Discussion of the Day
How can we make the world a better place?
Abri AJun 13, 21
It's no secret that the world is becoming more and more dark, scary, and negative. What are some things, no matter how small, that we can do to make the world just a bit more bright, hopeful, and positive? Or do you think it's a lost cause at this point?
  • Thomas (Rewardia Support)
    The comment that published by member 'Pato Lo Duck' has been deleted. To all members: please, do not post rude, inappropriate, insulting or offensive comments. You must be respectful to other members at all times.
    • Sweetums
      In our little corner of the world, look out for one another. If every corner did that, our WHOLE world would be different.
      • Edward S 497347
        Eradicate corruption amongst politicians and big corporations. Eradicate some of the causes of crime such as illegal drugs, low wages, low benefits paid through Centrelink, high rents and mortgages, unemployment. Force politicians to take a pay cut, and to cut their pensions, to make them wait until retirement age before they start getting their pension, by allowing them to earn up to a certain amount while on that pension then they start losing part of their pension for each $ earned over that amount...... THEN spread those many millions of $ in savings to people who need the money much more such as pensioners and unemployed. Provide more cheaper housing for the homeless and set up more organisations to help them. To provide better care and treatment for war veterans, including the treatment and care they need to prevent suicides. Eradicate domestic violence, bullying, sexual, emotional, and physical abuse and to provide more education in regards to these problems THE LIST GOES ON AND ON
        • Glenyse H
          In West Australia we have a larg3 group of people who are homeless and are struggling to find shelter, With the huge amounts of iron or3 royalties flowing in, do you think they will address this growing problem. Not a word has been uttere as to how they can address this disaster
          • Aisha A 379399
            Spread the love, stop the hate.
            • Glenyse H
              Drugs are the big problem for youn people in society. We must keep destroying the inputs that are hitting our country and society must help in advising police if the get some idea of who is involved so they can take action..
              • Sweetums
                Its not as noticable, but older people are addicted at an alarming rate. They hide it so much better. Disguised as "prescriptions".
            • LEANNE B 221779
              Only way is to get rid of Murdoch and other greedy billionaires and corporations
              • Elizabeth J 447888
                The media do paint a picture world being more dark, scary and negative but the truth of it is we live in a modern, sophisticated world, with crime and poverty at all time low. There are so many charities helping out those in need. I think we need to think more positively. Do good deeds of course. Buy a homeless person a cup coffee and sit and have a chat with them. Offer to take them to a Housing Commission Office to put their name down for housing. Of course we do not live in a perfect world but think back to your parents and grandparents and how they lived.
                • Priscilla R 316016
                  Every time I go for a walk I smile at those I pass and say hello or hi. It brightens my day when they respond which they usually do as all of us are quite lonely during these shutdowns in Victoria. Especially if your family is more than 5 k away, these days 25 k away. Pay a coffee forward next time you are allowed to buy one and you'll feel better also. It's not a lost cause - it depends on how you react to it.
                  • Edward S 497347
                    Everytime I get served in a shop, or an office or talk to anyone anywhere I always tell them to have a good day ..... This type of courtesy has been proven over time to help minimise suicides because if you say those few simple words to someone who is having a bad day, it shows them that someone cares
                  • Priscilla R 316016Edward S 497347
                    I fully agree with this sentiment also, Edward.
                • Imperia S
                  let the Police, Teachers, and Parents, take back their control over the up and coming young louths, who has no respect for anyone or anything in their way
                  • Dennis M 546874
                    without telling anyone, intentionally do at least one good deed for a stranger every day; remembering it is they who decide if what you do is a good deed in their understanding.
                    • Joe B 288252
                      A random act of kindness can be so rewarding ….lol
                  • Catalina
                    No, that’s not true, who told you this “secret”? Here is an other one: The world is getting better, people do their best to save it and they love it. All sorts of people in all sorts of ways. No lost cause at any point. Otherwise there would be no point to be here.
                    • Sue W 392440
                      find a proper cure to this stupid covid worldwide
                      • Jacqueline R 353303
                        Respect, love, kindness & compassion are the things missing in our world today. Unless this comes back society is doomed sad to say.
                        • Claude H
                          Buy everyone a house
                          • Amber 22
                            To keep things like rewards going and to help others have more money to shop for things like food and drinks and outings and cool things from jb that we can give to others
                            • Amber 22
                              Being Abel to save up money to help the family and others in the long run
                              • APB
                                To make US a little more hopeful and positive we should take time to look around ourselves and regain a sense of wonder and innocence...However I think the World will be a lot happier after we have gone and left it alone...
                                • Larry S 382961
                                  Start by limiting the number of kids born in 3rd world countries. Make recycling compulsory on all things. The government should make the people who design plastics to have reversal process in place or they don’t get approval to make it.
                                  • Nola B 392757
                                    Shopping game 2....give people compliments ..clothes, hair, anything. Like Alison M said so much doom and gloom...make someone's day! More smiles for you!
                                    • Nola B 392757
                                      I play a game when I go shopping (coz I hate shopping) I must help one person at every store. Just little things like...helping put their groceries on the counter, help carry their bags to the car, pick up something they drop etc. Old people and young mothers love the help..but ask first! You would be surprised how many people appreciate it and how many smiles you leave behind..even from those you didn't help.
                                      • Judi D
                                        Showing kindness to one another.
                                        • Alison M 86959
                                          We can have a positive attitude, in Australia, where I live, we are still a lucky country, a democracy, last time I checked, I tend to look on the bright side, can mostly find the good in people, especially since the pandemic, even through we haven't been severely affected like a lot of other countries, we are lucky. I get sick of all the doom and gloom, mainly sensationalised by the media, tend not to watch mainstream/commercial media or social media, which is very unsociable, too much nastiness for me. You have to try and be a glass half full type of person, small acts of kindness, go a long way, especially to strangers, you will find it comes back to you in other ways, if you are lucky enough to have a family and good friends, treasure them, tell them how much they enhance your life, it will come back to you. Value the simple things, a sunrise/sunset, a beautiful flower, nature can heal you, try and leave the traumas behind and focus on the good things in your life, I think you have to try and insulate yourself fro all the horrid things in the world, we only have this life and let it be a gift.
                                          • Ruth v
                                            Share the love and concern for others.
                                            • Sandra C 12043
                                              Greed is what has changed the world.
                                              • Wendy Q
                                                Knock off all the crazies.
                                                • APB
                                                  Only the dangerous ones.....right?....this place would be really grim without crazy people
                                              • MoB
                                                The world is becoming more dark and scary because we are all listening to the looney left and the woke. We should start moving more to the centre by doing what we used to do. Like, look out for friends and acquaintances. Smile and be happy, stop worrying about things that we have no control over. Stop thinking the world is going to end as we know it, they thought that during the bubonic plague, then during the ww1 and ww2, life changes all the time but most of the time its for the best. Keep smiling and the world will smile with you.
                                                • Louisa W
                                                  The coronavirus needs to take a hike and maybe people will be happier and mlre content with life and things will be a much brighter and people will be more hopeful.
                                                  • Maria B 89860
                                                    Maybe the world is lost on many cause, everyone wants to be top dog! Best to just get on with things close to our hearts with kindred spirits, under the radar, and let the chest beaters cover themselves in bruises and knock themselves out! And if someone calls you an Ostrich just dig deeper and let them voice their opinions to whatever bit of you is still sticking out.
                                                    • John B 89024
                                                      I agree with Joanne.
                                                      • Kim N 285099
                                                        The world is big, so we need all people to work together, have empathy, and have a consensus to succeed. The reason why I can’t succeed now is because there are still people who can’t unite.
                                                        • Gaza
                                                          Lets all work together in peace.
                                                          • JANN R
                                                            I think if we all work together maybe we could make a difference where we live that may help if everyone does there bit it might make it better in other places to
                                                            • Joe B 288252
                                                              Always look on the bright side of things…life will be a joy, even the tough moments
                                                              • Stephen F 84899
                                                                I do agree with Julz. Too many wierdos
                                                                • APB
                                                                  Some people may think you are weird Stephen?
                                                              • JULZ
                                                                Get rid of Facebook and other social media platforms to stop online bullying and scamming etc. Life before these platforms was so much easier, and people cared a lot more
                                                                • JANN R
                                                                  I agree too Julz
                                                              • Joanne M 84996
                                                                Lost cause as there is so much angry people and negative thoughts and actions
                                                                • Frank N
                                                                  I think each of us can do three things that will help make the world a better place. The first is to love other people (as we love ourselves). The second is to start thinking about how we can achieve a more just society and then taking action (like talking to your MP, lobbying etc) to achieve a more just society. The third is to view everyone else as being at least as good as you, if not better. (This is true humility, and if practised widely would in itself do away with discriminatory behaviours and actions to put others down in some way). How much better would our world be, do you think, if everyone did all these three things?
                                                                  • Maree B 85308
                                                                    The problem is that a lot of people don't love themselves or treat themselves very well. Maybe we should start at the bottom and help people know there self worth so they can be a light in the world
                                                                • Rod R 101788
                                                                  Make carbon taxes do what the name suggests, create food & drinking water in Africa not Mars, take care of each other & put Grandmothers in charge - they can fix most things over tea & bikkies & be home in time to cook dinner because they don't play whose got the biggest *@#*!, they just do what's gotta be done.
                                                                  • Bill B 394870
                                                                    work towards a multi polar world eliminate US$ hegemonie, recognise national soverignty.
                                                                    • Paul B 522937
                                                                      If we could get rid of money there would be nothing to fight about
                                                                      • Sheree T
                                                                        People should be thankful for what they have and stop being so precious.
                                                                        • Dada WA
                                                                          Not much has changed over the years. Just that now technology is allowing us to see the rest of the world not just our own back yards.
                                                                          • Sonya F 68771
                                                                            we all need to get off social media and dont take to heart what every body is saying
                                                                            • Colin L 88398
                                                                              Once upon a Time we all tried to make whatever we owned better than when we got it but now the belief is consume and consume some more and if you get sick and tired of something buy a new one never repair just buy more. I believe that gives people the idea that to be successful you need to consume at all costs and doing anything else is bad. The Greed is Good CRAP isn't any help either.
                                                                              • Grommie
                                                                                my dear old mum reckoned make all leaders women, and they won't send their sons to war.. then along came Margaret Thatcher, and the Falklands war.
                                                                                • Andrew T 123623
                                                                                  Treat people all the same regardless of religious beliefs, sexual orientation and race.
                                                                                  • The dog house
                                                                                    You would think in an age such as ours things would be brighter for everyone. Unfortunately the world is controlled by cruel people who crave power and money. Animals are poorly treated through out the world. The innocent continue to be used and abused. Still very little is done by the leaders of that Country. China should be made responsible for the deaths so that they can clean up their act otherwise more than likely this will happen again in the future. As of the past incidences China is also mentioned as a possible source of outbreaks. Rich Countries should somehow compensate other Countries after destroying lives.
                                                                                    • jimmy j
                                                                                      all we have to do is work togeather
                                                                                      • Sue2
                                                                                        Stop all this fighting, and see the good in others. We all have good points and we all have bad points. Just try to see the good.
                                                                                        • Beverly I
                                                                                          Very soon this world will be no more ,If you believe there is a better world promised to us
                                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                            The world is always a dark, scary, and negative place for minorities (Example: USA). At some point in time (the majority in any country), will reap what they sow(hatred) - (Example: India)?! It is a lost cause at this point to make the world a better place. "IF" we start taxing the rich, the super-rich, multi-national corporations, and religion (which is never going to happen) - we will immediately see positive results (the above mention groups in my post - under pay around 130 billions in taxes annually - and that number is a conservative estimate by the IRS - in the USA)!
                                                                                            • Diane M 82776
                                                                                              Start talking to each other rather than having your heads in mobile phones all the time.
                                                                                              • Margaret H 127262
                                                                                                No idea
                                                                                                • Sandra B 546769
                                                                                                  To make the world a better place today I think in my opinion it is good to have enough employment opportunities.
                                                                                                  • Kylie
                                                                                                    Being kinder to people
                                                                                                    • Diamond
                                                                                                      Honesty and compassion.
                                                                                                      • Chosen
                                                                                                        Remove the Human race.
                                                                                                        • Nico D
                                                                                                          By being kind to each other regardless of our differences. Hatred breeds more hatred. Those who commit crimes against the vulnerable of society in particular against children, the elderly, disabled people and animals! People who commit crimes against such need to be dealt with severely . Those who take a persons life should do the time/ life expectancy of the person they killed if an infant , then person should be handed a sentence of at least 80 yrs. life should mean life not out in half the time! The victims of such don’t get a choice neither should they! The criminal justice system does not serve the victims .
                                                                                                          • Margaret C 77490
                                                                                                            We need to help each other out as with community more things are achieved,next is to protect others even if we don't know them , encourage others , we need people to communicate with each other more for example calling a friend,Chating to someone we don't know in person as I personally believe we don't do that enough social media is a huge part of my life and most of my friends aswell. Without it I would have next to no social life and I would miss out on alot of interaction and information aswell as competitions I enter and surveys aswell.we need to give praise to others aswell. Their needs to be no wars in the world and a end to terrorism and also we need a new government as we have had to many lockdowns in Australia
                                                                                                            • doug m 408074
                                                                                                              • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                We just need to all take a deeeeeppppp bbbbrrrreeaath. Enough with the crazy energies, already!!!!
                                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                                  Ego maniacs running countries and the world teeters on their egos. Having to deal with these nutters and also the Covid plus every day dramas does not make for an easy life but we can all make an effort to make our little piece of the world a better place.
                                                                                                                  • Disie
                                                                                                                    Smile to a stranger, wave and watch them wonder who you are
                                                                                                                    • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                      agreed...then run, as they reach for their mobile phones to call the cops onto you, accusing you of sexual harassment because you looked at them.
                                                                                                                    • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                                                      I smile at strangers every time I am out for a walk. Haven't been accused of causing harm or sexual harassment yet. May be you have to be elderly to avoid it?????
                                                                                                                  • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                    Everyone needs to nice and kind to one another, This would be a good start.
                                                                                                                    • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                      Totally agree. Do something nice for someone, not even contemplating a reward for that act. The act itself should be the reward.

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