General Topic
Lactose Free Coffees
Glen E 8847110-Mar-25 11:02 pm
As a lactose free person, I believe I am being overcharged for my coffee/latte as now I am being asked for an additional amount ranging from 50 cents to $1 to cover the soy or almond milk.
However the cost of soy or almond milk at the supermarket is only 10 cents a litre more than normal or skim milk. My lactose free coffee/latte only requires a small amount of soy/ almond milk. So why should it be acceptable in our coffee loving society today to rip off those who are unable to drink the normal milk in the coffee.
It is also most annoying to such people when we pay the penalty for soy milk and discover a little later that the milk in our coffee was normal milk !
Come on Coffee Shop Owners give the soy / almond coffee drinkers a fair deal.
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