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Better Ask Benson!
APB10-Nov-23 11:16 pm
YES that ultimate source of all wisdom..a two year old Sheepdog standard Poodle cross..a valuable resource for all your problems..or at least that is what he tells me...
  • Liane H
    Oi Benson ! Riddle me this ..? Q. Oh wait a minute I'll come back when I think of one .
    • Pat C 618241
      A shoodle! He looks very intelligent Al.
      • Lee b 979050
        What happens when you cross a poodle with Sheepdog?
        • View all 3 replies
        • APB
          instant cartoon character?
        • Chosen
          A Pog or a Peep.
        • allin
          2 dogs having some great fun for 15 seconds
      • boy blunder
        we had a great dog a while back he got the paper for us every morning. The only prob was we were not subscribed, but anyway what dog tells the best time;;;;;; and how do you stop a dog from barking in the front yard,,,,what type of dog does a zoo keep
        • View all 6 replies
        • APB
          A watch dog?....put the dog in the back yard?
        • boy blunderAPB
          clever dog and let benson know the zoo keeps shitz zus
        • APBboy blunder
          where do you get good ones from?
        • boy blunderAPB
          google dad jokes about a subject ie dogs
        • APBboy blunder
          I meant a good zus?...I know where the shitz zus are....
        • boy blunderAPB
          sorry on my 6th bourbon bit slow
        The TV show (Benson) or is just another name for AI?
        • APB
          that's the dog in the picture!
          I do have vision issue (duh - I thought it was an image representing AI)!
      • mary c Why Benson does Thomas make me feel like this?
        • View all 4 replies
        • APB
          that is super creepy
        • allinAPB
          i must concur,,,
        • mary cAPB
          could it be one of the Thomases?
        • allinmary c
          is it elizathomas????? 🤣🤣
      • allin
        • Liane H
          Just as I thought... Benson hasn't given any constructive answers so far. Perhaps he needs some multiple choice questions... hmmm or is he just never going to tell?:
          • View all 10 replies
          • APB
            he probably needs at least one sensible question to take part?
          • Liane H APB
            ok ,where have you been?
          • APBLiane H
            Nambucca Heads...5 days going bonkers running around in circles on a beach...practicing impressive skids and playing with other dogs...fantastic...we had a massive storm and even that was fun... did you miss us?
          • Liane H APB
            Surfing? I didn't know Benson wore boardies..
          • APBLiane H
            he is a dark dog with many skills...he still cannot play the piano though...I keep telling him to concentrate...I think a lot of it is caused by him falling off the stool... and his feet cannot reach the pedals...
          • Liane H APB
            l noticed your absence ,yes. I could teach him if I could still remember how to play ,, 10 yrs of classical,,but oh so many moons ago! As for Benson falling off his stool.. hmm? Perhaps he should learn his squat techniques a bit better. Oh dear ,you see what's happened in your leave of absence ,I've been hanging around with that cross dressing Allin too frequently haah !
          • APBLiane H
            I had no idea about the cross dressing....if he is going to wear a dress he just needs to keep his knees together.. and probably shave a lot
          • Liane H APB
            oh most agreed ! Save us from his sins.
          • allinLiane H
            hey,, i resemble that remark,, 😁
          • Liane H allin
            Hee hee !
        • mary c
          Benson are you single?? from Freddie- May pomeranian chihuahua..:))
          • APB
            well its going better than I thought so far...Benson was right...
            • Liane H
              Better scroll a little bit further,, seeeek and ye shall find! Woofer. :)
          • allin
            woof woof woof ;-))
            • Holly Cat
              Hola Benson! I'm Pepito Jose Jalapeno, an almighty chihuahua. Do you know of any stinky, dirty places I can roll around in?
              • Chosen
                Just a dog and its old tricks.
                • View all 5 replies
                • allin
                  i knew you were gonna say that chosen,,,
                • Chosenallin
                  I'm Gunter get you.
                • Gunter LChosen
                  This really is a "shaggy dog" story. Just what I'd expect from you.
                • ChosenGunter L
                  I told you so.
                • allinChosen
                  i knew you were gonna say that chosen...
              • Dada WA
                Jock agrees - woof woof woof.
                • allin
                  ahhhhhhh,, woof, woof, barkbarkbark,, woof???
                  • APB

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