Discussion of the Day
Time Out
Angela SMar 18, 23
Is it okay to put a kid in time out? I have read it all the good and the bad effects of putting a child in time out. Putting all that aside, how much damage is really being done to a child s self-worth when one is being sent to time out? Please let me know your opinion on when and is it appropriate to send a child to time out?!
  • Susan KTC
    I’ve raised to boy’s on my own from 7 and 10 years old, and had little knowledge of parenting children or challenging behaviour, then I went back to school and completed a diploma in early childhood education. Our teaching practices were about teaching children how to manage their behaviour, everything has a consequence, for example, we did separate a child from the group if necessary, seated on a chair, a teacher beside them, however they could still see their peer’s playing, and fairly soon realised they wanted to be a part of the play! Having an egg timer works as well, the child hold’s it, which give’s them something to concentrate on while they calm themselves. Toddler taming by doctor Christopher Green, or books by Nigel Latta, if children are older, whatever you do, look after their self confidence…
    • natalie o 1132382
      if they do something bad just gave them time out at least for 10 minutes and then you talk to your child to find out what is on there mine.
      • Tavi
        It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that children know right from wrong. Yeah, I know, it may be old fashioned to scold a child, but just look at the delinquency rate of children as young as 10 (for goodness sake) that commit crimes. Not enough parental guidance and discipline!!
        • lulu
          Better than a smacking.
          • Norman PSBHRJ
            Kids these days have no respect, not friendly and not enough time outs. When I was a kid, I had time out and I turned out okay. There is nothing wrong letting your kid know they did something wrong and put in time out. How are they going to learn. Sending them into time out also means no playing games and cellphones.
            • Hilary P 701184
              Spare the rod and spoil the child. Children today are rude spoilt and have too much say. In my time you were seen and not heard. You got the strap or sent to your room there was no time out which is ridiculous as I dont think it teaches children anything other than being deceitful and defiant.
              • Catalina
                Time out for the parent would work better...
                • alyssia 1265049
                  I don't use it because my kids just think it's a game and it really doesn't do anything for them.
                  • DIANNE H 1017564
                    Time out is the best lesson.
                    • LESLEY S 385154
                      I actually dint feel time out does anything for a child in the way of trying to get better behaviour. I did not use it myself
                      • Rosemary E 383382
                        It can give both the parent/s and the child time to calm down before the issue is talked about We had a method when ours were little tell them when things happened tell them 3 times why something is not allowed - make sure you explain it at their level of understanding. The 4th time it is punishment of some type. In our case often one of our toys was taken away from us. Time with out toy was dependent on the age of the child and how serious the issue was.
                    • Ruth v
                      It works for the Jo Frost.
                      • Paula J 395266
                        Frankley I think time out is a load of rubbish. However, all of my children disagree and have the time out, one has a blue chair in a corner. I was visiting my daughter one day when one of her children was sent for a time out. As he started to walk away he said "couldn't you just smack me and get it over and done with. I'd prefer it". So even the children think it's a load of rubbish.
                        • Fitzy76
                          I need time out .. Im so over my life
                          • Daniel A 2
                            I'm not a parent. I quess there's nothing wrong with a time out, it could be neccessary. Still maybe if you give it more though on the circumstances something else like cleaning a room is a better punishment.
                            • Elvira D 70287
                              Personally, I think time out is not an unreasonable punishment if done calmly, time out should start at the age round about the age four. Time out should be done according to Age so 4 years old (4 Mins), the whole idea is to teach your child being punished and once time out is over to get them on one to one basis and explain why they were put there in the first place? to enforce discipline and what's not acceptably or even tolerated.
                              • Paula k W
                                Absolutely, they need that time to thank God, they just had to sit and think, versus getting that butt woopin'!.
                                • Greg B 520364
                                  We all need a bit of time out. Will do more good than harm
                                  • John A 623596
                                    Better to talk at their level and discover the block pain or discomfort that causes their naughtiness. Be then loving and supportive of their outcome and not so much your own.
                                    • Carol S 657195
                                      Depending on the tenacity of the child, you could be trying to get him/her to sit down for days! Wrestling with the child is probably what the child is looking for--attention! Growing up, we learned from birth to respect our parents and all older people and to listen what they told us! We were too afraid to misbehave because we didn't get warning, we got smacked! It was NOT child abuse. There were things that were done to me a lot worse than that which impacted me to this day. Trust me, a smack on the butt wasn't one of them! Emotional and sexual abuse were much were and seemed to be ignored in those days! I say smack their ass from the time they are old enough to understand what it is for, AND explain to them after why you did it and that you still love them. You just don't like their behavior and won't tolerate it. They will learn that lesson quickly. It's much more about we displeased our parents than we got smacked! We always wanted to please them because we loved them! Kids need to love their parents, and the parents need to earn that love and show it in many, many way. Reward good behavior!
                                      • Jania S
                                        Children control you with time out. 7 Decades of experience show the new "DR" are not doctors at all. If children are misbehaving this much there is a deeper problem. Try it and see the child will find lots of way to have 'fun' while you are trying to punish. Have firm guidelines feom day one..
                                        • Shawn B 1061185
                                          Well, since a slap on the behind is now child abuse, what else are you supposed to do to get the child's attention? The real question is "What's next?" Say the child doesn't want a time out. What do you do then? I think that if you believe that a child will think about what he/she has done wrong then I think you're giving the child's maturity level too much credit. The child just wants do do what they were doing, rather than what they should do. They understand that you are mean and unfair and they didn't do anything wrong in the first place. They will think of ways to "show you!" If you've got the patience, perhaps a cost benefit analysis will help. Explain to the child what was wrong with their behaviour and why it will cost them "X" number of minutes doing nothing. Then perhaps, some logic and learned maturity will will result in the necessary behaviour modification being accomplished and everyone can be happy.
                                          • SUSIE W
                                            Yes timeouts are beneficial for children and adults !
                                            • Denise C (Qld)
                                              Spare the rod and spoil the child! I maybe old fashioned but a lot of kids these days seem to have the upper-hand or dont recognise wrong doings or value respect.
                                              • Tiffany L 690503
                                                It is good to establish some kind good guidelines
                                                • Rebecca B 614374
                                                  There is nothing wrong with a time-out. It gives a naughty child a chance to think about what they've done. Time-outs always remind me of Supernanny, and how she used them for helping families with troubled kids.
                                                  • Glenda M 1157843
                                                    I think time out is appropriate rather than smacking which your not supposed to do. Didn’t hurt me. Still loved and respected my parents
                                                    • Pat C 618241
                                                      I came from the time when children were spanked for misbehaviour. Some of us became stronger but others, withered on the vine. I think a timed "time out" is reasonable but not one like I used to get "sit there and stay there until your father gets home." In later years I realized how unfair this was for my father.Tough day at work then told discipline was necessary!
                                                      • yvonne l 1107206
                                                        i agree
                                                        • William P 589978
                                                          I don't think a time out causes damage. The child cn be given time to go and relax, to think, to understand, to consider.
                                                          • merricat
                                                            When my kids were little, I made them go sit on the bottom step of the stairs, in front of the closet which had a full mirror so they could think about what they had done. It usually was effective.
                                                            • Pam G 449028
                                                              There is a place for it but you need to start at an early age.
                                                              • Danielle R 478487
                                                                When I was working behaviour management was something we always discussed . It's something I have seen used many times in care settings. Never used it myself. With younger children especially it's hard. I did what worked for me and what I felt was right in my heart. So if I was in a situation where this could be used I prefer redirection to a solitary relaxing activity so the child could calm down,then reinforce the behaviour that I wanted to see.The simpler the better,especially for young children. Most children just want to have fun,want people to like them. They don't really understand in the moment,that what they are doing is wrong. Sometimes it's a learnt behaviour. (Ever gad your child hit you,you say ouch,and they laugh). Imagine them doing that to another child. O.k. ,so I would say to them "we use gentle hands when we play " and gently touch their hand. Then afterwards give them opportunity to play with their friends and repeat those words watch their play and as soon as they display the behaviour I want tell them they are playing nicely with friends,and follow up with it. Older kids I prefer action and consequence (they must know the rules,) be given reminders. So I prefer pro active positive reinforcement. As I said most kids just want to have a good time and to be liked,so give them that opportunity,and tell th what you expect and reward good behaviour often.
                                                                • April 1262799
                                                                  Yes until they are ready to apologise
                                                                  • Stephen Q
                                                                    Yes, and think about recent actions
                                                                    • Mary G 409440
                                                                      We all need time out to quietly consider things we may have done without thinking. I would still like to be able to put one of my sons on the naughty stool or in the corner from time to time but he is in his forties now and too big for me to make him do that.
                                                                      • Colin L 88398
                                                                        No0 damage the child has to learn that there are consequences of what they do and the earlier that they learn that the better off they will be.
                                                                        • Christine M 323842
                                                                          Time out is not a punishment. Time out is an opportunity to diffuse a situation, and give all parties concerned time to bring the emotions down to a manageable level, think, then come back together and talk.
                                                                          • Jilleen or Feisty
                                                                            As long as not too long. As a kid my step dad went overboard
                                                                            • Brenda G 1189403
                                                                              I used to put my kids in a time out, but they did not care because they new it was only for 15 minutes. Sending my daughter to her room helped and counting for my son helped.
                                                                              • Gaza
                                                                                Never had a time-out, got plenty of floggings though. Dad was a cruel man.
                                                                                • Kirsty H 1016139
                                                                                  • Morenita
                                                                                    Yes definitely ok!!!! I still get put on time out and I’m almost 50, lol.
                                                                                    • Lyn 78550
                                                                                      Yes, I agree this is one form of 'punishment' that I agree with. I only once hit one of my girls and now my daughter did the same with our granddaughter with time out. She is now a teenager so this does not happen. I was never belted as a child however, learned with my own girls at a very early age, that hitting a child is more for the anger you feel and of no benefit to the child. Yes, that was the one occasion I did hit one of the girls. Never again.
                                                                                      • Rhian C
                                                                                        I sometimes put myself in timeout too lol
                                                                                        • Bigbee
                                                                                          The attention seeking kids it works great , maybe the punishment should suit the kids personality. There has to be punishment for wrong doings , how else are they to learn.
                                                                                          • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                            I gave my kids time out you sometimes need to do it for discipline and peace of mind
                                                                                            • Jacqueline R 353303
                                                                                              Yes a great idea or counting to 5
                                                                                              • Jillian P 505601
                                                                                                If you can’t smack this is the only way to give real discipline
                                                                                                • Anh D
                                                                                                  yes if it is in the appropriate way, they have to learn a lesson
                                                                                                  • Beverly W 1083564
                                                                                                    yes its appropriate and anytime they are misbehaving
                                                                                                    • JANN R
                                                                                                      I never had time out as a kid or my own kids we where sent to do a job outside and that helped us my kids where the same and it inproved with age
                                                                                                      • nina m 212027
                                                                                                        i was brought up in the 50 and if i did some thing wrong a slap on the bum soon put that right to day we molycuddle them treat them as adults no my grand kids no when they push the wrong button i don,t hit them but i warn them i will count to 5 and look out never got to 5
                                                                                                        • Empress
                                                                                                          Does it help an adult to do that? Maybe removing yourself from a situation is helpful. It is important that the child is heard calmly about what is troubling them to cause the unacceptable behaviour. How do you learn if you don't understand what you have done wrong?
                                                                                                          • Beverly W 1083564
                                                                                                            You make them appologize for the bad behavior,then you ask them why they did it.
                                                                                                          • EmpressBeverly W 1083564
                                                                                                            a lot depends on the age of the child and their understanding of things. Would you apologise for something you did that you had no idea was wrong? We transgress either through ignorance or malice. If you have done something that is wrong and you knew it, then you need to apologise and mean it. I look at things a lot differently now that I am a grandma of a 4 and 3 yr old. I was different when I was a mother in my late 20s/30s and I learned a lot through my own kids. Maybe adults who commit crimes have a deep down need that wasn't addressed as a child.
                                                                                                        • MacAddict
                                                                                                          Time out should be age related. One minute for every year as a rule of thumb.
                                                                                                          • Michelle G 1142329
                                                                                                            Kids need to know that behaviors have consequences
                                                                                                            • Rose I 1205334
                                                                                                              A short time out to cool off is often very useful. But I would say no longer than 5 to 10 minutes
                                                                                                              • Mare
                                                                                                                Yes better than hitting with a wooden spoon.
                                                                                                                • Nicolette P
                                                                                                                  Yes its ok, I used to put my children in time out. They used that time to think about what they had done wrong. Then they would apologise
                                                                                                                  • Sheree T
                                                                                                                    I would sit my children in time out if their behavior required it and when they were able to come and tell me why they were put there and what should they be doing differently they were able to get off the little chair. Rather this method then hitting children.
                                                                                                                    • boy blunder
                                                                                                                      I found it a great way to diffuse a situation and any excess anger, we have the silly corner, the person in the corner can get off anytime once they have figured out what they have done wrong, our chair is a recliner and I quite often put myself on the char when I need sleep, you can hear the kids say has pop been naughty
                                                                                                                      • Colleen M 510798
                                                                                                                        I don't know. I didn't get time out, I got my butt beat. I also got mental abuse from the other parent. My self worth was damaged more by the mental abuse. I felt like I deserved to be treated like dirt for a very long time and so that is what I allowed.
                                                                                                                        • PEN15
                                                                                                                          Agree. Being hit or beat is just not on anymore and for good reason. I’m sorry that it happened to you.
                                                                                                                        • Colleen M 510798PEN15
                                                                                                                          thank you for your kind words.
                                                                                                                      • The dog house
                                                                                                                        It is better than getting the wooden spoon across the back of my leg
                                                                                                                        • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                          I used to be in time out all the time when I was younger especially in elementary school based on my bad behavior.
                                                                                                                          • Flutterby
                                                                                                                            I found time out worked well for both me and my children as it gave us the space to calm down and then talk about what had happened.
                                                                                                                            • Ian M 1116454
                                                                                                                              It’s a part off life.thay have to learn.
                                                                                                                              • Samuel K 1157045
                                                                                                                                Each child has to be taught how to behave with different methods
                                                                                                                                • allin
                                                                                                                                  • Mary M 329762
                                                                                                                                    Up to the person what think is right. Do as your heart say
                                                                                                                                    • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                      I used to use the "naughty corner" all my kids have ended up ok-all great parents contributing to their communities. Time out is the new PC way of doing the same thing. I never put my kids in the bedroom as that should be their sanctuary. Some things, sorry, still require a quick sharp slap. Kids need to be taught boundaries, self worth as well as for every action there is a consequence, as they mature into thinking humans they can decide if they want the consequence
                                                                                                                                      • Steve 327816
                                                                                                                                        Depends on the situation, sometimes effective to have a break away from a situation, BUT other times the child might be sitting there hating on the other kid that caused them to be put in time out, stewing that they missing out on fun and so in the latter case would be building up / bottling up emotion, so the end result could be worse because of the "time out"
                                                                                                                                        • Igor A
                                                                                                                                          Looks like theses days I see too many people with overvalued self worth. Also too many people tend to blame their parents of everything starting with "Why did you give me birth without being able to provide me with everything in this world throughout my high worth life?"
                                                                                                                                          • Sandra F 947877
                                                                                                                                            I know parents who’ve done this. I have never done this myself but don’t disapprove of other parents who do.
                                                                                                                                            • Allen M 1199636
                                                                                                                                              most of the time i feel i need time out more than the child...perhaps we should both sit down and have huggies and share a w(h)ine
                                                                                                                                              • Charlotte S 1084866
                                                                                                                                                Time out is a necessary follow through. If a child never receives any punishments for unwanted behaviour then they will not know the difference. If parents only make threats and never follow through then the child has no respect for the parent.
                                                                                                                                                • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                                                  Absolutely true and we see the results of this in society today! Well said.
                                                                                                                                                • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                  and grow up with no self respect too
                                                                                                                                              • Shemedarose M
                                                                                                                                                My kids needs this they both 3 years😉
                                                                                                                                                • Christina D
                                                                                                                                                  I think time out is good as long as you end it with a conversation with the child about what they did and why it was wrong and ask them what they could do differently next time. I think just putting them in a time out for the sake of it won't work
                                                                                                                                                  • SueM2
                                                                                                                                                    As an aside; what do you think about all the so-called "disorders" now being used as excuses for many anti-social activities? About a year ago, I read of one which seemed to sum up how ridiculous a lot of them are: a child was described as suffering from "oppositional defiance disorder". Could it be that he just didn't like being told what to do? I certainly hope he doesn't decide on a career in the forces!
                                                                                                                                                    • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                                                                    • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                      Wow, they do come up with some "interesting disorders" My middle child if he was a kid now he would be classified as ADHD [or what ever the 'now' thing is called] We all managed [school, other kids and parents] to learn how to handle his "issues" with out drugs. [ I was told of his "issue" be one of his ex teachers after he had left school] the only one of the 5 kids I raised that had the wooden spoon used on his butt.
                                                                                                                                                    • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                                                      I believe that psychologists and psychiatrists have determined that this is in fact a "disease" and the updated version of the DSM V, which is the psychological go to textbook/manual for diagnosis and treatment options for the mental health industry includes ODD as a disease! But it is rarely, if ever, an isolated diagnosis and by the time that the ODD diagnosis is made the child has other syndromes/disease manifestations including Antisocial Personality Disoreder, ADD, ADHD and possibly a schizoaffective disordere or schizophrenia, but that's not often diagnosed in a child. We get back to the "nature versus nurture" question with ODD in that the question is "did the parenting , including discipline or lack thereof, CAUSE the disease to manifest or is it an issue with the child's developing brain?".As a person's brain isn't completely developed until the age of 25 there will ALWAYS be debate when it comes to diagnosing behavioural problems. I hope that this clarifies ODD for you! Have a good day.
                                                                                                                                                    • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                                                      Seriously??? Do you pose the the question for physical illnesses that are being discovered and given names these days. It’s attitudes such as yours that lead to the shame and stigma associated with mental illness that all too frequently ends with suicide.
                                                                                                                                                  • Andrew C 287196
                                                                                                                                                    Wait. The Politically Correct numbnuts deemed smacking was "bad" and now time out is deemed "bad" as well?? No wonder we've got 10 year olds with hammers robbing liquor stores and 14 year olds doing ram raids late at night ... there's absolutely zero penalty for doing something bad. :-\ There's absolutely nothing wrong with a sensible smack on the backside (and no, that's not the same as beating the kid with a weapon).
                                                                                                                                                    • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                                                      Amen to that. It's a lack of discipline when a child is small enough to BE trained, which I believe is 7 years of age but not older than that which has caused the outrageous increases in crimes committed by children. If parents actually PARENTED their children and ensured that they are AWARE that they have done wrong at the TIME of the behaviour, and is either given a smack with nothing more than a hand, or given time out which should be determined by the age of the child, and the parent then ensures that the child is contrite and understands the relationship between both the action that caused the discipline and an understanding of WHY the consequence was necessary after the discipline is over, then everyone in the family can live a happier existence! But ignoring the parental responsibility of "training up a child in the way that he/she should go", well you're more likely to find your teenager standing over you in bed with a gun or a machete because you forbade them from playing a video game or whatever! This is just MY opinion. Have a good day .
                                                                                                                                                  • Pennye R
                                                                                                                                                    Time out or taking away privileges is a good way to get a child’s attention. It there is no discipline, kids will grow up to be selfish, narcissistic adults.
                                                                                                                                                    • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                                                      And often criminals!
                                                                                                                                                  • SueM2
                                                                                                                                                    To be effective, discipline needs to be immediate.
                                                                                                                                                    • Maria Sybella Y
                                                                                                                                                      Time out is just a soft way of discipline. We learned the hard way but nowadays the way our parents disciplined us won't work so it depends
                                                                                                                                                      • Irena T
                                                                                                                                                        Yes, sometimes kids need time to relax and recover in a quiet corner with a soft beanbag and some soft toys
                                                                                                                                                        • stephen m 596524
                                                                                                                                                          Everyone must learn that all actions have consequences. This form of punishment is very mild indeed when compared to previous generations. Best to learn life lessons as early as possible.
                                                                                                                                                          • Glenice L 1244113
                                                                                                                                                            The time-outs I gave my kids when they were small, were useful to them as well as to me- it's more fruitful and kind to talk through things calmly afterwards. I grew up with the principle that every bad behaviour must be checked or we may reap bad consequences. So, I didn't like to send them to their rooms as it was harder to see if they're actually reflecting properly or just relaxing. Each family will figure this out as they go, but I still think it's best to keep them even closer when they act testy/rude- they're simply small and untutored!😊
                                                                                                                                                            • Robert F 1161011
                                                                                                                                                              I've never experienced, nor enforced a timeout on anybody. No child under my care has given me such problems.
                                                                                                                                                              • Amy B 1078427
                                                                                                                                                                I think it’s just fine to put kids in timeout. It gives them time to think about what they did and helps teach patience.
                                                                                                                                                                • GIVIONIA S
                                                                                                                                                                  ABSOLITELY ITS BETTER THAN I USED TO GE A SPANKING OR I COULDNT GO OUT SIDE OR NO TV OR BNO GOING OUTSIDE FOR A DAY OR 2 OR 7
                                                                                                                                                                  • Ghostgirl1971
                                                                                                                                                                    Worked great for my kids when thy were little.
                                                                                                                                                                    • Linda C
                                                                                                                                                                      Every child responds differently. If it works then fine but should only be used sparingly. One has to find consequences for misbehaviour. Teach manners, how to behave, good sportsmanship, respect, etc. all has to be part of good parenting. Yelling is not a good option as I always say when people yell I cannot hear them. It just becomes noise. I do get a bit tired of kids getting away with misbehaviour and Mum or Dad saying "now Johnny, that is not how we behave" or whatever. The kid usually smirks and plays up more I have found. There has to be consequences and yes round the table discussions might help as they get older but not when they are young. I never put my kids in the corner as I thought it was demeaning. They were sent to their room to settle down and if warranted then told the consequences of their actions albeit not when toddlers etc. Common-sense is needed but it is hard work which can be frustrating to a parent. I am glad my time as a parent to children is done and dusted.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Judy CooplandiaQueen
                                                                                                                                                                        Why did I think this had to do with survey time outs it’s like I can’t pour coffee or anything not necessary without getting timed out
                                                                                                                                                                        • Nola B 392757
                                                                                                                                                                          I have worked with challenging behaviours and have seen some bad places for time out. It works if done properly. What ever you do, don't make it cruel or degrading.
                                                                                                                                                                          • Anton A 1225344
                                                                                                                                                                            It's a great way to settle them down if they are hot and bothered or upset and angry about something not going their way. When they have 'cooled down' sufficiently, then you can calmly discuss the who, what, when and why with them. You can help them to understand, that even if their reaction was justified, it didn't really help the situation. If it's because of naughtiness or plain nastiness, they learn about consequences. Bad behaviour = bad consequences, good behaviour= good consequences. So it's a form of discipline without agression, which is never justified. Just remember that when they listen and behave like a perfect angel after some time out, thank and commend them for putting into practice the lesson they learnt and highlight the future benefits for doing so. Then, optionally, a Maccas icecream cone or some other treat will reinforce the benefits of being good.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Kerry P 1257988
                                                                                                                                                                              Kids need rules and boundaries time outs are good
                                                                                                                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                                                                Don't know because I never had a child (however, I survive LOUSY parenting and LOUSY parenting had a negative effect on me - for the rest of my life) - still - reads like a pertinent question for a child psychologist to be asked - based on your child (mis)behavior! However, I do know (from personal experiences - with me being a 'guinea pig' - my parents feeble attempts to change my behavior by using unsound child psychology tactics) that temporarily stop-gap measures (example: time out) for changing a child behavior do not have long term lasting effect - you have to get to the 'root' of the problem/issue!
                                                                                                                                                                                • PEN15
                                                                                                                                                                                  Depends on a lot of things. The age of the child, their personality (like is it actually going to be traumatising if they are clingy or neurodiverse) the duration of the time-out, whether it’s done with a rational, age appropriate explanation for the time out, or a screaming parent slamming doors behind them. Sometimes you’ve got to show your child that there are consequences for bad behaviour, but the way you do that depends on you, your child and what works for them. Best bit of advice that I got was when they do something wrong, don’t say ‘bad boy’ say ‘that was a bad thing to do’ Point out exactly what they are doing wrong, why they shouldn’t do it, and what they should’ve done instead. Always define the behaviour as bad, not the child.
                                                                                                                                                                                  • POPPA
                                                                                                                                                                                    I HAVE PUT MY GRIL IN TIME OUT A LOT THEY NEED IT
                                                                                                                                                                                    • Lady Flamingo
                                                                                                                                                                                      I never had kids, but I would def. put them in a "time out" if they were misbehaving. When I was a kid I'll admit my Mon gave me the slipper once! hahaha!!!

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