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A Rewardia Dilemma.
Chosen10-Dec-23 08:02 am
So I turn on my laptop this morning and have over 20 surveys available on Rewardia - - Yea ! (mostly Green surveys and some Pink) I arrange list by highest points. The top 14 Rewardia surveys add up to a TOTAL of 3,318 points.
I close down Rewardia survey site and go to my Pure Profile Survey account and I only have ONE survey available BUT that one survey equates to the equivalent of 3,300 points.
So question is - - do I try the 14 x Rewardia surveys or the 1 x Pure Profile survey ??
I choose the later one at Pure Profile, finished it in 14 minutes, which was on Fuel and Snacks purchases and got my 3,300 points awarded on completion immediately.
As a staunch supporter of Rewardia I am scratching my head re this VAST points differential.
The games are fun on Rewardia BUT it is the surveys and giving ones input that is the commercial reality to both parties. Sure Rewardia have the "occasional" surveys over 1,500 points each but they are becoming fewer and fewer (if ?? one is successfully accepted ) - which also is becoming rarer and rarer) whereas other Survey sites ( not all) are rarely under 1,500 points per survey and one is rarely dismissed .
Maybe I babble on a bit but it is Xmas and I want a Rewardia treat.
We do want to support you but you need to be MORE survey competitive.
THOMAS - Many thanks for all your input over past year and please see this as a commercial input from a longstanding and continued customer. Thanks and the best to you and all your team 2023 and 2024.
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