Discussion of the Day
Highly sophisticated scams on the rise
Christina L 88918Jan 22, 24
A few weeks ago I have noticed my main bank account was locked, so I reported this to the bank as I had not been logging into the account on multiple unsuccessful attempts. Also, the time it happened was when I was sleeping. It was then discovered somebody in Australia had been trying to hack into my bank account. I had to think hard about what could have caused this I remember an email from the bank about a prize draw & the topic was avoiding scams. The email looked real, as there was nothing I could see that looked unusual. I also had random single people trying to add me on FB & other social networking sites. Please be very careful.
Have you been scammed before? Did you lose any $$ to the scammer/s?
  • Ali 1437636
    Hi Christina, unfortunately, knowledge it depends on culture.
    • Jennifer H 722364
      FB is keeping tabs on you when you post something who is seeing these messages and pictures .As for the bank unless you make a call or do online banking touch nothing my bank sends me an alert if something is a miss .Social media keeping tabs companies can pay a price for your personal details that's how they are able to target you
      • Sindhu 1439439
        No I've been lucky
        • Cathy 1442359
          I had a notice that hundreds had been charged to my account and shipped to another person and I was to call if this wasn't correct. Almost went to send them money but was asked to send it to a person and I refused. Very clever what they did and too much to tell the whole story
          • LESLEY S 385154
            This is for sure. I was doing a chat line and then I was interrupted and
            • june s 789752
              Not being able to pay by cash or cheques anymore as banks and our current govt plan will be a disaster for everyone but great for scammers with everything on line and Ai looming there will be many people scammed in the future no matter how vigilant or tech clever we are
              • Christina P 1042585
                It is getting worse all those scammers have so many ways to scam you...I never open emails that promise you prizes or money,just ignore this...what about phone calls,if you Don't know the number just ignore do not answer.if someone you know is trying to reach they will leave a message or try to reach you some other way.it will get worse so be careful and vigilant.
                • PETER M 134659
                  • Karen R 112288
                    I got done just before Christmas, they got $300 worth of my rewards points, into my paypal account and my credit card got frozen. It took 10days to get a replacement credit card and Rewardia wouldn't refund my points. It made for a difficult Christmas.
                    • Terri 1451282
                      The lowest of loe
                      • Dimitri T 100433
                        scams are definitely on increase
                        • Denise C (Qld)
                          Yes and no. I did buy a product from India and the company withdrew three different amounts without my permission and sent extra product and I had to ring overseas to stop this.
                          • Michael 1324355
                            No but I do get many calls on my telephone to which I ask them how do they know my name and then they hang up .Michael One of the scammers did get arrested in Sydney last Friday So I guess the Police are finally taking an interest ! Thank you Linda
                            • Jytte (Auckland, NZ)
                              No. I get multiple emails and texts etc trying to scam me but I don't trust anyone or anything.
                              • Peter r 971514
                                I had my face book hacked they used a new contact I started with my niece when a message from her I opened it then was locked out of my account. They then contacted people in my list asking for donations to assist me .I contacted everybody by phone then opened a new account
                                • writerrochelle
                                  Yes, and NO! I Love the credit union at which I bank! Someone tried to charge over $500 at a Travel Lodge Hotel, but my credit union stopped it! Happened another time, and they stopped it! Even when I stupidly ordered something online that took money out of my account they were not authorized to take, a sweet employee called the company and asked for my money to be returned, and the company returned everything, even the shipping charge! I'll never leave them, and have been there for 10 years, so far! ;-D
                                  • APB
                                    come on who is it!!
                                  • writerrochelleAPB
                                    NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, and I'll Never change!
                                • Pam G 449028
                                  I never open emails from the bank as they have clearly included on statements and correspondence that the banks will never send me/you an email. If in doubt call your bank. AI at its best.
                                  • Catalina
                                    Just the other day a friend sent me a friend-request. It was a bit strange, but I didn’t talk to her for a long time. So I...accepted. And “she” started a very strange conversation. Do you know what’s happened to me? No, what? The answer: I got money delivered to my door by FedEx. Write to an agent, mention my name, and you will get money delivered to your door! She gave me the address. I was by then suspicious and...sad. I asked her what’s that all about? No answer, only she kept pushing me, did you talk to the agent yet? That was not my friend!!! A strange, not even clever scammer. Impersonating my friend. What did she want?! Yes, be very careful.
                                    • Kathy A 494332
                                      Yes and yes. I never got the money back and found the bank and the police not very helpful.
                                      • Ali 1437636
                                        Unfortunately, scam becomes as same as crona virus.The Government must make a prison for these crimes.
                                        • Sandra 1434634
                                          Yes, saying I had won a set of pots and pans, just pay shipping. Then they charged more stuff on that card.
                                          • Paula J 395266
                                            I have received a message from my bank twice asking me if I had made a certain purchase on my credit card and both times it wasn't us. Somehow people have been able to get our credit card number but our beaut bank picked it up. The last one was a $4000 lunch. I contacted the restaurant asking them to report the fraud to the police but they said they were letting their bank handle it. I don't understand their attitude because if they didn't see the person ordering the food they must have delivered it, my bank stopped the purchase so why wouldn't they want to get their money back. This is why these crooks keep going, no-one wants the bother of reporting the crime to the police.
                                            • Mary M 329762
                                              If you ask peoples if ask Facebook or others media someone hack your account they do nothing. I think way is to go old fashion way banking. I think pay someone to find the answer.
                                              • Peter C 723585
                                                Not yet! I virtually don’t trust any emails
                                                • Greg B 520364
                                                  There is no such thing as a free lunch. If it's to good to be true, it probably is. And you are right they are getting very sophisticated. Be on your gard.
                                                  • Steve 1457448
                                                    en fait avec les avancées technologique l'escroquerie a battu record maintenant , il faudrait que vous soyez très prudent sur tout les mouvements que vous voulez faire au besoin il faut vous renseigner auprès des experts à la matière vous y parvenir
                                                    • Priscilla R 316016
                                                      The scammers are getting cleverer and cleverer. If I don't have someone listed in my phone names, then I don't take the call and these days I never click on a link, either.
                                                      • P F
                                                        My sister was scammed recently. She got a phone call that her phone bill wasn't paid and was going to be disconnected. She authorized a payment of $325 but they took $29,000 instead. And even though she has a $1000 limit per day, the bank did not reimburse her stating it was all her fault for authorizing the payment.
                                                        • Christina L 88918
                                                          Oh no thats terrible :(
                                                        • writerrochelle
                                                          So sorry for your sister. If I'm not sure about an email, I just hold the pointer over the "from" part, and it shows the email address without opening it, and it's most always NOT the person it says it is!
                                                      • Laura W 363255
                                                        They are certainly very clever these days. Was scammed years ago on my credit card & bank contacted me about unusual activity & got my money back. Need to be so careful checking bank accounts regularly.
                                                        • Lorne M
                                                          Yep. Very recently. I bit on a scam that I should have known better than to. I reported the transaction to the bank but before they had locked the card, a transaction came in from a gym in San Diego. I'm in Ontario, Canada. It's taking a lot of people and a lot of time to put things right. The problem starts with me not being properly skeptical.
                                                          • Lucas 1434826
                                                            did not lose any. But I do like to play around with certain ones for my own amusement.
                                                            • Sheree T
                                                              Am extremely careful about the emails that come through. You can often tell by the email address that it is not what it should be. Fortunately I have not ever been scammed.
                                                              • Kimber 1456563
                                                                No I didn’t
                                                                • Sean f 1047130
                                                                  no did not lose any.
                                                                  • Ami C
                                                                    will be careful
                                                                    • Sarah 1325723
                                                                      i dont think i have been scammed before, it can be pretty scary, what i keep in mind is if its to good to be true it usually is
                                                                      • Michelle 1281734
                                                                        Hate scammers
                                                                        • Sonya F 68771
                                                                          Its very scary you dont know who to trust any more the scams are so real
                                                                          • roger l 315504
                                                                            But the sumb ones still catch vulnerable people so why do n't the telco's act responsibly and protect their vulnerable customers?
                                                                            • Colin L 88398
                                                                              Me personally No but the first thing I do with any unexpected E Mail is add it tot he Junk Senders List then then look at the senders address. If it's Yahoo or G Mail it stays put in the blocked senders list never to be looked at again. Another giveaway is receiving E Mails from business that you do not do business with so say you bank witht he Criminal Bank of Australia and get one from Westpac it's a scam. The others are ones that people cold call you and tell you that they are from some Telco and your computer is wrong I have it easy with those clowns I just tell them I need their Name Extension and Phone Number and someone from the security services will get in contact with them to discuss what they rang about. The thought of Spy Agencies getting their personal details puts most off but I still report the phone call and number it came from tot he Departments as well as what the person called themselve most however are from India with a Spoofed AU Phone Number but that phone number gets closed down in a day or two so I really don't care. These have been going on since the telephone was invented though at first because so far people had telephones not many people got to hear about it but today the Feral Government sells lists of Peoples Mobile Numbers and details off every year so many more hear about it and E Mail Addresses are openly available on the Dark Web by the hundred of thousands for a few cents. The trick is if you get one of those "NEVER REPLY TO IT" as that tells the sender that have a valid E MAil Account Never Unsubscribe just block the sender and ignore it for ever more.
                                                                              • Empress
                                                                                The situation with scammers is getting out of hand. Obviously we are not being protected by banks and the ilk. Who's to say the government isn't behind this???
                                                                                • Shawn B 1061185
                                                                                  My rule of email behaviour (and telephone as well) is if it's too good to be true then it quite probably is. A second rule is call the issuer of what is such a good deal and see it it's real. I'm sure the bank would love to hear from you regarding a suspected communication. Here in Canada one of the big and repeating scam attempts is from the federal tax department. They never, ever phone anyone, the police never ever come to arrest you for a tax problem, and no legitimate group asks for gift cards. Keep these things in mind and you should be all right.
                                                                                  • Laurel 1400238
                                                                                    There are lots of scammers out there please be careful
                                                                                    • Larry S 382961
                                                                                      I get emails all the time from a kind person who tells me my lost parcel had been found in JFK Airport. Still waiting for my FedEx letter to come. My dear old friend overseas wants to give me money from her will. TEMU are the ones to watch now. Another one is Australia Post package delivery,Netflix account is suspended,bank account frozen due to suspicious activity. Worst is “ friend “ request on Facebook. I know my friends and some have been hacked
                                                                                      • Gaza
                                                                                        seems you can't trust anyone these days.
                                                                                        • Gunter L
                                                                                          Ever since I have been on the internet, scammers have tried to scam me. I am happy to report that none of them have succeeded. I stay off all of the antisocial media sites. anything that appears in my email inbox is checked and double-checked and if found to be an attempted scam is immediately destroyed and also marked as junk. It needs constant vigilance, but I suppose that is the price we have to pay to enjoy all the useful features of the internet.
                                                                                          • Peter M 273033
                                                                                            Just don"t get smug and think it can't happen to you. It can!
                                                                                            • Gunter L
                                                                                              The word "smug" is not in my vocabulary. "Constant vigilance" is.
                                                                                            • Peter M 273033Gunter L
                                                                                              So true. Hang on to your Anti-virus.
                                                                                          • Robert T 597718
                                                                                            No but I am sorry to see you lost money
                                                                                            • Christina L 88918
                                                                                              Nah all good they didnt manage to get past the next step.
                                                                                          • Ernie 67
                                                                                            I've been lucky so far but it does get hard to tell the difference in scams so I rarely reply to something I don't remember entering or even opening
                                                                                            • Manel 1271300
                                                                                              There are many forms of scams. I have been sent messages for missing toll payments, parcel delivery address not correct, won a big jackpot claim money, Apple IPhone gift and Samsung gift vouchers ready to be collected etc. On top of those, on FB there are scams to get you involved in Crypto Currency. Some well known person, like Elon Musk is asking you to invest $250 in his company saying you achieve 100% profit. If you click on the link, someone from other side of the world phones you and gives all the pleasant talk and take down your bank details, ID, and even bank card numbers promising a good investment in Crypto Currency. Then this person withdraw the $250 from your bank and entrust you to a second party. That party who claims to be a financial planner who is responsible for your crypto currency investment training. Once you acknowledge him, he asks you to download AnyDesk app. Through this app he can get into your bank account and withdraw money as he wishes. Without no knowledge about this Crypto trading, you do whatever he asked you to do. Remember, this person can clear your funds from account in minutes if you give in to him/her. Also, you have to feed them with more funds at their requests hoping you’ll earn more money in the future. This is actually happening and it’s a big scam, so please be alarmed, and don’t get caught!
                                                                                              • Gunter L
                                                                                                Manel, oh my, oh my. In the scenario that you describe there are at least 19 indications that it is a scam. Ask yourself, would Elon Musk really need your $250? It's clearly a scam.
                                                                                              • Manel 1271300Gunter L
                                                                                                Yes! Gunther it’s true! But every one doesn’t think like that. They act as so real! Thank you for the comment!😀
                                                                                            • Jania S
                                                                                              NO, The only emails I get are those I add, everything else is deleted by my program. Scammers are smarter and it is easier now for them, as the banks have added so much AI stuff.
                                                                                              • Victoria 315341
                                                                                                I had some one a few years back, at the Christmas season hack my credit card. They purchased around $5000 in goods online from overseas, my bank was quick in resolving this issue and I was reimbursed the full amount. I will not do online banking or phone banking and am wary of anything that says its from my bank, wanting all of my personal details, they already have all that information, and most banks will say we never ask for your account number and pins etc, be careful there are those who have no scruples and would not know a hard days work if you paid them !
                                                                                                • Ricardo J
                                                                                                  This year will provide many opportunities for scammers to entice you to call, text, click a link and provide your financial details. Don't be so willing to assist them.
                                                                                                  • Gunter L
                                                                                                    Simple answer: DON'T call, text, click a link and DON'T provide ANY financial details to anyone. Be totally unresponsive.
                                                                                                • Amber 22
                                                                                                  Yes I have been scammed then the way I was trying to look for jobs at home all looked like scams the internet is very difficult at times
                                                                                                  • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                  • Rosemary E 383382
                                                                                                    some give phone numbers but not the name of the company. That has been happening for at least 40 years
                                                                                                  • Gunter L
                                                                                                    A bona fide company that is genuinely looking for workers will give you their phone number and the name of a contact person so that you can set up a job interview. They will not ask for your bank details.
                                                                                                  • Gunter LRosemary E 383382
                                                                                                    JUST HANG UP.
                                                                                                • Mooi
                                                                                                  I report anything that looks suspicious and the banks and companies really appreciate it. It helps them guard against future fraud
                                                                                                  • Gunter L
                                                                                                    I agree 100 %
                                                                                                • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                                  I get a lot of phone calls from people I don't know so I just get rid of it without answering them
                                                                                                  • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                    I got be more aware of how dangerous scammer and their tricks are.
                                                                                                    • Bugalugs
                                                                                                      If in doubt screen it out! Carefully check the email address of the sender, if you don't recognise it or it even looks odd then forward the email to the Bank, Telco and your country's Scamwatch etc. they WANT us to let them know for these emails get to us before they, the Banks, Telcos become aware they even exist. They all have Dedicated email addresses to send suspect emails to. If they don't know that we might be getting scam messages they can't be held responsible if you do as you are asked in those fraudulent messages. User Beware.Never, ever, take any action on any emails, phone calls you get and most certainly never give out any financial details, PINs, Passwords etc. The Banks don't want to know these details as they have all the information they need.Interestingly we are told that the Banks won't telephone us unless they send us a secure message advising us they are going to call and give us their phone number, you can check this on their website to confirm if the number they are going to call from is, indeed, their number. If its not then just hang up. Problem. My bank wanted to contact me but, as they had taken no steps to let me know via secure messaging, when they rang I treated them as if they were scammers and the poor man got an earfull of abuse!
                                                                                                      • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                        Yes I’ve lost a lot
                                                                                                        • Christina L 88918
                                                                                                          Sorry to hear that :(
                                                                                                      • Michael B 384408
                                                                                                        Someone mentioned a trojan - it is a good idea to get your computer professionally cleaned then get a good anti virus installed - these scammers are scum. As for phone scammers a lot more of them are using recorded messages - probably because they got abused so much!
                                                                                                        • Carol S 657195
                                                                                                          Scammers have tried to scam me many times, however, I am always aware that they are malicious and did not respond to them. A couple of times, I have had my bank account hacked, but my bank is very good at catching unusual transactions and letting me know. The difficult thing is that I have to file a dispute, wait a week or two to get a new debit card and update to my new card on all the sites that I use for autopay! I've had to do that twice in the last year, and I hate it. Does anyone know what all the scam phone calls are about? Why do they call about things that don't even pertain to me, then hang up? What are they wanting, and what are they getting, and how do I stop it? I'm on the "Do Not Call List," but that doesn't mean much. It's making me crazy, and I rarely answer the phone anymore. That is JUST wrong that I can't even use my phone! If I'm not wearing my glasses, I can't read the Caller ID, and even then, they are using local phone numbers!
                                                                                                          • Gunter L
                                                                                                            Carol, when the phone was invented, a very important feature was included, namely the fact that one can simply HANG UP. Try to use it sometime.
                                                                                                          • Carol S 657195Gunter L
                                                                                                            You think I'm too stupid to do that? Think again! I do it often. You missed the point. I am usually away from the phone with my computer on my lap with my feet up, enjoying my Diet Mountain Dew and/or working on projects or playing games. Do you think the real answer is to get everything off my lap, pick up the phone so I can hang up on some low life that can't get a legitimate job? I'm 71 and getting up isn't that easy. Besides that, I have panic disorder, and it causes me a lot of anger. I think very logically, and it something makes no sense, I'm done with it! What sense does it make for them to call me so I can hang up. This happens many, many times a day. Not just once a day! Cut me some slack, dude! When we first got a phone, it was a party line, and we didn't have this shit! So I think I know how phones work. I was a small girl when we got our first telephone. It was on the wall with a crank, and we answered when it rang two shorts and one long. That meant it was for us and not our neighbor! Technology is great, isn't it? Hell NO! We didn't have this crap going on back then or have a phone attached to our bodies 24/7 for no damned reason except to be rude and text other people and be on Facebook all day when you should be spending time with your friends and family--not ignoring them while they're trying to talk to you face to face! Oh, yes, you got me started!!!!
                                                                                                        • SANDRA G 394859
                                                                                                          YES, I KNOW SOMEONE WHOSE BANK ACCOUNT WAS SCAMMED AND THEY WOULDN'T GIVE HER MONEY BACK LOOK AT YOUR VIRUS PROTECTION PLANS SOME ARE FREE
                                                                                                          • Andrew T 123623
                                                                                                            I am not that gullible.
                                                                                                            • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                                                              My virus protection picks up a lot of malicious code that I am not even aware of. It can be hidden in photos or other images and even video clips so you will never know you have been compromised unless you have protection.
                                                                                                          • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                                                            Christina, there will probably be a Trojan on one or more of your devices collecting your details when you log into sites, including your bank. You need to run a virus scan to find it and remove it. If you don’t have virus protection AVG offer a basic free version that might work. I used the free version for a long time and it did pick up stuff, but when I upgraded to the paid version I also discovered that it wasn’t picking up every threat.
                                                                                                            • Carol S 657195
                                                                                                              I have had a Trojan virus twice in the last few weeks. My MacAfee didn't catch it, but I phoned them, and they found the file it came from and blocked it. Why do people want to be so malicious in a world that's already so difficult? Get a life, people or find a job helping people!
                                                                                                          • Roslyn A
                                                                                                            Came soooo close. A supposed woman was buying from me on Gumtree and wanted Aramex to pick up the goods - she sent me a link where I had to put in my credit card details so Aramex could transfer me the money that she paid directly to Aramex. I put in my credit card details and she said I hadn't ticked all the right boxes blah blah. She was being really pushy. I replied that my work computer was blocking something that looked not right and suddenly so more emails from her. Stupid me. I should have realised immediately that you don't receive money onto your credit card number, you only pay out. Sooo lucky I didn't lose any money.
                                                                                                            • Gunter L
                                                                                                              That's what you think, Roslyn. Don't you realise that the scammers now have your credit card number and can spend thousands of dollars on it before you even notice.
                                                                                                            • Roslyn AGunter L
                                                                                                              Already had it cancelled so I didn't lose any sleep but sometimes people are too late - credit card maxed out before they even have the chance to cancel it. Very common problem.
                                                                                                          • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                            Never click on any links. If something sounds too good to be true, it often is. Banks don't send out competitions. When in doubt, search the topic of the email online for reported scams. Don't use social media actively and don't add people you don't know. Utilise services like scamwatch if you are in doubt or want to check for latest scams. Don't answer phone calls from numbers you don't know or recognise and check numbers calling you on the internet for spoofing (who called me etc). Emails from businesses and other places you normally interact with will address you by name and not send you generic emails. Real emails will contain email addresses consistent with the business and not be "close". Fake anz emails can look like AMZ, for example, and messages from other banks may contain random names in the email address before or after "CBA" "commbank" etc if they contain the name of the bank in the title at all. At the end of the day, don't click on any email or sms link etc.
                                                                                                            • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                                                              A lot of companies have been hacked, and their customers details are now for sale on the dark web. If you want to check if your email address and passwords have been compromised, you can do it on a website called ‘haveibeenpwnd’ It’s been around since 2013 and is 100% safe. You just put your details in the box and a few seconds later it will tell you if your details are safe or not. Obviously it can only check if your details have been revealed and published on the web. Private scammers could still have your details. If you use the site, check the web address for it carefully to make sure that you have accessed the genuine site, and not a clone of it created by hackers.
                                                                                                              • View all 5 replies
                                                                                                              • Gunter L
                                                                                                                That website ("haveibeenpwnd") sounds very fishy and I wouldn't trust it one bit.
                                                                                                              • Pato Lo DuckGunter L
                                                                                                                It’s fine and has been verified as safe. It has started working with the FBI. The FBI has agreed to feed all the compromised data they find when investigating hackers and scammers directly into HIBP’s data base as they are often the first organisation to come across it. This means that HIBP’s data base will not be solely reliant on waiting for stolen details to be posted on the internet by criminals. I found out from it that my personal details had been compromised 3 times through company data breaches. That marries up with the three notices that I got from 3 companies notifying me that they had been hacked and my data stolen. The interesting thing is that I have had no dealings for 20 years with two of those companies yet they were still holding my personal details in their data bases.
                                                                                                              • Pato Lo DuckGunter L
                                                                                                                None of the information that you give ‘haveibeenpwnd’ to check is retained, it Is deleted as soon as it completes the check that you request.
                                                                                                              • Gunter LPato Lo Duck
                                                                                                                So they say.
                                                                                                              • Pato Lo DuckGunter L
                                                                                                                Ok, I don’t really care what you think personally, I checked it extensively and verified it with trusted independent sources, It’s a valuable resource to help you guard against being scammed, but if you don’t want to use it then that’s up to you and possibly your loss, not mine.
                                                                                                            • JANN R
                                                                                                              Yes I was scammed and lost $14000 and the bank couldnt get it backfor me and my FB was also so I closed it and started another one so I could block anyone I didnt know from it so it has made me more aware of any scams and I just deteat everything from my email now
                                                                                                              • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                              • Gunter L
                                                                                                              • Christina L 88918
                                                                                                                Sorry to hear that I hope you have recovered from the traumatic experience :(
                                                                                                              • JANN RChristina L 88918
                                                                                                                I am slowly getting there but it was such a dissapiontment I thought I had won money but it turned out they where the ones getting the money
                                                                                                            • Daniel A 2
                                                                                                              I may have gotten a fair few Emails, but allways delete them. I haven't been scammed, I always login to my bank through a private browser. But if we could all realise that money is fake, then we could realise we don't need banks, and then everything would be better, that magic feeling the beatles told everyone about.
                                                                                                              • Gunter L
                                                                                                                Daniel, keep on dreaming. You could be in for a very rude awakening.
                                                                                                            • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                              I live in Australia and I am with one of the Big 4 banks, but not for much longer. I had my details leaked when the Medicare hack happened early last year I think as well as when Latitude was hacked slightly later on. I took the appropriate measures and haven't suffered any financial issues due to this which I am aware of. But last week I had need to speak to a human at the bank but, for the first time in 37+ years, the wait over the course of the day, with me having to hang up twice because I was hospitalised at the time, was 1 hour 15 minutes. I thought that they must just be having a bad day. My issue was resolved and all was fine however I had cause to call the bank from home last Friday, and as I was at home, I just kept holding and doing my chores as I waited. It took 1 hour and 2 minutes to get a human, a nice apologetic one, on the line asking how could I help and I explained how confused I was about all the horrible delays. She explained that every 1 in 2 conversations, 50%, are related to scammers! I COULD believe this because I myself was scammed about 4 years ago and I thought these people were legitimate back then. They accessed my account, which had a substantial amount of money in it at the time, but assured me that they didn't. I believe that I would have lost that money if it wasn't for my daughter's boyfriend who came home from work at the right time and was appraised of the situation and said "it's a scam", and took the phone from my hand and hung up on them! I was a bit peeved with him originally because I thought it was quite rude to hang up on someone like that, but when it was explained to me then I understood. I am 59 but not madly "tech savvy" and I recieve scam texts and emails almost on a daily basis and the scamners are getting more original with their scams, but I feel deeply for those very elderly folks who haven't been scammed before and believe that they are legitimately talking to a bank representative and they lose a substantial amount of money which it is difficult, if not impossible, to recoup. I guess that the future of banking will include longer wait times because the scammers aren't going to go quietly into the night. Scamming is a lucrative business for unscrupulous people who don't care WHO they target and hurt! I'm thankful that I myself didn't become a victim, but there's always next time! Be VERY careful out there. Thanks for reading.
                                                                                                              • Gunter L
                                                                                                                Yes, be very careful out there (Now, where have I heard that before?)
                                                                                                            • The dog house
                                                                                                              I do not do banking online. There are scammers that can make their site look very real. Too many people have used these sites and lost money. I prefer to visit a branch.
                                                                                                              • Susan 1441337
                                                                                                                So weird seeing this today my bank account website is saying it's down and my daughter had a message saying someone tried to access her grocery app account and they are both the same company. I called bank but he said they aren't able to tell if the site is down but he did verify that there was no usage on my credit card. I told my daughter don't ever go from a link in your email always log into the site yourself
                                                                                                                • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                  No, none of that thank goodness.
                                                                                                                  • doug p 631197
                                                                                                                    Never been scammed as I'm not greedy. Most scams are too good to be true offering you money or prizes for little effort. If you don't know or weren't expecting an email from the bank or a company always open the details of the sender and recipient and you'll probably see the scammers obscure email it was sent from and possibly a recipient that isn't you as you will be on a long list of people included in the email.Never Never Never clink on any links and if it's the bank or tax office or other govt offices ring and check first.
                                                                                                                    • JULZ
                                                                                                                      i do not get scam emails nor calls,,x fingers
                                                                                                                      • EnBird24
                                                                                                                        Scams are on the rise through internet, sms, emails, phone calls, whatever they can put their hands on. Few years ago I was caught badly, as I wasn't aware to the knowledge I have now. It only takes one digit to a simple . (dot) in an e-mail. Do not click on any links. Check the email address, if your not sure, as 99% you can tell from this. There are heaps of Telstra, computer protection, your mail, ads just to name a few. Phone calls unless they are not in your contact list, don't answer them. This is what I do. Block their numbers after you checked them out via blocking your ID on your phone, try the number & yes it is a scammer. 99% of calls are scams. Once you check the number block it & un block your ID. If the call is important they can leave a message. No message forget them. So their are many ways to tell if it a scam. When I am not sure I get my Son to check on the data for me. Have a good security on your computer & your phone. I hope I helped in some way.
                                                                                                                        • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                                          Yes EnBird, very wise words indeed. I was in a similar situation myself 4 years ago but I just wrote a comment which was very much like yours. They aren't going away and I have lost count of how many numbers I have blocked. There's so many evil people out there and so many elderly folks to steal from. Have a good day!
                                                                                                                        • Christina L 88918
                                                                                                                          Thanks mate very good advice for everybody reading :D
                                                                                                                      • Andrew C 287196
                                                                                                                        With idiotic AI and 'deep fake' technology it's only going to become even worse. 😡 There was a article in yesterday's NZ Herald newspaper where it was talking about how someone will be able to extract your daughter's voice from her TikTok video, and knowing she is overseas, the scammers can send you a AI phone call asking for you to send "her" money. You won't be able to tell the difference, so the article writer suggested that you set a codeword that only the family knows so that you know it is really her asking for the money. (Another way would be for you to ring her back on her known phone number to double-check it was a real request.) Of course, the safest way is to simply not use any stupid 'social media' places and never post any kind of personal information publicly.
                                                                                                                        • Gunter L
                                                                                                                          Sorry, Andrew, but I have to correct you. It is not "social media", it is "antisocial media"
                                                                                                                      • Susan KTC
                                                                                                                        If in doubt don’t do it! If you do feel you may have been scammed, ring your bank, they can put a stop on your credit card, and accounts straight away, do an investigation and hopefully reimburse you. I’m seeing this happening more and more because of buying using overseas sights, so do your research first to see if site legit. My Mums advice is don’t put all your eggs in one basket, so we have our monies spread over two banks. Fraud and scamming has been around for centuries in some form or another, with advancements in technology, it does seem to be rampant…
                                                                                                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                          You would think common sense would have kicked in with humans (by now), and by using common sense - you WILL stop con artist, grifters., and scammers in their tracks. Scams have been around longer than religion!
                                                                                                                      • teresa b 607654
                                                                                                                        When I thought I'd been scammed the fraud dept at my bank would not help. I dealt with a customer services person instead and she was brilliant. Have I lost faith in my bank? Yes. Is there a better one out there? Probably not.
                                                                                                                        • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                                        • Gunter L
                                                                                                                          teresa, that customer services person may have been brilliant, but has she actually helped you?
                                                                                                                        • teresa b 607654Gunter L
                                                                                                                          Yes she did. She resolved the issue, I got my money back, all of about $110. It was the only ray of light in a year of negativity with that bank.
                                                                                                                        • Gunter Lteresa b 607654
                                                                                                                          Good to hear.
                                                                                                                      • Paul G 348946
                                                                                                                        My email inbox is now constantly overflowing with messages claiming that my McAfee/Netflix/Amazon Prime subscription has expired, or urgent emails from Walmart/Tesco/eBay customer support. Most of them used to go to the spam folder, but half of them do not now.
                                                                                                                        • Sharon T 891767
                                                                                                                          Sad that this still happens. If you get a message saying from your bank check the top email it will be wrong. Don't open this or you'll get Scammed.
                                                                                                                          • Debbie W 69651
                                                                                                                            My husband had his account hacked because he watched a tiktok video. When it played they were able to access his account. Luckily it was for small amounts and our bank put a hold on the payments and contacted us. As we spend more and more time online this will be an on going problem for everyone
                                                                                                                            • pam rae
                                                                                                                              SCAM'S ARE EVERY DAY GOING STRONG," CRAZY"
                                                                                                                              • Beverly S 998439
                                                                                                                                Yes a bank transfer was kited to someone else via email but I did get my money back from my bank . I no longer to e transfers anymore .
                                                                                                                                • ROBERT K 1065766
                                                                                                                                  I work in banking and the number of scams has been growing year over year. I blame technology on some of this. I blame people not using common sense for some of this. The rest is people who are just criminally minded and will do anything to break the law.
                                                                                                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                    If it something from the Bank Always ring the bank back
                                                                                                                                    • david j t
                                                                                                                                      yes money was taken from my account and sent to germany a hacker
                                                                                                                                      • Christina L 88918
                                                                                                                                        sorry to hear that :(
                                                                                                                                    • LA
                                                                                                                                      NEVER EVER RESPOND TO A TEXT! NEVER EVER GIVE ANYONE YOUR INFO.....no matter how real they seem. My sister-in-law just got scammed on the phone....they pretended they had her daughter....she paid 2,000!!! Very very bad!
                                                                                                                                      • Beverly I
                                                                                                                                        I had the same phone call lucky I knew where all my children were. I feel sorry for your sister in-law
                                                                                                                                    • Teri 1282723
                                                                                                                                      One of my granddaughters, 17 years old, was just scammed by someone claiming to be her bank. She got a phone call claiming to be her bank, they sent her an email with a code to punch into her phone number pad. I don't know the details of the call but she thought it was a little off and as soon as she hung up the phone, she called her bank to tell them to lock her account. Within just a few minutes, she got a call from the bank saying someone tried to take money from her account immediately after she hung up from locking her account. That was close. She's been working since she was 14 and has some nice money saved as she lives at home and goes to school during the day. Just spends a little here and there on clothes and makeup and other little things. I'm very thankful that my daughter and others in her life taught her to be very careful; these creeps strike everyone!! Please talk to your kids, parents, friends, co-workers. The only way to fight back is to hear about different ways they try to get us so we can always be on alert.
                                                                                                                                      • kathy b 656074
                                                                                                                                        This was attempted against me once, several years ago and I did my own investigation (state police said they don’t investigate any longer due to too many cases) and it led to a nasty person who was upset over me not following their order I deposit money to their bank account — yep, they were that brazen.
                                                                                                                                        • Brietta 617888
                                                                                                                                          Got my original Facebook hacked
                                                                                                                                          • Glenice L 1244113
                                                                                                                                            1 cheap point Sorry to hear of your disaster and hope your identity will remain intact. No, I've not yet been scammed, except for the amount of points to be had from such an important topic. Everything should never be done online at all, no matter how convenient it seems. So many people have been duped, no matter the so-call small c christian country we live in. These criminals are loose and fast that even our Banks' security technology could struggle to keep up.
                                                                                                                                            • Melinda B 311794
                                                                                                                                              I never made the connection between random single people and bank fraud. But that sounds like you have it sussed I only just figured out that I shouldn't add random strangers. Especially when they are duplicates of people I have already as friends. A lot of the time guys claim to be in the US military. And then I search their image and it is actually a plastic surgeon from Florida or something. It makes me sick. It's like a plague of dishonesty or something.
                                                                                                                                              • Val 1394045
                                                                                                                                                Do not touch any mail I do not know.
                                                                                                                                                • Kerry P 1257988
                                                                                                                                                  Never open these scams
                                                                                                                                                  • Linda C
                                                                                                                                                    Never give details over the phone or in an email, text, etc. If something comes through then you contact the bank direct and query them.
                                                                                                                                                    • Linda C
                                                                                                                                                      So far so good although when Optus was hacked my details were taken. My neighbour who is 83 and was incredibly sick had some bloke on the phone telling her they needed her details re some problem with her account. Luckily, the bank was onto it and stopped it. How inhuman could this person be hearing this old lady coughing, breathing heavily, could hardly put 2 words together and obviously very unwell and yet just took her details and then tried to take money out of her account. No honour.
                                                                                                                                                      • Toni 1416358
                                                                                                                                                        I have had one on FB and it was somebody else who posted and my click on it caused them to do the same on my account and had to change password and go thru my recent posts. I have also had credit card hacks and luckily they dismissed the charges they put on it. Scams are really bad now and I have had a lot of facebook random people trying to be friends too.
                                                                                                                                                        • APB
                                                                                                                                                          If your bank is being nice it is a scam....if they contact you for any other reason than to get more money out of you...it is a scam...if they phone you at all...ever...it is a scam (no staff)....

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