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Points Values
mark 141976402-Jul-24 08:35 am
While I do get alot of fun out of Reward the points they give out for surveys and games leaves alot to be desired The number of times I have almost finished a survey only for some mystery t that technical issue to suddenly appear for example here at Reward is in the last 3 months I have made about $10 and in another site I have made $360 I wonder what others think
  • Tammy 1536309
    Ya I would have to agree. I put my best foot forward but the points take so long to earn
    • Joy L 68767
      I have had a few do that, but I like the games
      • Elizabeth J 447888
        Octopus pay pretty good. You don't get them constantly, as eith Rewardia, but often you get $8 per survey.
        • Sue 834245
          Sound good. With site better than Rewardia? Lately, I’ve the same problems as you said the worst is Dynata…. did them to the end to have ‘error..missing site…’ no point rewarded, what a shonky
          • allin
            i think you should share it with us, we take care of each other here,, i have made $15 here this week so far,, show us the site
            • Chosen
              Still waiting mark .... so what is the other site ??? ...................... "Dreamland perhaps."
              • Jennifer H 722364
                hate the surveys repeat questions and take longer than it says people mental health is good with the games more points here would be good
                • Gary B 393274
                  Happens a lot. Really annoying. And now I've had two completed and get a message saying I've been awarded 0 points!!!
                  • Elaine W 947217
                    Me too. It happened to me 3 times tonight! I have sent attachment to Rewardia. Wonder if they will give me the full points?
                • Debra D 624780
                  I may do 4 surveys, get kicked out of them all, says oops, it is our fault, and lose a lot of points.
                  • APB
                    I'm with Burt...what other site?....if you are only getting $10 every 3 months...and you are still here.. then you must be having a lot of fun!
                    • Burt 1524981
                      What is the other site??
                      • roger b 167654
                        it's frustrating and has been increasing lately
                        • Janet H 854956
                          I quite often get ‘oops! It’s not you, it’s us’ and almost always at the end of the survey😖. Time wasted and points lost. And, they have our information. High scoring surveys too, I might add!
                          • Misty 1534154
                            What would the other be??
                            • Chosen
                              Many come but few go.
                              • boy blunder
                                I make around 20 to 30 dollars a month if I did surveys for money I would go elsewhere I do them to waste some time and this place is a great place to waste time so I am happy

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