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What makes you wanna holler..aka scream-not in a good way.
mary c08-Jun-22 08:02 pm
Ever tried calling the Inland Revenue without having a mild heart attack or need to break your phone against a nearby home appliance?- (not sure what it's called in other countries- IRS in America?).
Tried ringing the 0800 number, began the lengthy spiel of unhelpful options, entered my number, screamed my name, yelled my birthdate, cried my reason for calling..several option numbers later the automaton told me that they were too busy and to ring back or to go to the website. And the line went dead!!! Went to the website to email- checking something important btw- and notice said reply might take 3 weeks.
Mother of the Gods.
Anyone else want to share a similar experience of how to blow your blood pressure??
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