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The Kids of today
Brian 51160307-Jul-23 03:36 pm
I know every generation says the same thing
A great mate in Perth recently bought some fuel and after paying saw the goodies on display
So she bought a couple of treats and a bucket of chips and for the guilt assuagement factor a piece of fruit
All up it was say $17.51 The dollar amount is irrelevant the 1c though is not
My friend rummaged and found the right amount in cash and so handed over (To our new friend the spotty teen) $17.50 and turned to go Only to hear excuse me She was expecting to hear would you like your receipt But instead got
" Excuse me but the price is $17.51 " to which she said "Yes , and I have given you $17.50" again turned to go and got a slightly angrier " The price is $17.51 " So back to the counter to sort this out, while a queue is forming
" Please explain how I pay this then " The reply was "If you give me $17.55 I will give you change " so rummaging recommences and the 5c coin found which she dutifully passed over to our spotty friend She's now very interested in how he's going to give her change. Our new young friend then proceeded to ring it up and then handed her back the 5c coin
My friend is a swearer but she was too flummoxed to utter a well chosen epithet on this particular occasion
Any body else got a "The kids of today" tale
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