General Topic
Chris A 11738416-Sep-22 07:22 pm
Should only medical people be called Doctor, as i believe when your introduced to someone & them call Her/Him (see what i did there) Doctor, you automatically presume that they are a Doctor of Medicine.
  • boy blunder
    didn't bugs bunny call Elmer doc, I think he called everyone doc, I think its a common sense thing you can get medical certificates from pharmacists now, they're not doctors, I have two friends that work in the recycled water business who are referred to as doc because they fix problems, as I am sure there might be a mechanic or two that might be referred to as docs, as long as the guy or girl I see has a medical certificate I don't care what he is called
    • Edward S 497347
      Scientists are called doctors ...GPs are called doctors.... Some medical specialists are called Mister, some are Doctor and some are Professor .... My lung specialist is called Professor.... I think it depends on level of medical education but seems strange that specialists start out as Doctor then becomes Mister again ( as if they lost their degree LOL ) In my opinion scientists should NOT be called DOCTOR
      • allin
        They Call me Doc
        • mary c
          And why are Specialists titled Mr or Mrs? the plot thickens.
          • View all 3 replies
          • Chris A 117384
            I didn't know they were Mary, & I work in Pathology.
          • mary cChris A 117384
            Maybe its an NZ thing. I worked in a Hosp too but those public hosps too common for the posh Mr's!
          • Tom S QldChris A 117384
            Surgeons ? They became so proud to be distinguished from physicians that the title of Mr became a badge of honour, is one story. The other story of interest - the tradition arose before the 1800's when physicians were by definition doctors who possessed a university medical degree (an MD); surgeons seldom had any qualifications.
        • APB
          Yes...that was very strange "them call Her/Him" ...normally you would have used "they".....mmmm..anyhow....its a bit late to change everyone else's titles, on the entire planet... because you are struggling with it...I think you will need to adapt to what everyone else has been doing for a very long time....
          • Chris A 117384
            Your right on them APB, but i was being PC with her used first.
          • APBChris A 117384
            yes...very nice's that working out for you?

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