Daily Poll
Have you had your COVID vaccine?
Louise SOct 05, 21
Comments - Page 3
  • Mark D 429608
    Absolutely. And any idiot that doesn't get it should be banned from sports arenas, restaurants, air travel and any job that requires connection with other people
      yes i have every one shoul'd have it.
      • Rosie 563501
        Yes i have
        • Paul
          Good to see the results of this survey seem to actually match the statistics where I live. Not so good is the 29%....... EDIT an hour later % dropped to 68... Off to my day job of trying to change that! Meet some interesting people with equally interesting theories.....
          • Arthur A
            I had the Astra Zeneca for both my injections given by my GP back in May 2021.
            • Chosen
              What is there to think about it unless you want to get seriously ill.
              • mary c
                There seems to be a serious thing going on..i have a friend who has had to leave with the kids as the spouse has gone crazy and is obsessed with conspiracy theories etc and know of others in the same situation too.
            • teresa b 607654
              Just do it.
              • Melissa C 607868
                One down, One to go!
                • Melanie G 87848
                  Lets get jabbed and get back to normal life!
                  • kristian s 513441
                    I had gotten both of my COVID vaccine.
                    • Julie K 348980
                      I would highly recommend to those who do not believe in vaccines that they should volunteer in a hospital and see how virulent the virus is.
                      • Julie K 348980
                        Whoops - did not mean to like my own post.
                    • Disie
                      Second jab July, so due for a booster in December, according to the CDC
                      • Phyrephly
                        so now it's definitely at least 3 shots, for now?
                      • DisiePhyrephly
                        They say eventually, it will become like the Flu jab each year
                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                      got both jabs, got sick both time - however, I am still above group (and ground) - so - it was worth it!
                      • Phyrephly
                        Glad to hear that, Walter.
                    • Gaza
                      both jabs, didn't hurt a bit.
                      • View all 4 replies
                      • Phyrephly
                        neither of my parents seem to have had any trouble, either,...yet. Here's hoping it stays that way.
                      • mary c
                        yep same.
                      • Phyrephlymary c
                        has to be said though: I have not had one jab, have no intentions to get any. BUT out of my (extended) family of 7 (so, 6 others), my Dad, (who has been jabbed several times), and I are the only ones to have not had Covid. I looked after my Mother for about 3 weeks when she caught it. (after her jabs, with Dad). My sister in law has caught Covid (along with all scheduled jabs), at least 3 times I know about. My brother, her husband has had it twice, I think. Other brother and sister-in law (both jabbed to the hilt), have just gotten over both getting Covid. hummmmm, so much for protection against the lergy I say.🤔
                      • GazaPhyrephly
                        It's not to stop you from getting it, it's the severity of it that it protects you from, especially the elderly.

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