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Reality of life as we know it
Edward S 49734728-Sep-22 04:52 am
ALL pensioners and the unemployed need and deserve a decent increase in payments to survive.
ALL low-income earners need and deserve decent increases in thier wages.
However many small businesses have lost a lot of money due to the pandemic and are also struggling to survive, therefore they CAN NOT afford to pay their workers more.
Years ago, within Australia, we use to have a large number of different car manufacturing plants, and their workers were being paid OVER $50 per hour and kept asking for more pay increases... This lead to ALL car manufacturing plants in Australia to cease their manufacturing in our country and moved their operations to other countries where they pay workers much less and still charge the same price, if not more for their products... Many other big corporations have done the same.
Within Australia, manufacturing companies have massive operating costs such as electricity, gas, water, and rents and view Australian workers' wages and entitlements as a massive expense as well.
Many of these big corporations cut their operating costs by refusing to pay their fair share of taxes within Australia.
Many of these big corporations make billions of $s a year in profit, especially the big banks and this is out of sheer greed for more and more profit.... YES, they need to make a decent profit for their shareholders BUT the shareholders only get a share of a very small percentage of that profit which I believe is about a share of 10% or less of those profits.
These big corporations contribute to the massive costs of living through their greed for profit and massive wages and bonuses to the CEOs and these big corporations have MUCH MORE money than their business or family would ever use or need in their lifetime and their children's lifetime BUT they want to increase their profits continuously.
These big corporations, together could solve all of the country's financial and other problems by paying workers a decent wage, paying their fair share of taxes, donating a lot more money to charities, and building cheaper housing ( which also gives them an income through the rent payments ) and by cutting their profit margins to provide cheaper goods and services.
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