General Topic
Rewardian Struggle Sorrow and Achievement Songs
mary c14-Jul-22 08:26 pm
Tonites one is suprisingly quite positive..maybe coz i've just made the 50,000.
A damn good song- crank it up LOUD..unless you hate the Police. xGpk4GOxJr4
link below.
Comments - Page 10
  • allin
    it don't get much more struggle and sorrow than this,,,,
    • mary c
      Yes- i love this band- the song definitely epitomizes sorrow and futility..The comments under the vid say alot too. Mr Man is currently following Russia's war against Ukraine very closely.
  • allin
    Mr Sam Kinison this guy will make you smile Mary ;-))
    • View all 3 replies
    • mary c
      checking it out now! heard this today amidst masses of great sounz at mr man's cave. The vid might be a bit distracting haha but good song.
    • allinmary c
      one of my favs,,, luv me some seether ;-))
    • mary c
      Wow never seen this fellow before- what a funny guy- loved the rant in the middle of the song. He went before his time :(
  • mary c
    • allin
      rerun Sunday,, sorry, love this song
      • View all 4 replies
      • mary c
        Love sunday reruns! though its tues here- hubby a bit poorly so late home. Carlos and Everlast- great song.
      • allinmary c
        mr man ok ??
      • mary callin
        Thanks yes- tho i've been mean and not feeding him anything upsetting for tum that he wants- apart from beer. A man's gotta have his beer at all costs. And magic oil.
      • allinmary c
        ahhhh yes, the magic oil, i just infused a new batch last night,, much better for the lungs for sure,, ;-))
    • allin
      • mary c
        Just back from care home weekend.. haven't opened vid yet but wondering if you have sat night brownie far away eyes. Great vid- man they were good when they did a bit o country..and Mick sure looked like he'd done a bit o puffin too :)
      • allin
        how was the weekend with mr man?? ;-))
    • APB
      Imagine Tom Waits on mushrooms...and Mike Meyers helping out with the video..... The Sexican - Cuarto de la Banda
      • View all 4 replies
      • mary c
        must check out...sounds right crackers it does :) Hope you n youngun have been on a cool walkies over the weekend.
      • APBmary c
        Benson went on his first social visit to meet another dog at home yesterday...then raced up and down an empty dog park in the morning...and then his first proper walk through a park in the afternoon...he should sleep pretty soundly tonight! much to take in...
      • mary c
        that was a very very unusual vid! i had to get some details and scrolled past what looked like russian comments til i got some info in anglais. v interesting. 1969!
      • APBmary c
        You Tube threw it up as the thing I should watch next..scary eh?
    • allin
      The Ballad of Curtis Loew
      • View all 6 replies
      • mary c
        Nice bit of Lynyrd :) We need to find this party..
      • allinmary c
        i have ;-))
      • mary callin
        yeah baby!
      • allinmary c
        in fact i am at that party right now,, ;-))
      • mary callin
        good man! roooooooooooooooooooooooooooolll me another one. ..
      • allinmary c
    • allin
    • allin
      • View all 3 replies
      • mary c
        Great sound! i have never heard of these guys..thought they must be super new but nay. Thankye :) btw took mr wild man to mall today for lunch- first time in 5 months- just happens to be the first week that masks are no longer required..terrifying for me but he drove around in his tank quite fearless.
      • allinmary c
        was rock lobster on the menu?? ;-))
      • mary callin
        man he would have loved that. oh how me n my gal pals loved B52s..
    • mary c
      Wow get your ears around this and the air guitar goin wild!
      • allin
        • View all 3 replies
        • mary c
          Love it..did you write those lyrics??
        • allinmary c
          ;-)), if i did my wife and i would be visiting NZ, with brownies of course ;-))
        • mary callin
          Hehe please hurry i got toofache :(
      • boy blunder
        see there is a new cartoon out doobie scoobie do. a bit of a expose on what happens in the van when the camera stops, been listening to steven and the seagulls doing acdc weirdly wonderful
        • mary c
          well well that sounds after the camera stops expose. We have steven and the seagulls on playlists but i need to separate him from seasick steve first! i get them muddled..
      • mary c
        Could do with some of mama's baking tonight Allin- owww toothache. Sunday here so the Doobie's are in order...
        • allin
          • mary c
            oh yes..such a good song. Hope all fine at yours and your creatures :)
        • allin
          Mr Zappa definitely struggle and sorrow,,, LMAO
          • mary c
            what a laugh..pain and suffering!
        • mary c
 Pour your fave brew and nibble on your fave nibble and listen to Robert :)
          • allin
            • View all 7 replies
            • mary c
              Oh good- gracias :)
            • APBmary c
              Have you heard Frank Zappas "the secret guitar progressions of Carlos Santana"? is off his album "shut up and play your guitar"...he was so incensed by everyone saying the Carlos was shows you just how good a guitarist he was...almost scary
            • mary cAPB
              no! but i am so about to immediatement
            • mary cAPB
              My word what a collection of works- what an interesting and creative guy- i would like to see a docu on him- wonder if Tubi has one. Love the names of his songs- Treacherous Cretins.
            • APBmary c
              There are a lot of documentaries about him...a mad genius...lots of artists owe him for giving them a start....and there is just so much material....I recommend the album "Overnight Sensation" as the best introduction to his favourite!
            • mary cAPB
              I will find me some suitable tasty treats one eve and find a suitable doc. And album too danke.
            • allinAPB
              mr zappa,, this the one A?
          • mary c
   my older sis went with her son to see these guys last night here in wgn NZ. Go her and go Midnight Oil!
            • allin
              they been around a while 'eh,, ;-))
            • mary callin
              Crikey duck they have :)
          • allin
            Argent Hold Your Head Up
            • mary c
              Great song but as is often the case didn't know the Bands name! the animals here are looking worried at me trying to hit the high note haha.
          • allin
            • mary c
              yeeeikes had to clean the hovel last night as my sister and her husband were in town for a visit- first humans i have had here in ages. Had no time to enjoy an Allin Special :) til tonite!
          • allin
            i'll contribute to the Monday Foo Fighters concert,,,,
            • mary c
              What a song- what a performance. The 6 hr concert sounded incredible.
          • APB
            Walking around Woolworths a day or so ago they decided to play "Voodoo Child" by Rogue Traders at a reasonable volume...I have not seen shoppers singing along before to anything else...written by Elvis Costello and a couple of other simply takes his record "Pump it up"...steals bits of chorus from Plastic Bertram's punk hit (which were piss takes of the Beach Boys)..adds a hot lead female singer..and you have a new infectious hit...It was played to death at Soccer Matches in Australia before games and at intervals to stir up the supporters...better than pump it up and very just want to get up and jump around.... "Here comes the comes the drums.."
            • mary c
              headin to the great Spotify and or YouTube to remind myself of this song. I would prob enjoy shopping more if great music was being blasted through the shop. Could be a good ploy to get shoppers spending more. Were you buying stacks of dogfood for hungry boy??
            • mary c
              i went to Elvis in chch in the 80s..damn damn that i didn't appreciate those concerts like i would do now!
          • mary c
   The Foo's. Would have liked to have been at the tribute concert this weekend at Wembley.
            • allin
              • View all 6 replies
              • mary c
                Nice sir..had me singing along. Busy week ahead in your fine homestead?
              • allinmary c
                bunch of appts. you know, the usual old people shit,,,
              • mary callin
                how do you two get about these days? still got some hot wheels or downgraded:(
              • allinmary c
                we have a car and a truck, and i have a ford ranger we take to the local drag strip on occasion,,,
              • mary callin
                ohh ok..not an old Ford truck hiding in the barn?! Hubby had a '55 Lincoln Continental- called Henry. He loved that big fellow. He went to a new loving owner after the day of Reckoning. What was your fave vehicle?
              • allinmary c
                my '71 dodge challenger hemi white, just like the car on the movie Vanishing Point,,
            • mary c
     oops have you already posted this one Allin?!
              • allin
                • mary c
                  Oh sweet corn and grits that was funny..haha thanks for the laugh- love Weird Al. Haven't seen that one before :)
              • Peter T 100083
                ARE we all OK? I think i am rocking along to my 2 million
                • View all 3 replies
                • mary c
                  2 million dollars or points Peter?
                • Peter T 100083mary c
                  2 million points. 85,545 points to go. 70,985 points left.
                • mary cPeter T 100083
                  hmm i wonder how long that will take..any ideas? I'm talking in Earth years not Rewardian ones as they are longer..much longer. One Rewardian day is an Earth year? I must ask one of the Senior Rewardians- you are one of them yes?
              • allin
                • View all 3 replies
                • mary c
                  No-one quite like Mr Ozzy :)
                • allinmary c
                  yes maam, and he is moving back to the UK cuz the USA is so effed up right now,,,,
                • mary callin
                  and his health not great maybe. Hope he has family back in UK
              • APB
                You OK Mary? have been a bit quiet lately?
                • mary c
                  Merci..tres fatigue. Hows things with your new boy..his photo makes me laff.. he looks like a woolly black bear :)
              • allin
              • mary c
                Kiwi song time..these guys are soooo good.
                • allin
                  they make some fine moooosic, i'm glad to find all these new to me folks ;-))
              • allin
                • mary c
                  Man oh man is he amazing...the facial expressions too!
              • allin
                Mr Leon Russel Lady Blue
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                • mary c
                  Didn't know this fellow! what a voice..watched several more vids- and recent ones. You heard of this dude?
                • allinmary c
                  ahaaaaa, i see you have found the master,, he's something else ain't he,, ;-))
                • mary callin
                  Discovered by the other master master. Rushing out to get his online shopping..i asked him if he'd ordered any beer- got laugh and eye roll. Like of course:) Hope you two gobbled all that tasty fishy up.
              • allin
                • View all 9 replies
                • mary c
                  He tells a great ballad! Whats goin down in your fine homestead today..
                • allinmary c
                  well, i got rid of our trash,, (recycle center bout 10 miles),,i could burn it, but i made my living out in nature, for years,, i just do as little damage to nature as i possibly can, and then i went to catch a catfish out the pond and mama bear was going to stuff it and bake it,, so i throw my bait out there and jaws took ahold of it,, 26pounds, one of my breeders, so i threw her back and moved to the other side of the pond and caught a nice 5 pounder,, and yes maam, it was goooood,, and then she made home made biscuits to go with the strawberry shortcake, so i got out bottle of medicinal only oil, and drizzeled me some on my shortcake,, this is the affect >>>>> ,,, how bout y'alls day,, ;-))
                • allinmary c
                  go check out the news headlines page,,, LOL
                • mary callin
                  oh holy catfish..sounds delish. I'm not sure what the kiwi fish is that is similar- maybe trout. not sure. What do you stuff it with- and wrap in tin foil? How cool you have a pond. It sounds so lovely where you are. Bears not steal from the pond??? And get outta town- Strawberry Shortcake- please tell me you had Lashings of cream too haha. We love cream- i feed hubby most of his food as its too hard for him to get fork and spoon up to his mouth- we had cheerio's and cream for pudding tonight. And followed by sleepybyes oil for him. Am a bit nervous to head over to the news page but will have a wee peep hehe.
                • allinmary c
                  she makes her home made stuffing out of bread,, no foil, just naked and stuffed in the oven, or sometimes on the grill ,, mr man is very lucky he has you,, just like my baby, i'm lucky to have her, she saved my life when i met her, i was a little wild at times,, did a lot of crazy shit,, you know the "hold my beer and watch this" stuff, and a lot of not so good stuff,, so yeah,,i reckon me and mr man are very lucky in the woman department,, and i LMAO on the lil blue pill thing,, you need to try some standup,, ;-))
                • mary callin
                  sorry can't help myself..but visions of mama nakid preparing the feast..!!!! ;0
                • allinmary c
                  well, now that you mention it, we been together since 1995,, i got to say, that statement does bring back some memories,,, ;-))
                • mary callin
                  Hehe i think same here...Now am finally got time to play Mr Leon Russel :) Hubby had mr Tony Joe White playing earlier- what a guy Tony Joe- he's still putting out music even last year.
                • allinmary c
                  i did not know if you knew Leon, but i figured if you didn't, he would be getting a new fan,, Leon passed on a while back,, we lost some great music when he did,,,,,
              • nadeeka k
                • mary c
                  that sounds like house or techno...
              • willo
                dont get me down--ELO
                • mary c
                  yes! i totally love Strange Magic too- possibly my fave of theirs at mo. :)
              • allin
                • View all 3 replies
                • mary c
                  oh what can i say..
                • allinmary c
                  i know, right,, his music is amazing, try to find the lyrics from a lyric search site, then when you are youtoooobing you can really follow the meaning of it,,,
                • mary callin
                  Yes i put the close captions on so i could see the words...i knew i would need to :) and love reading people's comments below the video. He is a special person for sure.
              • mary c
       Donald Fagan..did he leave Steely D and then return? or Post Steely Dan..
                • allin
                  don't know, but that song was from the early '80s
              • allin
                • mary c
                  oooh home from weekend at mr mans..what is this song that awaits me :)
              • boy blunder
                bit of a sad song for ya let it get me by roy la montagne and a great tune from colin hay [vegemite sandwich fame] beautiful world a nice toe tapper sing along
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                • mary c
                  Don't know them yet Robert but will most certainly investigate. Funny- i am just playing Donald Fagan- Nightfly. What a Beautiful World song too.
                • boy blundermary c
                  i will check that one ut
                • mary c
                  Robert i just played Colin Hay "Love is Everywhere"- lovely song and vid..great happy vibes.Thanks... And loved the brown dog-we had a precious boy like that too:)
              • allin
                something you may not have heard,,, but hubby will like
                • mary c
                  Funny- he already has Robin Trower- and likes him. Man that Jaime Brockett can do an epic ballad- have definitely not heard him before!
              • allin
                • View all 7 replies
                • mary c
                  Just listening to the whole album now- don't know him- he's great!
                • allinmary c
                  you need a brownie or equivalent ;-))
                • mary callin
                  i need the whole tray! taking hubby out in w/ch van for lunch at working men.s club..first time out for months since covid. actually he needs sm happy oil bf departure so he bit mellow and hopefully not in defence mode!
                • allinmary c
                  good luck Mary, i feel so helpless when i hear the kind of things people are going through, an i can't do anything to help,, but you know, at least A and me will be with you,, not sure if it will help or be a hindrance, but i am pretty sure if you need to smile you can prolly think back to us,, ;-))
                • mary callin
                  Thankyou dear friend. Funny when i hear a good song i think ooh must share with you guys. It was a chillax afo at the Club- not sure if its the returned servicemans club or working mens though at least half the people there are definitely not working any more. Mr man enjoyed a ribeye steaky..yeah! nom nom. NOw I'm watching a very old Cheech n Chong live :) Have a good day you and Mama!.
                • allinmary c
                  glad y'all had a good day,, specially mr man,, he definitely needed a good day and it sounds like ms mary had a good time,, ;-))
                • mary callin
                  i was v nervous around all the non masked people but it had to be done.
              • allin
                • mary c
                  Nice- feeling extra warmth towards this dear fellow in case he is in his twilight time..though who knows!
              • mary c
       been watching American Classic car shows on Youtube today- it has inspired a dang good tune i say :)
                • allin
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • mary c
                    omg brilliant!! great him. Didn't see you and mama bear in it?? Will have to show hubby- you know what he'll be looking at haha.
                  • allinmary c
                    i'm the guy singing with the hat and beard ;-))
                  • mary callin
                    haha...dig his beard!
                • allin
                  i just had to edit that last post 4 times,, lemme find some music that would be appropriate for my condition,, that'll work ;-))
                  • mary c
                    Great haha enjoyed that. When you mentioned Condition this song came to mind.....
                  • allinmary c
                    and oldy but goody ;-))
                • mary c
                  • allin
                    awesome,, someone has been youtooooob surfing between doggy pee breaks, i had not seen that 1 before but it's in my favs now,, i like to listen to my music with my Dragonfly DAC driving some mid range sennhieser phones, as wife does not like speakers, crap falls off the walls and stuff like that, so if we ever meet in person and the 1st thing i say to you is WHAT, please don't take offense, and don't shoot me, i'm only the piano player,,, ;-))
                  • mary callin
                    you n he who is master must meet in this life or the next coz he has giant blasting speakers crammed into his tiny little room aka man cave- he loved collecting speakers- and amps. And has a s-load of headphones too. I've haven't heard of sennhieser - they sound german. He prob has tho.
                • allin
                  Red Rider, Lunatic Fringe
                  • mary c
                    A nice one to come home to tonight :)
                • allin
                  a little Steely Dan
                  • mary c
                    One of my favourites :) love them big time. Did you get link below??fat freddy- fish in the sea :)
                • allin
                  11 years old, Hotel California, Mary this is for you and hubby, i found this kid the other day, he is 11 here, but he jams with Santana at 9,, Hotel California jamming with Santana, 9 year old
                  • View all 7 replies
                  • mary c
                    ohhMG..he is amazing! how talented- thanks for that. I need to find this little guy some more :)
                  • allinmary c
                    oh there are a shitload of vids of him, and i have a bunch,, Tag Farrant
                  • mary callin
                    Will do...Hubby loved too. Here's another kiwi band that is chill..last band we saw live before mr man's stroke. This song so good. haha well i reckon. Shut your eyes and mellow :)
                  • allinmary c
                    how old was hubby when he had his stroke Mary,,,
                  • mary callin
                    48 years young...we both were. Unfortunately the medics didn't think of stroke coz of the young age- and he had tats- and was wearing his sunnies coz the light was hurting his eyes.Its a real lesson in making assumptions. And they didn't have the MRI scanner working coz it was the weekend so he didn't get scanned til the mon and the stroke had done its worse by then. The planets were all aligned for things to happen how they did i believe. oops too much information!! better send you a gooood song now :)!!
                  • allinmary c
                    wow, that is very young, you are his angel tho,, ;-))
                  • mary callin
                    haaaaa i don't think so. He'd prefer one of those ladies in I don't look good naked vid!!! he does have some sweet Carers though.
                • allin
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • mary c
                    A great song- what a band eh. Here's a Kiwi song fave of mine..reminds me of Southern Cross a bit :)
                  • allinmary c
                    wow, you are turning me on to some great music i had no idea existed,,,
                  • mary callin
                    Man kiwi music is frikken awesome..
                • allin
                  Dr Hook Sylvia's Mother
                  • mary c
                    Great song. Gosh we were looking at some great singers and their ages earlier today. Mr Willie Nelson is 89!! wot a dude! left you a message on the Tech forum Pink survey gripe :)
                • allin
                  • mary c
                    He's good eh..just playing some of his other songs too :)
                • mary c
                  Beaming in from Radio Rewardia..time to get your groove chillax on...
                  • allin
                    did you get that off hubby's playlist,, this one is on mine,,
                    • View all 3 replies
                    • mary c
                      Can't not sing to it- such a song.
                    • allinmary c
                      kinda liking y'alls version better than mine,, tx
                    • mary callin
                      something up there for you this evening to chill to..tho its prob this morning or last night in the great NC :)
                  • mary c
                    Sunday nite in NZ..playin a great Oz band...
                    • Sweetums
                      Pavarotti and Celine Dion sing a duet called "I hate you, then I love you", which has fitting lyrics to describe some relationships these days.
                      • allin
                        • View all 3 replies
                        • mary c
                          i often say that part to myself..despite all my RAGE, i'm still just a rat in a cage... damn right Punkins.
                        • allinmary c
                          that cage feeling,i can relate sometimes,,, i think a lot of people feel like that rat at times,,
                        • mary callin
                          indeed indeed. I actually like ratties.. would like to have one. Don't like the wild ones that chew my pipes though. But wouldn't poison. That is a cruel and drawn out way to cull a poor creature.
                      • allin
                        • View all 9 replies
                        • mary c
                          heading to mr man's..will look forward to playing Pink Floyd sun night! hey it was cool to see you at the bingo hall!!
                        • allin
                          tell hubby i said hey,, good day for you both, and finally we got into bingo together ,,, ;-))
                        • mary callin
                          hope you got a win..i'm still trying!
                        • allinmary c
                          i actually went to bed after that game. but i got 3 wins yesterday, and i scored about 2000 on the 10x10 game yesterday,,, cashout today ;-))
                        • mary callin
                          wot the- 2000 pts..very impressive. how the heck you do that..brownies??
                        • allinmary c
                          it don't hurt none LOL,, it's just a game, you have to try different things and be patient, if you have 3 columns going at once, you will have all kind of plays, don't chase them, make the easy plays and the others will come to you,, patient and pay attention not to fill your board or you will lose out with no moves left,,and you have to do it as fast as you comfortably can,, hope y'all had a good weekend,, ;-))
                        • mary callin
                          I need to saddle up my winged unicorn and fly over for a lesson or two and a brew with mama :)
                        • allinmary c
                          c'mon up, we'll feed you and educate you in the finer points of getting points from rew when the surveys ain't working,, any way we can sneak hubby out the prison and bring him along,, hell, if we both died here together look at the story y'all would have to tell,, but i promise not to put hubby in any dangerous positions/things that i wouldn't do,, 1st thing we be scooter racing, i have a friend that has already told me that if i need a scooter to get around it will do 35mph,, whatchya think, hubby like that ?,, oh Mary you have no idea what trou,,, i mean fun we can get into him and i,,,mama will do a wine cooler or 2 with you, but she not a drinker ;-))
                        • mary callin
                          heeee just read this...maybe it was a good thing you two weren't in the nz army together- the Military Police would have been busy chasing you both. Hmm he can't stand how slow his power chair goes- even tho he is a dangerous driver. There has been numerous times we have needed rescuing- one particular event when he nearly rolled into a river and the fire brigade had to come and lift him and chair to safety. I can imagine you would want a fuel injected scooter/trike that did a decent speed. I'm with Mama- i'm not a drinker these days- love me cup o tea and about 6 sugars haha.
                      • mary c
                        Dear Diary..back again. Two surveys completed and both gone down the gurgler aka Screened out..time for some strong moosik!!
                        • APB
                          I just got paid $20 for doing ONE survey on Pure Profile.....and they also said that I had been selected to be part of the team on the first ship to colonise Mars!....the first bit is true anyway!!...I may have lied about the other bit...
                          • mary c
                            aaaahhh gimme some of what you on!!
                        • allin
                          Jelly Roll Can't You see
                          • View all 3 replies
                          • mary c
                            Interesting guy-and interesting that i saw him on hubby's playlist too..are you two talking to each other haha.
                          • allinmary c
                            it's the great minds thing Mary ;-))
                          • mary callin
                            thats a worry haha. Hey what time is it at yours? we all at bingo!! come play!
                        • Sweetums
                          "I can only imagine" by MercyMe
                          • View all 23 replies
                          • allin
                            you know if you through up a link to your songs folks are more likely to watch it and comment,,, ;-))
                          • APBallin
                            I thought that was your job?
                          • mary cAPB
                            we thought that was your job! God sakes...could we even organize a P***up in a Brewery??
                          • APBmary c
                            I hope that you can next world tour will include NC and Wellington....
                          • mary cAPB
                            awesome..and then we all heading to Mars via the Moon?
                          • APBmary c
                            depends which company you fly with...some fly direct
                          • mary cAPB
                            Mushroom Airways? And are you performing on your World Tour?
                          • APBmary c
                            I'm totally game if someone can give me a band to support fact I'd love it! ...if the pays good enough I'd even attempt standup
                          • mary cAPB
                            singing? playing the scottish spoons? i'd pay to see you- peut etre
                          • APBmary c
                            My voice is pretty shit now...but I used to busk...and I have sung to an audience before in restaurants (one song a night for a long time)...I stood in and played bass for a local punk band one night as well...hey the worlds my oyster
                          • mary cAPB
                            ohhh brilliant..your life sounds like its been a blast..more to come?! re the band performance that is a photo i would like to see on here- along with the woollen pants forum that vanished into the mists. Heading to the Bingo Hall carriage awaits.
                          • APBmary c
                            I've been playing on there for hours!
                          • mary cAPB
                            after a bit of screen juggling last nite i managed to get bingo and my tv show side by side so i could do both..two screens would be better tho. haha two laptops in bed- yeah why not. And the tv going in the background.
                          • APBmary c
                            Thats the way...passive income
                          • mary cAPB
                            unless you need a Manager for your career and we could reel in the loot.
                          • APBmary c
                            I'll give you 20% what have you got planned for me?...I did 3 or 4 nights standup of them went well...
                          • mary cAPB
                            we need a Marketing Specialist..Allin? Hair n Makeup? Something tells me you would get kransky having anyone tell you what to do?! Where did you do the standup- were you sober??
                          • APBmary c
                            a thing called "Spike Week" in honour of Spike Milligan on the central coast of NSW....spikes brother lived in Woy Woy and Spike hated the place...that didn't deter the locals naming a bridge after him and organising the first Spike Week (they never bothered to have any more...but I came in third!!)...people talk about a tough crowd..I got bombarded with stuff at one gig...and had to throw two idiots back off the stage...but the weird thing is that that not only gives you more confidence..but it gives you great material for the next was a rush....
                          • mary cAPB
                            ohh wow i loved Spike- why did i think he was Brit? It sounded like great fun and totally crazy. What year? Mr Allin was just on bingo!
                          • APBmary c
                            No Spike was a brit....his brother emigrated to Woy Woy after receiving bad advice...Spike called Woy Woy the worlds largest above ground cemetery....although these days it also has bikeys and drug dealers as well...on the up side house prices are lower than elsewhere
                          • SweetumsAPB
                            Get your own band if you can tour the world. Seems like getting a band would be easy for someone like yourself!!
                          • APBSweetums
                            Thanks Gigi!
                          • Sweetumsallin
                            you know I'm an older lady and don't know how to " throw up a link" except for in the toilet. Lol
                        • Sweetums
                          "Sugar" by Adam Levine and band
                          • mary c
                            Love this song always :)
                        • Sweetums
                          "Wild Horses" done by many artists but I love Susan Boyle's version. She was discovered on America's Got Talent on American TV.
                          • Sweetums
                            I also love"You Raise me up" and "The Prayer"(duet) by Josh Groban. Barbra Streisand does a beautiful rendition of "The Rose". To me each of these are triumph songs.
                            • Sweetums
                              "Fight Song", by Rachel Platten. That's her last name, I had to edit this to put her last name in, as I had forgotten it before.
                              • Sweetums
                                It was a one hit wonder.
                            • allin
                              • mary c
                                haaa get this..said video unavailable in my country WTF!! found another one called Moonshine WILD!
                            • allin
                              Save Me Jelly Roll
                              • mary c
                                What a song...time to blast up the speakers..
                                • allin
                                  • View all 7 replies
                                  • mary c
                                    The all-seeing eye in the sky has departed..who is this new fellow? he's gone! ohhh i like :)
                                  • allinmary c
                                    that is for all the folks that live in the USA that complain about immigrants coming to America, kind of ironic that the folks that stole my ancestor's lands are now bitching about people wanting to come to America for a better life,,,
                                  • mary callin
                                    People have very short memories when its convenient don't you think. I hope you and mama are feeling less like truck ran you over!
                                  • allinmary c
                                    mama feeling great but gets tired easy, i still feel like turds if i do any kind of straining,, but lil better every day, also. i may have found the asswipe that gave us this crud, we may have to talk about this,,,
                                  • mary callin
                                    holy crapoly asswipe..i hope they heading for the Black Mountain to hide that near you?? sorry you feel like sheitey need a TONIC. I bet mrs Allin makes lovely chicken broth..
                                  • allinmary c
                                    the best, from the chicken that stopped making eggs, but is known as prolly the 2nd best chicken soup i have had, my old grandmother saved my life with chicken soup many times i reckon,,,
                                  • mary callin
                                    that is gorgeous...wonder what spesh chicken soup ingredients grandmama had in her soup.
                                • allin
                                  • View all 8 replies
                                  • mary c
                                    Good Lord i love that song haha...they play it on my fave radio station and i love cranking the volume up mega up-esp the bit JEEEZUS CHRIST. Did Jane's Addiction morph from them? Funny..hubby is working on his grunge and metal megaplaylist at the momento so we've been enjoying Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Radiohead, RageATM, etc etc
                                  • Sweetumsmary c
                                    I'm highly offended by the taking of the Lord's name in vain. But you do have your freedom of speech. Just as I do. It just makes me cringe when I see it so blatantly used or repeated.
                                  • mary cSweetums
                                    hmmm maybe its my hundred years of going to a Catholic Girls school from age 7 to 17!
                                  • APBmary c
                                    I was discussing this earlier with you...same target..totally bonkers
                                  • mary cAPB
                                    Oui c'est vrai and different nomme. Unsettling.
                                  • APBmary c
                                    bien sure
                                  • mary cAPB
                                    Marvin Gaye "What goin on??"
                                  • APBmary c
                                    you had better add a link or Allin will tell you off! ...I don't know how to do that so I've stopped.....
                                • boy blunder
                                  hey when you are on your next youtube binge check out Susan Tedeschi don't think twice its alright , this lady can sing
                                  • View all 3 replies
                                  • mary c
                                    alright! i need any excuse to go bingeing :)
                                  • mary c
                                    Actually did you like the Travelling Wilbury's?
                                  • mary c
                                    She is good Robert- and her band! hahah two hours later- you find yourself listening to all sorts eh! Great stuff :)
                                • allin
                                  • View all 9 replies
                                  • mary c
                                    Haaaa that was great! Here's some medicine for y'all :) hope you both doing ok!
                                  • mary c
                                    Hope all ok Mr and Mrs A!! hope this is already happening..
                                  • allinmary c
                                    still hanging in, i'm hoping for a neg test today,, let y'all know , clapton and bramhall,, oh i'm feeling better now tx, ;-))
                                  • allinmary c
                                    still pos, but we are doing better, another test tomorrow,,,, ;-((
                                  • mary callin
                                    ohhh what a beastly business! glad to hear you both doing better..sick of tissuess and hot lemon drinks and not tasting anything i bet. The resident opp hubby was caged up in his little room for 9 days. Fills me with terror that happening. Here's a great kiwi band- a song for when you have a fever...!
                                  • allinmary c
                                    finally, i am neg, but wife still pos,, she feels pretty good, but i feel i been in an asskikikn contest with a pack of mules,, and i didn't come in anywhere near the top of the list,,,,
                                  • mary callin
                                    God it sounds really foul and sorry its taken so much out of glad you back in the feisty land of the rewardian mines- we missed you!! Can you taste things yet??
                                  • allinmary c
                                    today my taste is coming back,,, ;-))
                                  • mary callin
                                    yay!! bring on the Brownies:) gobble gobble
                                • allin
                                  hey Mary, i'm taking a short vacation, it seems that some asswipe has given my wife and i covid,,
                                  • View all 6 replies
                                  • mary c
                                    Daaaamn daaaamn- thinking of you both and hope its a quick and mild dose.. Beam back in when you can...and hope you are stocked with all the necessary Essentials!! :)
                                  • APB
                                    Get out in that sunlight Allin....vitamin D really helps and who needs to take more pills...get well soon, both of you...
                                  • allinAPB
                                    tx A, we working on it,, i didn't go out in the sunshine, but i have both bedroom windows streaming sunlight over my poor wretched body,,,,, check back tomorrow,,,,
                                  • mary cAPB
                                    strange person talking on there last night..seemed odd.
                                  • allinmary c
                                    i hung around bingo a couple nights just trying to make some points and be vertical for a while,, i reckon i miss all the good stuff on bingo that A was talking about,,, prolly a good thing, hate to have covid and get thrown off of rew also,, ;-))
                                  • mary callin
                                    its a jungle in here as well as out there!
                                • boy blunder
                                  has anyone seen the Roy Orbison video of pretty women in black and white wow check out the people in the band or guests, kd lang,Jackson Brown, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Costello, and I think J D Souther great clip ,loving youtube music great place to get lost in
                                  • mary c
                                    Will be lurking on You tube later so will get lookin!
                                  • boy blundermary c
                                    is a feel-good clipp
                                • mary c
                                  Love this song- the
                                  • Katzeye
                                    Congrats Mary!...I got there too :)...took me a couple of months
                                    • View all 4 replies
                                    • mary c
                                      sigh i know..its taking longer! but good to get there- still $50 i need!!
                                    • Katzeyemary c
                                      I brought a new coat with mine hehe
                                    • mary cKatzeye
                                      oooh nice! funky colour?? or black?
                                    • Katzeyemary c
                                      Leopard print :)
                                  • allin
                                    The Wallflowers 6th Avenue Heartache
                                    • allin
                                      Ghost Chickens in the Sky
                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      I guess the song by Fatback Band - "Gotta get my hands on some money" - is appropriate for hitting 50,000 points at - CONGRULATIUONS!
                                      • View all 7 replies
                                      • allin
                                      • mary c
                                        Love it Walter! may i add Celebration Time by Kool and the Gang :)
                                      • mary c
                                        just playing this Walter- can you click on the link. Love it..
                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERmary c
                                        Thanks for the link - which I did clink on - nice! However, I am a Stevie Wonder fan - I have all his music - even when he was called "Little Stevie Wonder" - he started singing when he was young - ever heard of his song "Fingertips - Parts I & II" - Stevie plays a harmonica (music instrument) in the song!
                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERmary c
                                        I like "I Just Want to Celebrate" by Rare Earth - in my humble opinion (Haha) it is a better song because of the lyrics in the song :-)!
                                      • mary cBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                        Thanks! Will go hunting :)
                                      • mary cBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                        He is such a awesome talented musician- and for so many decades- incredible.
                                    • mary c
                                      • allin
                                        • View all 6 replies
                                        • mary c
                                          great vid..young Billy. Special vid for you with fishing boats?
                                        • allinmary c
                                          yeah Mary, right there where he is talking about is where i got my start, i remember when we couldn't sell stripers,, (striped bass), like in the song, it took a big chunk out of all us small boat guys,, but yeah Mary, i got some memories from those years, and a lot of lessons learned,, and i saw Billy perform it in person, he asked if anyone in the audience made their living from the sea,, i was surprised how many fisherman were there, and i think Billy was also,, if you check it out,, Alexa is the name of one of his boats, it's also his daughters name,,, man how i love good memories
                                        • mary callin
                                          I recognized the name as his daughter's. Billy is playing in NZ later this year. I like to find tasty fishy took hubby. Yesterdays was a Monkfish. Prob diff beast over your way. Do you have a fave fishy or are so totally over fish!!
                                        • allinmary c
                                          monk fish is what we called poor man lobster,, you cut it up into chunks and slowly fry it in butter, close as you will get for fake lobster,, good stuff, i have a lot of favorite fish,,,
                                        • mary callin
                                          ohhh how he would like lobster. We had paua fritters on weekend. They nice. You like oysters?
                                        • allinmary c
                                          if it comes from the water, i like it,, but they say oysters are an aphrodisiac, but that's an old wives tale, i ate a dozen one time and only ten worked ,, < hubby might like to use that saying,, ;-))
                                      • boy blunder
                                        forever young by Audra Mae and the forest rangers, just a great version
                                        • mary c
                                          Sounds good- will check out Robert- just hit the YouTube! uh oh- goodbye to the next 2 or more hours!!
                                        • boy blundermary c
                                          watched a bit of youtube today,have you ever seen Kieth Urbans version of[ to love somebody]
                                      • allin
                                        • mary c
                                          ooh you bet me again haha- ships in the night. Checking your link after i send old is he? he sounds great and that guitar playing..
                                      • allin
                                        Hooker, The Stones and slow hand,, Boogie Chillin,,
                                        • View all 4 replies
                                        • mary c
                                          Lordy lordy did they look like they were having fun! i've never seen Eric smiling so much haha. Love Mr Hooker :)
                                        • mary c
                                          is it night time there?? our friend has gone :(
                                        • allinmary c
                                          it's 2:05am,, what you mean gone,,,
                                        • mary callin
                                          holy nightowl - hoot hoot :) phew found him :)
                                      • allin
                                        It's Hard to be Humble
                                        • View all 6 replies
                                        • mary c
                                          Ohh yay- nice to get home- stay at hubbys care home on sat nites- and see what cool moosik might have appeared! :) Mite be mornin in NC-its nightynight time here in NZ and this is the best to chill down to?
                                        • APB
                                          Its time that Allin set up his own discussion page...about...about..well who gives a shit about what its don't need an excuse god damn it just do it!....thats my advice as your lawyer...
                                        • allinmary c
                                          ohhellyeah Mary, it's brownie time,,, ;-))
                                        • allinAPB
                                          i'm working on it, man you Scottish guys are impatient,, you,braveheart, butterscotch,,, oh wait, that ain't Scottish, why the hell not,,,,,
                                        • mary cAPB
                                          and chef? we need more brownies!! STAT now if you read this dear sir- we were watching on Tubi- a doc on Rick James. it was so interesting and you wouldnay believe who he played in a band with in his early days..was quite stunned. Clue- they were called the Mynabirds- that names from memory so might be spelt wrong.
                                        • APBallin
                                          we are still waiting Allin....did you ever work for the British Civil Service?...or British Rail?.....both wonderful institutions that teach one the value patience...
                                      • allin
                                        • mary c
                                          Now thats class music great mr Winwood. Just heard this on one of hubby's playlists haha..
                                        • allin
                                          great song, have not heard that one in a while,,,, ;-))
                                      • allin
                                        The Stone in my Hand
                                        • View all 3 replies
                                        • mary c
                                          That was intense..and so true. Saw a vid of him and Santana- :)
                                        • allinmary c
                                          put your lights on, was it, and one of the best songs ever made, i think i posted it early on,,,, yeah Mary, i have a lot of Everlast music,, hey, didn't A have a comedy thread,, and why can't a certain NZ young lady get one going,, hint hint,, i'm thinking that will get some hits like the moosic thread is,,, ;-))
                                        • mary callin
                                          howdy..i get everlast and everclear muddled..think they are totally different! i say a certain witty bright fellow from NC might be just the ticket for refiring a comedy thread??
                                      • allin
                                        People are Strange,, Dead South
                                        • mary c
                                          hehe you beat me! Dead South are quite something aren't they. thanks and one coming your way :) get that boot atappin...(or slipper??)
                                        • allinmary c
                                          Stevie for the win ;-))
                                      • allin
                                        • mary c
                                          hehe indeed..!! all aboard haha :)
                                      • mary c
                                        what i do when lime surveys come up..
                                        • View all 4 replies
                                        • allin
                                          i do pretty good with lime Mary, but blue is a def no go for me, and have you noticed there has not been any red surveys in about a week or so, at least not when i'm on,,,
                                        • mary callin
                                          ahhhh well at least the limeys are being enjoyed by somebody- i don't think they like nz. Blue's were my main fodder but i keep getting booted out of them before even starting. Main survival is from the lowely paid pinks. oh well.least we got good moooosik to play while we hunt for surveys :) ooh did you get a chance to watch that vid of the jo Rogan interview?
                                        • allinmary c
                                          yeah i did Mary,, good one ;-))
                                        • mary callin
                                          loved to have seen that. quite hilarious. i dnt know who that guy paul is but a great story teller.
                                      • allin
                                        what would be better than constant sorrow for a rew achievement song,,
                                        • View all 3 replies
                                        • mary c
                                          man what a voice she has! hehe George looked like he was enjoying watching her..
                                        • allinmary c
                                          her god mother is dolly parton,,,, george is older, but not dead,,, ;-))
                                        • mary callin
                                          oh what a Godmother to have- i bet she is lovely. Haha George's wife was not looking as enthused!!
                                      • allin
                                        for all you blue survey folks that never get one done,,
                                        • View all 5 replies
                                        • mary c
                                          Durn right that! the blues give me the blues. Haven't heard of Lonnie J til now! That vid was in my born year :)
                                        • allinmary c
                                          yeah Mary, he's an oldie but a goodie, i use to have a friend in Florida, there was a blues club bout 10 mile from his house,, you and hubby would have loved it,, ;-))
                                        • allinmary c
                                          wow,, my son that just passed was born in '66, i couldn't be there when he was born, i was on vacation in se asia, but i held his hand when he made his final flight, not what a parent should ever have to do,, damn i am getting old Mary,,,,,,
                                        • mary callin
                                          my God so so special you were there when he left. I believe in our special loved one's spirits being around us after they have died. Just going to play your link now my friend. :) and just found this wee gem!
                                        • allinmary c
                                          gotta love some honky tonk,, ;-))
                                      • allin
                                        well folks, i have found the Rewardia theme song,,, enjoy
                                        • View all 4 replies
                                        • mary c
                                          ohh hahaha...where did you find that!?. it is indeed quite the appropriate Theme song. Dats one sad bunny :)
                                        • Dianne B
                                          Ha ha good one
                                        • APB
                                          Wee sing looks like a very valuable resource...Wee must mean something different in America right?
                                        • mary cAPB
                                          And those big carrots suggest someone is clearly tripping.
                                      • Peter T 100083
                                        My goal is 2 MIllion points. By years end, it will be there?? 177,425 to go.
                                        • View all 5 replies
                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                        • mary c
                                          you need to factor in Rewardian years- they are longer than earth years.
                                        • Peter T 100083mary c
                                          I have been on here since the start Member 83
                                        • mary cPeter T 100083
                                          oh my..i feel there should be some Knighthood ceremonies this year does Sir Peter sound? How long has Rewardia been running?? and who is our Leader?!
                                        • boy blunderPeter T 100083
                                          been here 4 months now i do 1000 points a day, I thought about the cash in several times but haven't cracked yet till my missus sees the potential spend, well done and good luck with that
                                      • allin
                                        i never go for the big bucks, especially the way rew is working these days, i take my 10 bux just as soon as it's ready it goes into my paypal,, i was on a survey site a few years back, i always waited 'till i had 50 or 100 bucks then cashed out,, they went belly up and took 60 of my dollars with them. lesson learned, money can safely sit in my paypal 'till i need it, minimum payment always now,,, YMMV ;-))
                                        • allin
                                          yeaaaaaaaahhhhh ;-))
                                          • mary c
                                            i want to go to Pink Floyd heaven or where ever they are when i die..
                                        • boy blunder
                                          how about high hopes by Shirly temple, walking on sunshine by Katrina and the waves, I got high apple pie in the sky hopes can't get the bloody tune out of my head, just remember an ant can't move a rubber tree plant but he's got high hopes
                                          • View all 5 replies
                                          • allin
                                            it's always good to be the ant my friend,some nice old tunes there, how many years might you be mate ,, ;-))
                                          • boy blunderallin
                                            hitting 60 soon
                                          • mary c
                                            We've been rediscovering Kool and the Gang! they are great..and how crazy is this- they are still performing. Man what i would give to go to one of their concerts. No doubt not many of the original gang left but they still sound great.
                                          • allinboy blunder
                                            wow Robert, i have 16 years on you, i only asked as i see some of your favs have some time on them,, ;-))
                                          • boy blunder
                                            have loved music from a young age, radio was on more than the tv, have always enjoyed/respected the class and attitude of the older generation
                                        • boy blunder
                                          we got it all tonight by sister hazel more of a milestone than an achievement tune, well done mary, I gotta ask I got an email saying I am now platinum, not sure what that's about I should open it I suppose
                                          • View all 3 replies
                                          • allin
                                            gratz on the platinum Robert,,, ;-))
                                          • boy blunderallin
                                            cheers thank you lots of blue surveys lol
                                          • allinboy blunder
                                            that's just cruel,, LMAO, when, and it ain't to often, i will click on a blue, and sure enough i get the old spinning "i'm connecting" circle of neverland that never connects,,, ;-))

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