Discussion of the Day
Compliments that can also be insults
Holly CatMay 06, 24
Did you ever give or receive a compliment and realise it's also an insult? What are some you've heard? Why can't we just give each other a compliment without ruining it. Here are a few common ones:
You look good for your age.
You're just my type, I prefer someone with meat on their bones.
You're pretty smart for a woman.
You're a good cook for a man.
Or perhaps these are insults that can also be compliments! How do you respond? Do you just take it as a compliment, say thank you and move on? Or do you confront the person about their compliment being an insult?
Comments - Page 2
  • Lawrence 1262145
    I just say really or I just give them a weird look k
    • Pennye R
      Best to say thank you and let it go. Or if you’re southern, say “Bless your heart.”
      • Kathy 1270954
        My Dad once said to my: I like your new mature haircut, it makes you look so youthful. How do you respond to that?
        • Tracey 1419192
          I take it as a compliment whether they meant it that way or not.
          • Ek M
            Perfect answer pam rae. Always look for the good
            • Sarah 1325723
              Yeah probably the your smart for a girl, or your strong for a girl
              • pam rae
                I JUST MOVE ON AND SAY THANKYOU..!!
                • lin r
                  i say have a good day dear i hate that statment to m it meand eat shit and croak ahole
                  • Marietta M
                    As far as that "meat on their bones" one is concerned, I'd say I prefer people with brains in their head so I'll have to look elsewhere.
                    • Julie K 348980
                      I remember the day my sister said to me “it’s good thing you’re so fat otherwise you would’ve hurt yourself when you fell over”.
                      • Morenita
                        Just say thank you and walk away
                        • Roy R 1009866
                          It isn't the receiver of these comments it's the giver. What kind of person would say any of these things? Don't you have a filter?

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