Discussion of the Day
Reading the small print when shopping in Supermarkets...
APBJun 22, 22
Some things are discounted, or you buy in bulk...it pays to read the small print...the bulk pack is very often more expensive than buying several smaller ones...that Gourmet Pizza is half price...but the half price only applies to one sort...and the pizzas on the shelf there are a different one...and still full price at the checkout...the shelf sticker says a roast is discounted...but you look on the label, and it is still full price... bacon is half price...but the brand sitting on the shelf is different one...this cannot all be an accident...this is theft right?...what do you think?
  • Carolyn7 P
    I talk to a manager if I find something wrong and I usually end up with the discount because the customer is always right.
    • boy blunder
      definitely agree with you have been caught out a lot even leaving last week's specials up, check and double-check they make enough
      • APB
        I really think that Don T is totally impartial in this discussion and is not in the employment of any corporation that owns supermarkets...no really...he is just a regular guy...perhaps over enthusiastic...but he just trusts and loves supermarkets.....very much...and there is no harm in that
        • allin
          i think they have hired some very confused stocking people,, ;-)) but really just the sign of the times, just goes to show you how greed works in many parts of our lives against us,,,,,
          • Don T 805693
            There are times when the supermarkets give a discount to the people who buy the small packages. This seems like socially responsible behaviour. Most of you would call this deceptive because you don't understand.
            • Don T 805693
              If a product is in the wrong place you can besure that 99 times out 100 it will have been put there by a customer who has decided that they no longer wish to buy it because they have found something cheaper or simply decided that they no longer want it.
              • Don T 805693
                Most supermarkets display the unit cost on most items. This allows us to compare the cost of a kilogram or 100 grams or a litre for packages that are not the same size. The problem is that most customers do not bother to look at this information but would rather claim that the supermarkets are being deceptive. That is not it. The customers are being lazy.
                • michael b 383297
                  ive got a lot free from price difference, i go looking for there mistakes
                  • Paula J 395266
                    It's all about the customers. They pick something up then walk on and see something they prefer or it's cheaper. So do they put the original thing back where it came from, of course not, they simply put it where they pick up the new product from. You have to check everything and every label because it happens all of the time, and it isn't the shops fault.
                    • Don T 805693
                      I used to work in a bottle shop. I once fond a bottleof red in the fridge because the customer had decided that they wanted a white instead of the red that they had in their hand.
                  • peter w 94893
                    Yes, it's deceptive and should be illegal. Some stores will give you the product free if you bring it up, but how many people actually notice.
                    • Don T 805693
                      Read the unit pricing. Australian supermarkets provide you with the data to decide which size is actually cheaper. Try reading it.
                  • Priscilla R 316016
                    It is a form of deception - but if you read the fine print and stay vigilant when buying you can beat the supermarkets at their own game.
                    • Don T 805693
                      There is no game but if makes you feel smarter to think that you beat the supermarkets at their game then go for it.
                    • Priscilla R 316016Don T 805693
                      I make sure that I am not taken in by their advertising, don't you?
                  • Florence C 838397
                    I think it is theft.
                    • Don T 805693
                      I think you are wrong. customers steal much more from the supermarkets than the other way around.
                  • lulu
                    No joke, and yes I always do
                    • Jen S (S.A.)
                      I have also noticed that some items are advertised, on special but are still the full price on the shelf.
                      • Don T 805693
                        You really should read the ads and see when the price starts and finishes.
                    • Sarah G 76834
                      Often the cheapest things are on the bottom shelf. Also I buy supermarket own brand - it is cheaper and usually just as good quality. I shop at Aldi but they don't always have what I want.
                      • William P 589978
                        Deception is the normal way these organisations operate.
                        • Busyasabee NZ
                          Yes we get ripped off all the time. I always look at the price per gm as the smaller packets are nearly ways cheaper than the big packet
                          • View all 3 replies
                          • Paula J 395266
                            You have to check the unit price, and it's a pain but very often the one on special is not cheaper. What with checking the unit price, making sure the thing on the shelf really belongs there and the labels for nothing added, the fat content, genetically modified and trans fats shopping is taking me longer all the time.
                          • Don T 805693
                            When the smaller package has a lower unit price than the bigger one this allows those who can't justify buying the bigger box a chance to get a discount. Sounds like a reasonable thing to do.
                          • Don T 805693
                            Dianne I would go with "smaller packets are sometimes cheaper than the big packet, check the unit pricing". When this happens the people who can't afford to buy the big packets get a discount unless the big packet buyers get in first.
                        • Margaret W 669983
                          A good read.
                          • Linda C
                            I have fallen for this a few times but at the checkout I usually realise it and say No take it back. It is annoying. Signs can be on top or below which also makes it hard to find the right product. I always check the price per packet size and yes often 2 smaller packets of something are cheaper than the discounted large one for same volume. I get annoyed also when they give a cheaper price if you buy 2 of something. Being a Pensioner living alone I would not get through 2 of these items in a year or more so not helpful for me. I bought a breadstick once for the price I thought of 79c but when I got home and checked my receipt as I thought it was high (yep that was when I did not check at the counter) I had paid $79.00. I got the money back but I wonder how many didn't/ I don't think you can call it theft. Sometimes it is an error done by the data entry person, sometimes it is poor shelf design etc. Well I hope so.
                            • Daniel T 626103
                              I always look at the price per unit/kg etc because things aren't always what they seem, and fancy packaging can make a product SEEM like a better deal than it Actually is.
                              • Don T 805693
                                Good for you. Just remember who provides the unit pricing.
                              • Don T 805693
                                Fancy packaging can make a product seem more desirable but it simply cannot make it look like a better deal than it is. It doesn't to me. Maybe you look at the goods through a different lens.
                            • Debbie W 69651
                              I always check the labels to make sure it is the item i want to buy as I have been caught before.
                              • Jan H 753322
                                In my opinion it's only a bargain if it is something you need
                                • Sonya F 68771
                                  I try to work it out by how much it cost by the kg buying in bulk not always cheaper
                                  • JANET R 328390
                                    I don't believe in buying discounted food items. They generally don't keep as well - might be different if you have a big family. It is just me. I think most of the shops I go are pretty good - if I found a shop like that - I would shop elsewhere........................
                                    • Merci
                                      advertising standards need to be more rigorous and clearly competition in the grocery sector is long overdue
                                      • Carolina Z
                                        no time to read, no wav to be cheated
                                        • APB
                                          The large print giveth...and the small print taketh away (Tom Waites)
                                          • Paul B 522937
                                            I just buy what i want no time to look at labels
                                            • Jenny L 591463
                                              Yes it is stealing and companies should be made to pay some of the money back to their costumers or just boycott the company all together. Their products can sit on the shelves as far as I am concerned and yes it pays to read the labels especially the price for per kilo etc etc. They try and fool us at every opportunity they can get and it simply isn't fair or just. It certainly pays to keep an eye out and watch what you are buying.
                                              • Laura G 561345
                                                Unless you spend lots of time reading everything then you can not be 100% sure of the details.
                                                • Joe B 288252
                                                  I think the only thing you need to read in the supermarket is the price…..lol, check everything
                                                  • Greg B 520364
                                                    I have been caught out with this practice in the past. But not any more
                                                    • Cherryl T
                                                      I always check fine print when looking at buying larger quantities. I agree it is often cheaper to buy two smaller packages tham the discounted package. however sometimes it really is a discount. checking the weight of the package and its contents is best way to ensure accuracy of pricing.
                                                      • oregonthyme
                                                        It definitely pays
                                                        • PETER M 134659
                                                          IT PAYS
                                                          • Bugalugs
                                                            The trick is to NEVER, EVER buy Pre-packed Bacon, Ham, sliced Chicken, Turkey and other Delicatessen products. Stores today include on their Price Tickets, albeit it in as small font size as they can get away with, the Price per 100 grams or per kilo. Sliced (Australian) Leg Ham at the Deli: $28.00 per kilo, Pre-Packed Sliced Australian Leg Ham $43.00 per kilo. Pre-packed Chicken Breast Fillets: $22 per kilo, at the Deli: $12.00. Pre-packed Rump Steak at the Supermarket $38 per kilo, at the Butcher next door $32 per kilo. Pre-packed Tasty Cheese: $18 per kilo, Deli: $14. Then, of course, once you have managed to get inside the Plastic pack there is the issue of disposing of all that plastic wrapping - fortunately today most Supermarkets have special bins for us to return all that soft plastic wrapping to. Yes, it takes a bit longer but it is well worth checking out those Small Print Price per 100 or Kilo on the bottom right hand corner of the Shelf Price Sticker. Not that we can afford to buy it, but in our local Supermarket they are charging for Pre-packed Eye Filet Steak $63.00 per kilo, the Butcher next door $48.00 per kilo! When at the Deli make sure that the Sliced Meats (Ham, Bacon, Chicken, Turkey, Salamis etc.) are 95% or more Australian. The Supermarkets - ALL of them - are selling these products with as little as 15% Australian Product - probably the salt, plastic wrapping - with the actual Meat component being 100% IMPORTED from Countries and they won't tell us which countries all that Imported meat is coming from so we have no way of knowing what sort of Chemicals,. Antibiotics, Hormones etc. are being used.
                                                            • Magenta Bruine
                                                              Thanks Roman, very useful advice!
                                                          • roger l 315504
                                                            • Carolyn H 319412
                                                              You do have to look very carefully. Sometimes products are not under the real price.
                                                              • Glenys H 310155
                                                                You need to keep an eye on the specials, and check as items go through the checkout and query any items which you think maybe incorrectly priced. I usually keep all items till last which I want to check the prices on it is just been careful as a shopper.
                                                                • Helen L 750218
                                                                  • Luna
                                                                    I got done on 2 different products on my last trip. Even though I read the label they sometimes short hand it so thought it was still the right products. Thought I was getting some Barra fillets for $10 but was charged $17. Identical packaging but the one for $10 was just "fish fillets". The other product should have been discounted but wasn't. Didn't realise until I got home and couldn't be bothered going back. But at the same time I scanned another item, it beeped, I put it down and everything was fine, got home to find it didn't even register on the receipt and that was more expensive than the other 2 products I was scammed on so it worked out. It was the 2nd time I had been to that Woolies and the 2nd time I had issues. The first time I got a product for free because they charged the wrong price but I caught that one and had them double check. That supermarket loves putting products in the wrong places and tricking customers.
                                                                    • Glenys H 310155
                                                                      Hi, don't think it always the supermarket putting products in the wrong place to trick customers, but customers changing their mind and stuffing items back on the shelf anywhere.
                                                                    • LunaGlenys H 310155
                                                                      One item I can understand but not an entire shelf or freezer full. The products I got were the same brand and type all sitting there. I do notice when they are different if I pick one up from the shelf and see different types. Just harder to notice when they are all the same.
                                                                  • Megan K 659578
                                                                    I always look at the unit price to figure out where the better deal is
                                                                    • mary josephine b
                                                                      look very carefully eyesight not too good have been caght out gt not too goog have been caught out on occasions
                                                                      • mary josephine b
                                                                        look very carefully as eyesight not too good have been caught in the past
                                                                        • Rosemary E 383382
                                                                          I have to check the ingredients because of special medical dietary needs but I also compare prices
                                                                          • ken w 873653
                                                                            yes i look at fine print, also where its make, i dont buy stuff made in china
                                                                            • Empress
                                                                              Yes you have to look at the fine print, the unit price where available. You need to pay attention to prices..remember when the scanning thing came in you would get the item for free if it scanned at the wrong price! Still applies!
                                                                              • Igor A
                                                                                Are supermarkets new libraries where we are supposed to read a lot?
                                                                                • Dada WA
                                                                                  It pays to take time to read about offers. Many are confusing. Often a special and the shelf is empty. A few are put out at the start of the day and not replenished until night yet other full price items are. This is to get you into the store. Be aware!
                                                                                  • mary c
                                                                                    Thieving Bs...
                                                                                    • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                      I always check as quite often the place where the special is has been filled with overflow of a similar product by lazy staff. Caught them out a couple of weeks ago and asked an attendant in the aisle. Said that can't be the right price it's never been that expensive. He check and sure enough a stacker had put the items in the wrong place. A lot of times they put one product on special out of a series of the same product but different flavour. Especially drinks.
                                                                                      • Beverley S 383001
                                                                                        Buyer beware . Sometimes a different brand is there because someone is too lazy to put it back in the right place when they find the cheaper one. I always "do the sums" on specials - compare the "per 100 g " prices and you can then buy the best value.
                                                                                        • View all 4 replies
                                                                                        • Lyn A.
                                                                                          don't trust the supermarkets price shown for 100gm, they are not always correct. I always shop with calculator
                                                                                        • Beverley S 383001Lyn A.
                                                                                          I actually work it out in my head Lyn. I was doing it before calculators were hardly thought of. Whew, that proves I am in the old brigade doesn't it. Ha ha.......
                                                                                        • Lyn A.Beverley S 383001
                                                                                          me also, but found sometimes these days the brain doesn't work as well as it used to :)
                                                                                        • Joy L 68767Beverley S 383001
                                                                                          me too, I also keep a rough idea of what I am spending in my head
                                                                                      • Catalina
                                                                                        I hate shopping, but what can I do? Reading the fine prints...they are fine for confusing.
                                                                                        • Alan P 162916
                                                                                          I agree the discounts are usually on the bottom shelves with prices so small you need a magnifying glass to read them.
                                                                                          • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                            I always read the price on the item and that way you can't be robbed
                                                                                            • Chosen
                                                                                              If they do that then just take 20 items to the check out and then tell them you have changed you mind and do not want them and walk out.
                                                                                              • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                I agree with you it's all very misleading, including their email offers ie $20 for a packet of biscuits and when you get to the store it's "Full Price" BECAUSE the email advice is only for ONLINE DELIVERY CUSTOMERS!!!! I think that could be called blatent discrimination! The other day I saw a very elderly lady choosing biscuits for $1 pack Special, however they must have already been snapped up as the Product where the sticker was did not correspond with the offer ... I didn't say anything to her as did not want to embarrass her, thought it could be sorted at the check out. I really only looked as what I would normally got for my family and would also have stocked up .. I understand that it's not always the store's fault as people rummage and just dump stuff they don't want back anywhere/
                                                                                                • View all 6 replies
                                                                                                • Lyn 78550
                                                                                                  I think that very elderly lady was me. Not a nice to thing to happen.
                                                                                                • Maria B 89860Lyn 78550
                                                                                                  Should I now be reciting some of my stuff as I strut down the aisles in case I happens again ... then you could say "I think I've read those words somewhere!" or not!!!
                                                                                                • Lyn 78550Maria B 89860
                                                                                                  Wonderful idea Maria. Then I definitely would know it was you and what a pleasure it would be too meet. lol. Have a good day!
                                                                                                • Mopos
                                                                                                  Sorry MB, I don't see as embarrassing for the elderly lady I see as helping her, especially in todays world ,even if only saving a few cents. :)
                                                                                                • Maria B 89860Mopos
                                                                                                  She kind of moved down the aisle as if vary of strangers, so I did not want to stress her out ... anyway where I shop the assistants are always very helpful and kind so they would have seen to it that she was not caused any embarressment or stress.
                                                                                                • MoposMaria B 89860
                                                                                                  I understand MB.
                                                                                              • Tupulua S
                                                                                                I think , by law, whatever price on the shelf that is the price you pay at the counter, I suggest that always ask to speak to someone, sometimes they are too slow to change their system in pricing of their products
                                                                                                • Sheree T
                                                                                                  I always read everything when buying. I have lost trust in stores many years ago.
                                                                                                  • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                    It is better to always read the fine print with everything you buy
                                                                                                    • SueM2
                                                                                                      I only shop online and being retired, have plenty of time to check supposed "bargains"!
                                                                                                      • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                        I can read everything on the small print when I goes shopping in the supermarkets.
                                                                                                        • gloria N 666866
                                                                                                          the stores will do anything to get you in the door. I think they make things in smaller print just to rip people off.
                                                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                            Hi APB (nice observations): It is called white-collar criminal behavior - you are being robbed - the robber (business) is not literally pointing a gun in your face (yet still robbing you) - aka capitalism
                                                                                                            • Tim P 93786
                                                                                                              I don't always check It's easy to get ripped off when you're short on time The Big2 are paast masters at it?
                                                                                                              • Sandra H 325339
                                                                                                                I agree. I have been caught out only recently - I purchased an item that was on sale and got a few different flavours and once I got home and checked them off my docket found that some were on special but some were not, but they were altogether in the same section? Very annoyed.
                                                                                                                • matthew f 520557
                                                                                                                  Yes, theft through deception. Playing on people's willingness or necessity to make a saving and knowing that people are also pressed for time...
                                                                                                                  • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                    Gotta look at the unit pricing. If they put the Pizza/product stacked behind a discounted price then they can kindly give it to you at that price- thnx The biggest win of all is when the shelf sticker has a discount, but the item price scans wrong - that means free product yee-hah! Beware the full priced item lurking in the 1/2 price section, it is deliberate. Most people will buy it anyway rather than return or quibble. Be brave if it’s not the price you were going to buy it for then they can keep it, sneaky buggers!!!
                                                                                                                    • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                      Supermarkets and drug store do this all the time. Have to beware!

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