think i what i miss the most is her not being around to see my daughter grow up and for my daughter to not have her Nanny around. My dad lived til he was 90 and i truly wasn't devastated when he died as he was very old and weary..a dear old tired fellow..ready to go. Their photos are smiling at me by my bed and i talk to them each night- it feels very special knowing there are beside me :)

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