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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone
Edward S 49734714-Nov-22 02:33 am
It has been a year from hell for everyone, especially for the people in or from Ukraine and for the people who have suffered severe floods, cyclones, hurricanes, fires, and much more,
Also, think of the people across USA who are having to put up with many massacres at schools and other locations every year because their governments are too afraid to change the gun laws.
To these people and their loved ones, my heart and prayers go out to you all.
We live in an ever-changing world in which we never know what is going to happen until it does happen.
There are too many horrific things that have occurred around the world to be able to mention every one of them here, but if you or a loved one has suffered from a horrific event or disaster this year then my thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Let us also think of the lonely and the starving as we celebrate this Christmas and New Year festive season.
There used to be an old saying which was, "Life is what you make it yourself"
Sadly, this is no longer true because our family, ourselves, and our lives are affected in one way or another by these horrible things going on around us.
Regardless of this, although we cannot change the severe weather we CAN and should change the violence within the world, and THINK before getting behind the steering wheel of a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, put your mobile phone away while driving and no speeding on the roads.
Look after your family, neighbors, and the poor this Christmas.
Together we can make a difference, one step at a time. ,, A thousand people changing one step, adds up to A thousand changed steps within this world.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
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