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Has Australia's health care system become that of a 3rd world country?
Edward S 49734724-Nov-21 04:06 am
Due to my numerous health problems I have been discovering more and more problems with the Australian health care system, leading to me missing out on vital treatments and leading to many other people dying... ( even before the covid-19 pandemic )...
1) Long waits for ambulances to arrive
2) Ambulances are being held up at hospitals for hours on end as there are no available beds for patients.
3) Less and Less doctors and specialists bulk billing.
4) Very small rebates from Medicare when you pay massive specialist fees.
5) Large gap fees on many health care services.
6) More and more government-funded health care services are being privatised resulting in the new owners refusing to bulk bill.
7) Malpractice and mistakes being made by a increasing number of doctors and surgeons.
1) I have lung cancer and cannot afford to see my lung specialist because he does not bulk bill and charges $180 a visit from which Medicare rebates $35.
2) More recently I've been diagnosed with another medical condition that requires me to see another specialist who also refuses to bulk bill and charges $180 a visit, therefore I cannot see him to get treatment.
3) I currently have to get both of my shoulders and elbows x-rayed and ultrasound and if I have both sides done on the same day, using one referral I have to pay a gap fee of $200; but yet if I have separate referrals for each side and have each side done on different days. there are NO gap fees.
4) For many years, the hospital in my adjoining town used to bulk bill outpatients for colonoscopies and gastroscopies, however, that has now been privatised, they refuse to bulk bill and charge $350 for each of them.
These days if a patient in my town wants to be bulk billed for either of these services they have to travel to a hospital 6 towns away ( 50 minutes by car ). This hospital is located HALF way between 2 country towns with no public transport going there, meaning a patient who does not have a car and cannot get a lift has to pay massive taxi fares for round trips to and from the nearest town.
5) Several years ago I was admitted into a particular hospital to have a part of my 6th RIGHT rib surgically removed for a biopsy. Although several different nurses confirmed the above with me prior to the procedure, the surgeon ended up taking out a part of my 3rd right rib instead of the 6th rib.
What is YOUR own story in regards to the Australian health care system???
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