Discussion of the Day
Adulting. 1 star rating. Would NOT recommend.
Dragonfly7Aug 21, 23
1. Planning out a week s worth of meals before going to the grocery store and then not wanting to eat the meal I planned but having to cook it anyway everynight.
2. How incompetent everybody is. when I was a child, I thought adults knew everything. Turns out... that's not true.
3. There s always something you have to do. Like even when relaxing, there are things you really should be doing.
6. Having a job I don t like but can t quit because it pays well and wouldn t be able to get the schedule and paid leave anywhere else.
7. I always assumed all grownups had jobs they loved, found out what they wanted to be and lived happily ever after. Wrong again
9. You don't FEEL 'adult'. I still feel like a kid, definitely don t have the sense of wisdom and maturity I expected.
10. So hard to lose weight and get fit, but soooo easy to get fat and lazy!
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