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Elvis the Movie
Elizabeth J 44788823-Jun-22 08:56 pm
Baz Luhrmann does a great movie in my opinion. I am really looking forward to seeing his movie, Elvis, tomorrow. I am particularly interested in seeing him as a child and learning about his influences, being African-American blues, Christian Gospel and Southern Country. How could a musician be anything but great with those influences? I used to read about Colonel Tom Parker but have no knowledge of him. It will be fun watching Tom Hanks in a fat suit hamming it up as the Colonel.
How many Elvis fans are out there in Rewardia land.
  • Pat C 618241
    Seems like Elvis's ghost is always with us. For ever since he died that sad overweight, drug ridden shell, his memory is kept alive by all the Wannabee Elvises who train off to Parkes, sad but hilarious.
    • Carolyn7 P
      My oldest sister was the fan, and our cat Patches who would run into the room when she heard Elvis and lay in front of the stereo. I grew up on Elvis and will definitely see the movie.
      • roger b 167654
        There's an interesting film to be made about Elvis, especially Colonel Parker and his stranglehold over him, although I'm not sure it's this one. He did have a great voice and was in the right place at the right time, but does that translate into enduring influence considering he never wrote his own songs. Bing Crosby also had a great voice and massive popularity at the time, but do people still listen to their works as much as other contemporaries?
        • Elizabeth J 447888
          I did really enjoy it. I was the generation just after Elvis. The scenes in Beale Street were fantastic seeing where he got his influences from. While I can listen to Mario Lanza and those old country stars a bit, I am ever so grateful that Elvis came along to push things to the next level.
          • allin
            Elvis has left the building,,,,,
            • APB
              Thank you very much!
            • allinAPB
     for your viewing pleasure
          • APB
            I am, at very best, not sure about Baz Luhrmann...Elvis either wrote and/or performed several iconic songs...but I don't care about his life...and this film doesn't deal with any problems anyway, or so I've I probably won't see it...
            • Elizabeth J 447888
              I am reaching out to our Walter. Could you please make an effort to see this movie and give us a review. I think you will love It, just as I did.
              • Elizabeth J 447888
                Do not know. It was not my intention.

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