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Should our politicians have the same pension rules apply to them ???
Edward S 49734701-Feb-22 05:06 am
In recent years, in Australia the age for the
"AGE" pension increased from 65 to 67 and the politicians still want to increase it to 70.
Also in Australia, there are different types of pensions which include "AGE" and "DISABILITY" pensions.
NO matter which pension we are on we can only earn a certain amount each week/fortnight before we begin losing 50c in the dollar of our pension payments for each dollar we earn in excess of that amount.
In addition to that, IF our superannuation exceeds a certain amount we are either NOT entitled to any pension payments at all; OR are only entitled to a PART pension payment.
As we know ALL politicians receive exorbitant pension payments.
ALL politicians immediately begin receiving those pension payments starting from the day they retire from politics whether they are 25 years of age or 80 years of age....They continue receiving those massive pension payments until the day they die.
In addition; whilst receiving those pension payments, for the rest of their lives they can do other paid work and earn as much as they want each week WITHOUT losing any of their political pensions. Many of these retired politicians go on to do full-time jobs which pay them well over $100,000 a week....IN ADDITION to those full pension payments.
This is also in addition to their superannuation which they accumulated whilst in politics ( which is massive due to what politicians are paid ) PLUS further superannuation which they accumulate from working after retiring from politics.
Should retired politicians have to wait until age 67 to get their pensions?
Should retired politicians only be able to earn a certain amount of extra money each week then lose 50c in the dollar for each dollar they earn in excess of that amount??
Due to the massive amount of superannuation they accumulate while working as politicians and after retiring from politics; should these retired politicians be receiving any pension payments at all ????.
The current "Politicians Pensions" is costing the Australian taxpayers many many millions of dollars each year which could be saved if the SAME pension rules applied to retired politicians, and those savings could be spent on health, education, transport, roads, increase in payments for normal pensioners and much more
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