Discussion of the Day
Inspirational books
ZingApr 28, 22
What books have you read in the past that made you really think, it opened your eyes?
I like to read stuff about COVER UPS. People that have experienced things and revealed information... especially when it's not political-correct to do so
or the mainstream media didn't want to touch it.
These sorts of subjects are often on videos as well... these days.
  • Jennifer H 722364
    The Power of Now makes you realise all we really have is now this day ,minute ,second .It gives coping stragies to live in the Now very helpful after sunnden death of my Mother .I live in the now and its helps me to cope woth axnciety and depression.
      Interesting you would read a book - about a Black person - written by a Black person - Are you envious?
      • Riz
        For some reason, this book came to mind: Confessions of a Qantas Flight Attendant. It made me view the cabin crew in a different light. Speaking of inspirational books, I recommend Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell.
        • Paula J 395266
          Many years ago I read The Day of the Triffids and it scared the life out of me, and to this day I am wary of looking at shooting stars and AI. One day I was reading The Readers Digest when I suddenly realized I knew the person mentioned in the story, he was a hero yet had never mentioned the incident. However, the book that really left it's mark on me was a story about The Mayo Clinic. It taught me that medicine is not an exact science and nothing is ever set in stone. I take my GP's advice then check and double check and will ask for a second opinion if I feel the need or don't like the diagnosis. Doctor's aren't gods and can sometimes get it wrong. Then of course there is always the Holy Bible.
          • mary josephine b
            Too many tooname, but most influencing Arthur Mee's Childrens encyclopedia even before I could read properly.. Learnt the deaf alphabet geography history and many fairy stories always something interesting at any age and made me love reading
            • Empress
              Betty Mc Donald (books that influenced the Ma and Pa Kettle movies) - very well written and funny; Biographies of people I want to know more about; crime and how cases were solved; humour; genealogy
              • Imperia S
                If a book does not have a funny side to it I won't pick it up, I have enough people in my ears telling me how I should do things
                • lulu
                  Tom Slemes haunted books
                  • Jania S
                    I prefer the Bible it has everything. Other book are mostly fantasy , to each his own
                    • Josephina
                      holy bible like no other book i have ever read! :-)
                      • Sheree T
                        Have never read any books like that. I am sure they would be very interesting.
                        • michelle 764393
                          carl williams
                          • Colin L 88398
                            I liked Poor Fellow My Country though you need a book stand to put it on as you read it way too heavy to hold so I guess that is why it got broken up into 5 or books that where chapters of the original. The rest of my books are engineering books which to me a research though I do have a copy of every book Phil Irving and AU Engineer wrote and consider them all great. Most are autographed so no one gets to touch them but the wife and me and she only touches them when we move. Knows better to mess with them.
                            • Joe B 288252
                              I usually read with my eyes open but if I find that I’m reading the same sentence several times then my eyes are prolly closed and it’s time to go sleep …….lol
                              • melva m
                                The Passion version of the Psalms is uplifting
                                • JANET R 328390
                                  I have read a fabulous book by Sharnia Twain. "From This Moment On". It is very inspirational and good for anyone trying to overcome past traumas in their life. She has other books too.
                                  • Pat C 618241
                                    Yes Doug me too when I was an impressionable 21. Sadly last year I found an old beat up copy of "Atlas Shrugged" which alas just made me feel sad.
                                    • Edith v
                                      The Tattooist of Auschwitz and the Bible Food for thought in each one
                                      • lynette t 333563
                                        The tattooist of Auschwitz was the most amazing book I have ever read.
                                    • Bugalugs
                                      "The happiest man on Earth" by Eddie Jaku. "The Auschwitz Photographer" by Maurizio Onnis and Luca Crippa. "The Tattooist of Auschwitz" by Heather Morris. If those three accounts of the Appalling things that can be done by Human Beings to Innocent men, women and children - 6.4 million members of the Jewish religion and another 7.3 millions simply because they did not fit in with the beliefs of a Dictator and his collaborators - do not convince you that these monsters should be stopped then nothing will. Hitler described the Polish people & those of the Jewish faith as "Sub-humans, the "Scum of the Earth". The Russian Dictator, Vladimir Putin, has used exactly the same words to describe the Ukrainian People. He Must be stopped or he will, just like Hitler, exterminate them as well.
                                      • peter w 94893
                                        Yes, I'm surprised they even try to negotiate with Putin. They tried to go softly with Hitler too and that certainly worked! He's feeding his people with the same sort of propaganda as Hitler fed the German peoples. History is repeating, which goes to show it's a waste of time teaching it because no one learns from it.
                                    • APB
                                      I prefer eerie disturbing books that make your mind work overtime....here are two..."Fairyland" by Paul J, McAuley...and "The Wood Wife"....by Terri Windling.....both wildly different...but they both take you out to a totally alien place...such creativity and imagination....wow
                                      • mary c
                                        I know its not book related but have you ever listened to Jeff Wayne's musical version of War of the Worlds- we were playing it again today.
                                    • Paul J 94868
                                      Some of Tom Clancy's work is thought provoking...Some say he has sources inside the US military...
                                      • Gaza
                                        Clive Cussler writes fiction but it is based on fact, with a lot of imagination added.
                                        • Sarah G 76834
                                          The most inspirational book ever written is the Bible - it is given by inspiration of God, and can help you in all walks of life. It starts off with the creation, and tells you of Christ's death and resurrection, and finishes by telling you how you can be saved and live in bliss forever in God's kingdom. For more information go to www.thisisyourBible.com
                                          • View all 3 replies
                                          • GrumpyBsd
                                            Who wrote this book, i have been looking in the fiction section of my local bookshop, but i was told it is in humour.
                                          • Lachelle B
                                            Do you ever think you are the inspiration? Not God? How did God earn money for your family? Keep a roof over your head? Pay the bills? Your belief isn't paying the bills.
                                          • Genevieve B 352031GrumpyBsd
                                            Yes, and how did the race carry on when Adam and Eve had two boys? Answer me that one! Just an interesting story, that’s all it is. My parents were brought up in the Exclusive Brethren, before I was born. There was a mass exodus in the 50s. Thank goodness a lot of my relatives got out but, oh boy, the stories.
                                        • Nicole A 764628
                                          Best was a small novel i read when i was maybe 12, 99 PINK BALLOONS
                                          • doug m 408074
                                            Anne Rand - ageless and really made me think!
                                            • Mooi
                                              I can thoroughly recommend a book called The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy. It is wonderful and has so much meaning. I have it on audible and print. I also love Sir David Attenborough, what an amazing life he has had and how lucky are we that he has shared his experiences with us. Another is Jane Goodall. Amazing work with Chimapanzees. Also another great read is 'This is vegan propaganda' by Ed Winters. There are a lot more, I love reading.
                                              • Jenny L 591463
                                                I love reading all sorts of books, especially animal stories I love David Attenborough and Jamie's Harriett the vet his stories. I love reading fictional stories too. Some of my favourite authors are Maeve Binchy, Nora Roberts, James Petterson, Belina Alexandra, Kathy Reichs and there are so many more, too many to recount. One of my favourite books is The art of racing in the rain by Garth Stein. I adore this book and loved reading it I was actually sad it ended. I do find the books are so different from the movies as the books can have more details than the movies.
                                                • Darren S 116121
                                                  for me Bury my heart at wounded knee was one of the saddest books i ever read
                                                  • Jan H 753322
                                                    True stories
                                                    • Sandra C 12043
                                                      The Autobiography of Dame Roma Mitchell.
                                                      • Luna
                                                        I love all kinds of books fiction and non fiction. Recently I finished reading a book called The Telomere Effect which talked about studies that they have done on them and how we can live a longer and healthier life. Highly recommend it.
                                                        • Tiffany L 690503
                                                          horrible histories
                                                          • galarina
                                                            the bible
                                                            • Sarah G 76834
                                                              I couldn't agree more.
                                                          • Simone S 316632
                                                            The Smoking Gun by Colin McLaren about who really shot JFK. Pardon my pun (not intentional), but it blew my mind. His research into the subject uncovering the cover-ups by the CIA and US Govt and the thorough ballistics forensics research he did, makes his revelation very legitiment. There was also a documentary made based on the book. Highly recommend both book and doco. It will change the way you view what really happened that awful day back in the 60's.
                                                            • Sonya F 68771
                                                              Dont read books just do surveys
                                                              • John b 479999
                                                                Sounds interesting
                                                                • Jeanette H 503751
                                                                  Love all books specially crime also love animal stories based on real life . All books are insplrational in there own way so could not pick jusy one
                                                                  • Greg B 520364
                                                                    A Gentleman in Moscow
                                                                    • Raelz
                                                                      Loved everything, LOTR, Swiss Family Robinson, Black Beauty, Little Women, The Phantom (comics) biographies. Now I mostly like action/spy thrillers etc.
                                                                      • Lulu A 753023
                                                                        I use to read lots of spiritual books
                                                                        • Carolyn H 319412
                                                                          A fortunate Life by A B Facey
                                                                          • Maria B 89860
                                                                            I used to read all sorts of books, adventure, romance, mythical. It was both an escape from everyday goings on and entertainment. By reading imagination is much more broadened then by watching someone else's interpretation being portrayed on film.
                                                                            • The dog house
                                                                              A book on the slaves used and abused in America. A woman stabbed because she fell pregnant after being raped by her capture. It made me sick to think how evil America was to human beings. I stopped reading it shortly after.
                                                                              • Ann H 652541
                                                                                I like books that tells a history family or the country as well as a good story line. once I am through with a book then I can remember the people and what the country is like I can tell a lot when it goes in to detail it is like being in that country and doing what everyone else does in that country.
                                                                                • kristian s 513441
                                                                                  I don't read books.
                                                                                  • allin
                                                                                    Mad magazine ;-))
                                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                      "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" written by Alex Haley.
                                                                                      • mary c
                                                                                        We recently watched a TV series called the GodFather of Harlem- main Actor Forrest Whittaker. Such a disturbing and thought provoking portrayal of Harlem in the 60.s- Malcolm X- was so incredible (portrayed by an actor of course).
                                                                                    • Nola B 392757
                                                                                      One for the oldies. Best book I ever read...Is That it? Bob Geldof. About his life, the band, Thatcher and the politics behind Live Aid 1985.
                                                                                      • Simone S 316632
                                                                                        Sounds like it would be a very interesting read. Thanks for recommending it.

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