Discussion of the Day
Keeping Animals
EnBird24Oct 28, 23
Why is it that, there are so many people, especially who owns cats & dogs, they don't look after them. To me, it doesn't matter what animal you choose to own. If you chose a pet to have, it is your responsibility to look after it. A pet is the same way as looking after a child. You need to vaccinate it, play with it, get them some pet toys, exercise it, clean its droppings, feed it, give it something to drink & put it to bed. With all these responsibilities, nothing is different to a child. So why aren't most people doing this? Lots of them just say we have a pet & that is to it. No, it is not. There are so many people out there just complaining about other people s pets, as they are in their yard, nor do they shut-up, or poop everywhere, running in the streets, nor closed in for the night. People who don t have pets, chose not to have these responsibilities. You have a pet to look after it in every way. What are your thoughts on this, as owners it is their job to do so?
Comments - Page 2
  • Kathleen 1372846
    We have two dogs whom essentially, are our four legged children and they are important members of our household in addition to our two legged children
    • Marisa 1367299
      I love animals but physically unable to care for them, so I just enjoy them virtually.
      • Kevin L 1010680
        Well, I take care of my kittys they are family they eat with me sleep with me and they don t go outside, well except the baby bengel, he lives outside most the time. Anyway if you posse any thing be it a car for instance, that seems to a bigger challenge than have pets and everyone takes care of their car, so why not a baby panda or kitty, anyway anything you have that needs to be maintained, is your responsibility
        • APB
          Deep...all this is based on?
          • View all 12 replies
          • Teri 1282723
            It's based on reality. Sadly.
          • APBTeri 1282723
            Aside from the poor structure and usage....there are terrible wide sweeping statements used here without any supporting facts or information...pet owners do not ALL fail to take care of them...this discussion page is clumsy and offensive to most pet owners..
          • Lee b 979050APB
            agree but don't be offended whence they know what they do or say. You look like you haven't had a bath for a while
          • Teri 1282723APB
            You are correct; EnBird24 does say 'so many people' and that's what I paid attention to. Further down, I see 'why aren't MOST people' and yes, that can be offensive to most pet owners who probably are loving their pets properly. I surely hope most people aren't mistreating their chosen family members.
          • Teri 1282723
            APB, seriously, do you just want to argue today? Of course if someone abuses an animal there is something wrong in their heads and they DO need DEEP psychological help to fix them. Duh. A "please don't be that way" is NOT going to help them.
          • Lee b 979050Teri 1282723
            right on terri wars are started by misunderstandings. APB has a few issues.. firstly look at the photo he's a dog so some bias would be expected. Secondly he's a pretty scruffy dog again the photo. Thirdly he's an old dog.. No new tricks here. No offence APB!!!
          • Campbell C 184664APB
            Frankly your assumption is offensive.
          • APBLee b 979050
            he was just under 1 year old in that photo!...meet Benson....
          • Lee b 979050Campbell C 184664
            frankly my dear I don't give a damn!!!
          • Lee b 979050APB
            Benson is a great name for a dog. Breed ? I had a chocolate lab. Smarter than your average bear name was Buddy. Great company great friend died of cancer 3 years ago. Can't bring myself to get another. Cause there will only ever be one buddy.
          • APBLee b 979050
            He is half Old English Sheepdog and half Standard Poodle...a mad puppy with HUGE feet....
          • Teri 1282723Lee b 979050
            I'm sorry about your Buddy. I'm down to one cat and won't get another after he goes. His name is also Buddy.

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