Discussion of the Day
Crazy birth stories! Do you know how you came into this world?
Liane HJan 13, 23
Always a family favourite topic is the one of the child with the unusual arrival into this world Some are genuinely scary but have a great outcome, thankfully !
I was 2 weeks overdue, which my mother was not pleased about so impatiently she decided to take some cod liver oil followed by a hot bath... Said to bring on labour, which indeed it certainly did! As the hospital was down the rd, she decided to walk.
Middle of the night, raining, she was squirming in pain by reaching the hospital doorways. Spots a rat running past. Said, 'I'm not going in there!' My father says oh the heck you're!!"
1 hr later ta da ! So am blessed I guess to have not been born in the gutters with the rats but on an actual emergency table bed instead in that sweet little bayside hospital .
Love to hear your story :)
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