General Topic
The Retail Shopping Experience
Casey J 82990717-Aug-24 01:04 am
Is it just me, or is retail shopping getting worse and worse? I used to love going shopping and looking at the variety of clothes, bedding, or furniture and going online and scrolling through the huge varierty of cheap sales.
Now, I find it so monotonous. There s no variety in anything anymore, most of the clothes are the same top in the same fabric but, it might come in 5 different colours. The furniture is all cheap but, they re on sale for what they re actually worth.. it s hard to find anything durable or too different depending on what you re trying to find.
Is this accurate for anyone else? Or tell me where you re shopping please!!
  • starseed77
    I used to like shopping. I would plan a Saturday thrifting, hidden items, .50c for a pretty trinket was fun. Now seems nearly impossible and just no fun. I do you like temu, that one's fun and I've won quite a few things free shipping just for playing games.. At the end of the day I think shoppers would like to feel rewarded for thier experience.
    • APB
      Everyone wants to pay almost nothing for their new the manufacturers make things as cheaply as possible...when department stores were challenged by online shops...instead of getting more stock and competing they chose running shops on the most limited range of stock possible (take a look at Target) and pretending that they were online shops too....people complain that the Chinese manufacture rubbish...they can and do manufacture things that are as good as anything made elsewhere...but the West only wants to pay for cheap rubbish so that is what they make for them.... buying quality goods in now very expensive...I recently bought a beautiful alarm clock...designed and manufactured in Germany by Braun...the bloody thing cost $ was the ONLY one not made in China...and I could have bought one of those for as little as $5.... I was just being stubborn...
      • Sylvie 1558593
        Le matériel était plus solide dans les années 60,70,80. Meubles, auto, électro ménager ext ..
        • Pat C 618241
          Yes there is nothing real in anything these days. Our clothes all seem to be made of plastic or man made stuff which falls apart after a couple of washes. There is no longer any interesting furnishings, it's all fake plastic made to look somewhat like the real timber we once had before it was all cut down. If you buy a "'real" woolen jumper you pay hugely for the privilege. As I've gotten older I've learned to hold onto as many of my clothes I bought before the great Asian takeover of all our clothes, shoes, glassware, crockery - you name it!

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