Discussion of the Day
Feeding Tradies
Susanne J 766654May 07, 24
I always offer Tradies a coffee or tea when they have a day's work.
I feel guilty when we sit down for lunch. Should I or shouldn't I offer them lunch with us? Thoughts please.
Comments - Page 2
  • Asesh S
    My wife always offers tea, coffee, juice and snacks but they usually bring their lunch and snacks as well so we have never had to offer lunch as of yet but if ever we have to I think we will because it is nice and polite thing to do. That's for my wife and me but it is upto you whatever you think is best.
    • Cher
      The nice gesture on your part is to offer something if you can. The rest is up to the worker(s) to accept or not.
      • Holly Cat
        Offering drinks is good enough. My brother is a painter (paints houses) and he's on the introverted side, so doesn't like being offered anything lol. He just wants to focus on the job and work. He has his own cooler in his work van filled with water and food. He doesn't want to get stuck getting offered food and socializing.
        • Jacob 1508536
          Nah they making money
          • teresa b 607654
            Nope. Already paying through the nose for their services, plus a call out rate. I never got paid for driving to work.
            • Norman PSBHRJ
              When we get some work done at home we always offer something to drink. We also will get them a pizza or some type of food for lunch. If by showing a bit of respect and offering food makes them appreciate us, I will do it. It's not something they expect but it is always nice to offer.
              • Jen nz
                I feel it's the right thing to do if they're spending a whole day at your property doing a job. Often I found they brought their own lunch etc but I like to offer nonetheless.
                • Carolyn S 384198
                  I would always offer a meal to anyone who was at my house at meal-time. They can refuse if they don't feel comfortable about it. You can learn a lot by talking to people informally, things they wouldn't say while working!
                  • writerrochelle
                    Your question reminds me of my working years. Whatever job I had, others soon learned that I would eat anything offered to me! I have a big appetite, and so they would offer me anything they didn't want. As long as I was working hard, I never gained weight, even if I was offered a left over cake, of which I would finish before I got it home! Now, at 76, I'm managing my weight and appetite very well, but really enjoyed all of the leftovers! Waste not, want not. ;-D
                    • Tupulua S
                      Nothing wrong with offering a tradies a cup of coffee/tea and biscuits.95% of the time will politely decline,Good nature of kindness, unless, its someone you know, out of respect for you will sit down and talk with you and maybe a cup of coffee
                      • SUSIE W
                        defo dooo .... good old australian. country hospitality we have zero class system here due to our convict heritage =and everyone is welcolme at my table i married a tradie lol before it was cool and my son is a self emplyed chippie like his dad very proud my daugter is high up in corporate, Without a uni degree and great mentors ......
                        • Sweetums
                          I assume tradies are blue collar laborers. This is obviously an down under "thing". We don't come in contact with our laborers.
                          • Tracey 1419192
                            I always like to offer to feed them.
                            • pam rae
                              being kind and respectful
                              • SUSIE W
                                pam ..........exactly
                              • pam raeSUSIE W
                            • Dsmiles2U
                              simple offer shows respect thanks !
                              • SUSIE W
                            • Sandra C 12043
                              Yes. I always offer tea/coffee & cakes for morning & afternoon tea breaks., cool drinks depending on the weather. Mostly they bring their own lunch, if not yes I will offer them lunch.
                              • SUSIE W
                                lovely lady
                            • Lachelle B
                              When I was a tradie it was always welcomed but never to be expected, didn't sit down with 'clients'. Tradie = tradesperson, Chippie = Carpenter Joiner, Sparkie = Electrician, Lackie = the newest member of the team.
                              • SUSIE W
                                hi lachelle lol huge resentment and discrimination..... in the 80s i was hubbyss T/a paid by love cheap rates '''''' still help out best friend sam, a horticulturist, which i cannot believe , is still not considered a trade redonkulas
                              • Lachelle BSUSIE W
                                Yes, I was in the building industry from 2004 onwards. I got a lot of work because elderly clients and women preferred a woman builder. Also got a lot of flack from tradesmen in the first two weeks til I let loose with my smart mouth and then everything was fine lol.
                            • Glenice L 1244113
                              It's most polite to offer, but due to some unionized trade clauses, they may have the right to decline/refuse. These days kindness is rare (or priced into the jobs). Yet, I would say offer, offer, offer, even water, ice or even a cold one, a shaded chair or a cooler ....it's up to them to accept or not- no harm no foul!!😇
                              • SUSIE W
                                ah glenice , all kindness is appreciated the unions are not the boogy man but in place to stop greedy bosses and corporations ...
                              • Glenice L 1244113SUSIE W
                                I see we are on the same page. I forgot to mention that another great offer for trades workers could be offering them full access to a washroom, especially if they're working for hours/days. Yet, in many instances, homes are not necessarily designed with an extra bathroom, toilet nor powder room, so it's optional too. Once, we had a lady Tradie who was so very grateful to be able to use a washroom onsite.
                            • Tina 423889
                              I dont eat when they are around fixing things as I havn't had someone there that long
                              • SUSIE W
                                wow lucky u as the KYLIE would say .....................
                            • Beverly W 1083564
                              • SUSIE W
                                my sorta gal
                            • Susan 1358065
                              I didn't understand the term "tradies" either, but I always offer food to whomever is around.
                              • SUSIE W
                                as u do............. good manners eg washing machine mechanic etc
                            • Paetra 1497656
                              I am not sure what a tradie is, but based on the picture I am going to say yes. Here in the states we call them construction workers.
                              • SUSIE W
                            • Razzo 1508717
                              It depends if I've eaten or not, if I'm actually thirsty or not, if I decided to not take a break and work through lunch.But its a good job
                              • Teri 1282723
                                Yes, it's only polite and thoughtful. These tradesmen and women are most likely very grateful that you see them as people and not below you. Yes, they're getting paid to do the job for you, but if you're having lunch, offer them a plate. If you're having a tea, offer them a tea. A stick of gum, offer them a stick of gum. Didn't you learn this as a toddler? You share with those around you. If I'm in a doctor's waiting room and have a Mentos, I'll offer one to the others in the room. Often, someone will take one. (I pop it out of the package directly into their palm) Everyone is happy:) And does it seriously hurt to think of others?!
                                • Melania 1508471
                                  Yes you should
                                  • Ek M
                                    when we were having our house re-modelled, I used to offer the tradies a coffee or tea and sometimes they would buy us Morning tea
                                    • Liane H
                                      My son is a tradie so I guess if it was a scorching hot day and he was working outside someone's house for more than a few hours of course I think it's only right to offer drinks at the bare minimum. I always do . It's called manners. Usually they have lunch in the truck or work van or they'll skip off and grab it on break.. But hey most would love a basic sandwich or biscuit with a coffee if you could spare it ...lt's tough yakka labouring . Tip , if you want the job done even better ,be NICE! They're only humans too !!
                                      • Robert 1502471
                                        No they should and must look after the coffee and tea lunches and other food they should supply themself.
                                        • lin r
                                          hat the heell is a tradie
                                          • View all 3 replies
                                          • Liane H
                                            A tradesman. Someone who comes to your house to fix things like a plumber or a concreter and the like.
                                          • lin rLiane H
                                            never heaRd that trm in americca a plumber is a plumber tcc
                                          • Liane H lin r
                                            Yes in Australia it's just a slang term we use , we always like to make words shorter. lol
                                        • Kat 1286896
                                          I often offer lunch, or bake muffins or fresh buns for them instead as they usually turn lunch down. I actually baked a birthday cake for one guy last year (I am a stay at home that loves baking) and it was so much fun for me and my kids. He said it was his first birthday cake in years. Once a man sat with us for lunch. He said was astounded as the week before the clients denied him water on a super hot day. They told him he should have been better prepared. It was 40•c and he was doing a driveway! Do what works for you, but simply giving them the drinks has always been appreciated. Sometimes the little things you're able to do mean a lot more than you realize.
                                          • Liane H
                                            Bet you made his week Kat :))
                                        • Tania NSW
                                          Depends your house your rules
                                          • APB
                                            Do what you want to do...its your house
                                            • Linda C
                                              No a coffee, tea or water is fine. A lunch never and definitely not to sit down with the family. You have to keep it professional.

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