Discussion of the Day
Why is life harder for some people?
Natalia J 521321Jul 30, 24
Some people are just more sensitive, introspective and thoughtful, and tend to have more angst and ennui about life in general than others. Plus, everything else can be perfect, and you can just get unlucky and have something terrible happen that you could never have imagined or prevented. What are your thoughts? Why is life harder for some people?
Comments - Page 2
  • Peggy S 424034
    I find that I seem to able to “bounce back” easier than alot of people I know. I give myself a little time to recover and then I shake it off and continue with life. I attribute that to hardship fairly early in life; an abusive marriage followed by 16 years of being a struggling single mom. I didn’t have the luxury of taking time to heal or recover. I had children who depended on me so I had a job to do. My parents were the same way. I can’t really remember them dwelling on things. I have a wonderful life but not a perfect life. I think of heartache, joy, death, success and failure, sickness etc. as all being part of life. I cherish all of those moments because I don’t want to miss out on anything, even the bad stuff. It makes us who we are. We only get one shot at life!
    • Susan KTC
      Your so right!
  • Linda C
    Life is no picnic for many and for some they sail through life easily. Most people I know have had tough times whether through losing a loved one or more, just bad luck following them, have had an accident and been hurt badly, domestic violence situations and the list goes on. All we can do is put one foot in front of the other and hope each day we can get a plus in some way. I always say you can go forward one step and back two or three but eventually get there.
    • lin r
      • Daniel A 2
        That's got another name maybe. Like finding the holy grail?I don't think it is possible?
      • lin rDaniel A 2
        not in my area lots of free food
    • Brenda 1521418
      I find life harder. I've tried different paths in my life. I've always started off jobs and projects anxious for things to go well, which they always do. But somehow after a time ( months or years ) things always go pear shaped and I end up leaving and starting all over looking for another job or project. This has led to serious depression and a lot of frustrations. Feels like I'm walking through thick mud and getting nowhere.😑
      • Bibek 1549730
        No money then harder life
        • Zena 1539369
          Maybe just harder in this incarnation.
          • Jan K (Central Vic)
            Reincarnation...sent back to learn lessons you missed in a previous life
          • Zena 1539369Jan K (Central Vic)
        • Regina 1401557
          Sometimes it could be made harder because of the mindset of the individual ...
          • Alice L 212598
            Combination of both internal and external factors.

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