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Survival of Australian Pensioners
Edward S 49734718-Sep-22 05:33 am
In one of my recent correspondence with the Australian Federal government, the minister for welfare stated that although Australian pensioners are struggling they receive enough money to cover what the AVERAGE pensioners are spending their money on which according to the government is just rent or mortgage plus electricity, gas, and water.
As a pensioner do YOU have other living expenses to try to cover in addition to the above from your fortnightly pension payments? .... I know that I have many other living expenses to cover.
When the minister for welfare made the above statement I wrote back and said the Australian governments are way out of touch with reality and that I do not know where they get their information from and that if they got that information through surveys then they must have only surveyed a very small number of pensioners and must have only surveyed pensioners who own their home outright and MUST have asked the WRONG questions throughout that survey. FOR EXAMPLE, asking pensioners what they spend their current pension payments on INSTEAD OF ASKING what living expenses you have to try to cover.
I recently made a very strong point to the Australian Federal government by pointing out that in the lead-up to the last Federal election Anthony Albanese made a public statement that HE and his party KNOW that people on minimum wage are struggling to survive financially so their wages should increase by $1 per hour ......
I told Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the minister for welfare that by making that public statement in a roundabout sort of way they have ADMITTED that they KNOW that the Australian pensioners ARE also struggling financially because pension payments are MUCH LESS than minimum wage.
I also pointed out that ALL Australian Federal governments, whether Labor or Liberal have neglected pensioners for far too long because we no longer pay taxes BUT in reality, we the Australian pensioners DO continue to pay taxes through GST on goods and services and through council rates whether we rent or own because council rates are included in the amount of rent we pay.
ALL governments also claim that pensioners receive FREE healthcare and FREE medication once they reach a threshold; therefore I pointed out that pensioners are NOT receiving FREE health care because most GPs now either do not bulk bill OR they charge gap fees AND that none of the medical specialists bulk bill any more AND that pensioners are NOT really receiving FREE medication because MANY pensioners CANNOT afford their medication, therefore, they never reach the threshold where it becomes FREE.
If you are a struggling pensioner please contact the minister for welfare and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to explain YOUR financial struggles ...OR... tell me about YOUR situation so I can include it in one of my future emails to the government
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