Discussion of the Day
Teenagers and curfews
Ima MeDec 19, 22
What time should different aged teenagers be given for a curfew in this day and age? What factors come into play when deciding a time that is reasonable to you? If your children are grown, or you never had any, please still share your feelings and/or what worked for you? If you have no feelings on the subject, that's fine as well. Non-parents still can have ideas on the subject.
  • Andrea M 852637
    Good luck
    • Kylene B 113680
      1990's - no mobile phones. High school .. when street lights came on.. they were to come home. If they went out at night they were driven there and home by us.
      • Denise C (Qld)
        Bed by 7.30 pm when school the next day. Friday and Saturday nights more flexible less restrictive.
        • Anthony L 445850
          • Paula J 395266
            My children had curfews on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. The first was 9 then 10 and finally midnight until they were adults and could come home whenever they wanted. The funny thing was that as soon as the curfew was removed they seemed to come home earlier and would join me for a cuppa and watch telly. Some of my fondest memories were of us watching TV together late at night. I didn't find the curfew a problem but what I didn't like was when they said they would be going to A but end up at Z. They couldn't understand that I thought they were somewhere that an accident had happened and one night one of my sons had an accident somewhere other than where he said he was going so when the police called we felt it couldn't be him because he was going somewhere else.
            • Mariaj
              My boys haven't really had one so to speak. They knew they had to be home for 9.30pm on a school night and on weekends they always gave me the address and parent contact number for the house they were at. Not only did that make me feel reassured, but if anything happened to me then they could be notified
              • Dimitri T 100433
                Many years back when I was a teenager in Australia my curfew was 9.30 pm & 11pm on wekends
                • Sweetums
                  I think that is reasonable for today's teens, too.
              • Pat C 618241
                Until we went to work (about 15 or later) we were to be home by tea time, six-thirty at the latest. From then on it was a tussle with Dad to be allowed to go to friends, weekend night pictures, stay overs or especially weekends away! 8.00pm was the witching hour to be home. When we started dating, 10.00pm.
                • Imperia S
                  regardless what age 10pm is the latest
                  • MARGARET p 388156
                    When I was a teenager I had to be home by midnight and I was 18.
                    • SueS
                      Depends on the age, maturity and where they are going.
                      • peter w 94893
                        Parents know their children and should impose curfews on a range of factors. Children who have a criminal record should have a curfew stipulated by a court and if the parent's don't enforce it they should be fined. That might go some way to curbing anti social behaviour.
                        • Dottie 1043512
                          I think it depends on the maturity of the teenager .School nights it should be no later than 9pm.They need their rest time.On weekends maybe 11pm. Usually my children went in a group and could contact me if needed.
                          • Katzeye
                            Exactly what Belinda M said
                            • Edith v
                              I am glad I have all grown up & independent living kids
                              • Vida B
                                My children always went in a group. I never had any problems with my children staying outl late as I always knew they would contact me if they needed help. Many a time they were home earlier thanI anticipated and I woke up in the morning having to climb over sleeping bodies in my lounge room. I knew they were safe and told their friends to call their parents if they were staying at a friends place.
                                • MoB
                                  I agree with Carol M, you should always know where your children are at all times. What you need to do is have conversations, if you keep the lines of communications open it's always easier to have a discussion on what time they will be expected home. Curfew sounds like something out of WW2, I had curfews even after I left home and went into the Airforce. However, times have changed and a discussion should be had, rigid rules nearly always lead to rebellion.
                                  • Larry S 382961
                                    I was working at 15 and was allowed to go to movies on Saturday night with my school friends. One day I came home and was dressing to go out ( mid week). I was told even though you work you ask if you can go out. End of story
                                    • Shawn B 1061185
                                      Talk to them. Find out where they are going and why. Set a reasonable time to be home. Be a little flexible. Different times for different kids is just fine, but be reasonable. Ten year olds should have a different time than sixteen year olds. You should know enough about your own kids to tell if they are being truthful. Being too strict or crazy about when to be home will most likely start to drive your kids away. Once started, you're on the never ending carousel of fight after fight, broken promise after broken promise, and maybe a lot worse. Give them room to breathe and explore the world. They're going to anyway so you might as well go with the flow so to speak.
                                      • Jan H 753322
                                        Trust is a must! As long as they are respectful. Our girls were good( though sometimes they could be little monkey's) I think 11o'clock is a reasonable time
                                        • Sheree T
                                          My two children are now adults with children of their own. When they were old enough to go out on their own we sat down and discussed a reasonable time to be home which they both thought was reasonable. And if for some reason they were unable to meet that time frame they were to ring and explain why, if it was reasonable I was fine with it if it wasn't then they were to be at home on time. I was lucky enough to have two great teenagers who respected us enough to do the right thing.
                                          • Barbara W 1117696
                                            It seems to me that this all comes down to trust. I think that curfews should be discussed with your kids and if the kids are reliable, curfews should be flexible according to what is going on. When you have mutual trust and both of you are responsible for working within the rules curfews should be increased as a child proves themselves trustworthy
                                            • Dave P 857147
                                              We never had any
                                              • Craig S 1050522
                                                Having had 3x kids I would say if they are respectful then curfews will not be a thing - If they are not and push the boundaries then rules will need to be put in place with penalties.
                                                • GrumpyBsd
                                                  We had one rule if we weren't going to be home for dinner we had to phone up, otherwise as long as we were quiet when we came in we had no curfew, but this was in the 70s when life was more relaxed and we were over 13.
                                                  • Beverly W 1083564
                                                    datat 16 ,home by 11 after 18 home by 12 after that hour there is only trouble going on
                                                    • Colin L 88398
                                                      Ask your local children services state organisation as when your kids go and complain to them that they are being mistreated they are the ones who will decide what constitutes mistreatment and as any parent knows Children Never Lie you better be prepared to be hung out to dry as a Child Abuser. The kids get taught how to play the system at school to what they think is their advantage so no matter what you do you've done the wrong thing.
                                                      • Karla N 428798
                                                        My son seldom went out, being an introverted sort at that age. When he did, we agreed on when he'd be expected back so we wouldn't worry. But he was an EXTREMELY adult child and was VERY responsible.
                                                        • Rose S 88496
                                                          Midnight was my curfew time when 16 and over … under that age it was when street lights came on and home for dinner … these days who knows rules don’t seem to exist for most kids
                                                          • Jenny L 591463
                                                            Depends on the child, where they live and how responsible they are. As a child I was home when the street lights came on. It is different these days and people have lost their children because of bullying and they were not able to get away from the harassment even at home in the safety of their own bedrooms where they are supposed to feel loved and safe. Very scary times for parents these days and maybe this will get worse as we all are glued to our phones and we can be in the same room with others and we don't see what is happening in their lives or if they are coping with life. So sad and I am quite grateful now I don't have to deal with these issues and I do believe parents today are facing many more issues than ever before.
                                                            • David G 836208
                                                              I've been kid(s) free my entire life. I'm 54 y/o now. I wouldn't be able to take any children into my life as of now. I have a routine that I pretty much do every day. When I'm on the internet my kids stay away from me until I get off of it. I just check my e-mail and that's it. After I'm done they know that it's play time.
                                                              • Pam G 449028
                                                                Curfews should be in place by responsible parents. Unfortunately some teenagers these days know that there almost above the law when it comes to being rude to the police. It’s the parents responsibility to teach their kids respect but unfortunately the care factor amongst some families just isn’t there. All kids should be in by dark, unless they are going to a friends and you as the parent have confirmed there is a party and an adult will be supervising and confirm the pick up time with the other parent and your child.
                                                                • Gaza
                                                                  Kids will & do get into mischief when left to their own, just look at all the hooning, vandalism and general troubles when unsupervised. Not all but some.
                                                                  • Bill B 394870
                                                                    i believe that curfew is a prime parental responsibility. thus the parent makes it and enforces it. How else can a child learn to abide by the rules. bed time 9.30-10 week nights, (sunday to thursday) midnight friday, Saturday, unless grounded for breaking curfew....
                                                                    • Jania S
                                                                      depends on child and age. My children and grandchildren all have schedules, we dont call it curfew.... Until they finish school they follow guildelines , when they finish school and are earning their own way. They get more choices.
                                                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                                                        It depends on the child
                                                                        • boy blunder
                                                                          I am a grandparent looking after grandkids, I have a 13-year-old girl, and boys 5 and 3, I emphasize a lot on trust so far I am doing ok, I have let her set her times and rules with guidelines if they can not be met, respect is a big deal in our house and trust goes both ways,all i can say is no trouble yet
                                                                          • 77ccusmc
                                                                            I made our house the hangout house so I always knew where my children were
                                                                            • jeff e
                                                                              • Bugalugs
                                                                                It is all well and good mandating curfews for Children and Teenagers but they will only work IF, and it is a Very Big "IF" the Parents take Their Responsibility and enforce them. In Alice Springs (Northern Territory, Australia) there is currently a big problem with Children some as young as 10 and Teenagers wandering the streets at all hours of the night, committing crimes, harassing People and Businesses with the Police and Politicians expressing "great concern over the Lawlessness which is engulfing our city." The One question none of them ask, or is it that they dare not do so for fear of being accused of being racist or some other nonsense, is: "Where are the Parents of these Children?" Why are the Parents not being held accountable for their Children? Only when the Parents are forced to take responsibility for THEIR children will any Curfews work.
                                                                                • SueM2
                                                                                  They shouldn't even be going out until they are 30.....
                                                                                  • kristian s 513441
                                                                                    I think 8pm curfews would be good time for teenagers to come in.
                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                      I think it's clearly different for different living circumstances, as in city vs rural living and definitely if you have an open, honest relationship with your 15 + year old teen. Before 15, my opinion is they are too young to be going out with friends alone and having to return home by a certain time. Maybe mom or dad could chaperone from a safe distance, but really they should already be home, living out their childhoods and not rushing going out and experiencing activities they arent emotionally ready for. That's my opinion on the matter.
                                                                                      • Anna B 543337
                                                                                        Communication is the key here with parents and children knowing the safer requirements of security and honesty at all times...
                                                                                        • Helen E 469767
                                                                                          Depends on the child. Some are very open with their parents and you would know what they were doing. Others may live out of town so need to be dropped off and picked up. Being able to have open confisations are the way to go. Time for play after school is done but remember they could be 17 and away at politec/uni and if not given some freedom while at home are not sure what to do so break out totally.
                                                                                          • Carolina Z
                                                                                            I never had children but for me, the curfew time should be ...Oh bewst for parents to know...
                                                                                            • Lyn A.
                                                                                              Depends so much on those involved, the parents and the teens, not to mention the 'mates' and the "area". If a discussion can be had with the teen/s and parent/s is best. There may also need to be exceptions
                                                                                              • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                                I think a curfew is a must in today's society - its also important to know where your teens are going. Parents should sit down with their teens and let them see from their point of view how much they care about them and how important it is that they know where they are and what time they should be home.
                                                                                                • Judi G 863562
                                                                                                  What rules are in place regarding chores homework amount of sleep the child needs. It's also trust and respect btwn parents and children.. it's an individual issue based on a number of points
                                                                                                  • JANN R
                                                                                                    IT DEPENDS ON THERE AGE AND WHAT PERENTS HAVE SET DOWN FOR THEM I ANLY HAVE GRANDKIDS NOW SO NOT SURE IN THESE TIMES
                                                                                                    • Morenita
                                                                                                      My daughter is 17 and her curfew depends on the night she decides to go anywhere. Mine has always been home she’s not to social so I let her sometimes it’s 10pm or 2am if it’s a special occasion party.
                                                                                                      • Tupulua S
                                                                                                        no curfew, just talk, talk ,and talk, make them like you, make them love you, make them see your point of view, in return for your teenagers, hear what they say, help them create what they want, most importantly l tread them as adults
                                                                                                        • Susan KTC
                                                                                                          Curfew’s, in other word’s a reasonable time to expect a teenager 13 - 15 to be able to have time out/friends social time, I feel 10 pm during week nights, for study group’s, sporting activities, or band practice and 12pm on weekends as long as they accept you as an adult will pick them up after a birthday party, school social, dance. I have two son’s, and was a single parent from when the boys were 10 and 7 years, and these years were very challenging! My youngest son was out of school, working and had a girl friend at age 15, which changed how I had an influence on him, even though he was still living at home. Investing time into your teenagers, learning about them, attending parenting workshops, offering counselling through their school, has worked for my teenage step grandchildren. Their mother and my eldest son, have a really good relationship with the twins/girls, who are were 14 in August, they seem to prefer days at the mall/movie’s, where they are dropped off, get to hang out with their friends all day and picked up at 6 ish, They have guy mate’s they tell me! They do have sleepovers at girl/guy friends house’s with adult supervision.
                                                                                                          • Vivian M 867575
                                                                                                            I grew up with a curfew. Had to be home by 10pm even on weekends even when I got to 20yrs old. If I went to the movies with my boy friend (who later became my husband) we had to miss the end of the movie so I was home in time.!!
                                                                                                            • Debbie F 1139561
                                                                                                              i have 2 grown sons. they always wanted to be home. on the rare occasion they went out, there was a rule that if they were going to be coming home later than 10, they had to call and let us know. we lived way out in the country 30 miles from town. there were times they would call to say they were going to stay in town with a friend. we never had any issues with curfews, because they both wanted to be home and to bed early. we also never had any issues with nap or bedtimes. don't know why, it was just the way they were.
                                                                                                              • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                                I really don’t know
                                                                                                                • Baby Crainer
                                                                                                                  The discussion is great
                                                                                                                  • Barbara H 1073102
                                                                                                                    Of course teen of all ages need curfews. School nights especially. Nothing good ever happens after midnight still applies today.
                                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                                      I grew up on that saying, and I believe it to be so true. Everything is pretty much closed, so kids will find trouble or "extracurricular" things to engage in and I feel they're too emotionally young as well as it's immoral to be doing certain physical things.
                                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                                      I was a good kid in high school, but I spent my weekends babysitting, not going to keg parties the kids had out in the desert. My family and us kids didn't drink or experiment with drugs and I got teased unmercifully for being known as a "goodie goodie", but I didn't care, and still don't. It's never haunted me. On the contrary, I feel sorry for those youth that had no guidance or wholesomeness in their lives, as I was blessed to have.
                                                                                                                  • Claude H
                                                                                                                    I have 6 grown up children & never had any trouble as we were always family orientated and worked together
                                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                                      So reminiscent of my family life. It really sets kids up for great adulthoods.
                                                                                                                    • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                      I agree, no curfews needed in my home.
                                                                                                                  • Pennye R
                                                                                                                    On school nights, teens need an earlier curfew. Guidelines are important for kids to learn boundaries and responsibilities. A weekend night can be a little later but not every night! There are too many opportunities for kids to get in trouble or be in danger.
                                                                                                                    • yvonne l 1107206
                                                                                                                      i think 9pmis good
                                                                                                                      • Robert A 853384
                                                                                                                        when the streetlights come on....
                                                                                                                        • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                          Would never occur to me to think up an arbitrary time to be home. Never had one myself. My children are home, or their friends are here, or they go out somewhere and come home at the end, or I pick them up sometimes. Time is irrelevant.
                                                                                                                          • The dog house
                                                                                                                            With regards to safety for your children they should be indoors before dark. It was a little safer in my time but my parents did not encourage going out on our own unless with a group and not till midnight.
                                                                                                                            • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                              Should curfews have a tie-in with the area you live in? IDK, just seems logical to me, but I don't have kids, so... seems to be about trust. If you can trust your kids to tell you the truth about stuff - like their friends' ages, alcohol at parties or not, etc, then I think curfew (as has already been said here) should be gradual, and relative to age; If you don't trust your kids, then don't let them out of your sight until you do fully trust them!
                                                                                                                              • Edward S 497347
                                                                                                                                They all should have curfews but the curfew time should be based on their age and how responsible they are and the type of people they hang out with
                                                                                                                                • PETER M 134659
                                                                                                                                  THE C WORD TAKES THE GUN OUT. REGULAR AT BREAKING CURFEW.
                                                                                                                                  • Sweetums
                                                                                                                                    Uh oh! ;-)
                                                                                                                                • Maria T 1103596
                                                                                                                                  If a curfew is imposed. I would say that is great however if they want to go they will sneak out.
                                                                                                                                  • Rosemary E 383382
                                                                                                                                    Do they have school the next day? Have they put everything in their bags for the next day? Is their uniform ready for the next school day? Can you trust them to tell you the truth where they are going and who they will be with? Do you have trouble getting them out of bed school mornings? At 14, will there be a responsible adult nearby?
                                                                                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                      One, I DON'T have any children. Two, since I NEVER had children - not in a position to offer parental advice on a CURFEW. Three, I never had a CURFEW - when I lived with my parents! Last, the only person who knows whether your child (actually) needs a curfew is YOU - since you are the PARENT of the child!
                                                                                                                                      • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                        Start out at an earlier time when younger and increase with age, maturity, and responsibility. A 14 year old, 10 o'clock. An 18 year old, midnight.
                                                                                                                                        • View all 8 replies
                                                                                                                                        • Rosemary E 383382
                                                                                                                                          How many 14 year olds will be where they tell you they are going and staying until they come home.?? Some you think would never be coaxed into an unsuitable situation as they are normally mature enough to remove themselves in safety. At 14 you are legally responsible for whatever they do or are there. The first question you will hear is "where are the parents?" At 14 it would definitely be before dark
                                                                                                                                        • Linda C
                                                                                                                                          We have 14 year olds and younger stealing cars and writing them off and in some cases themselves. We have kids of that age running with older same aged kids stabbing other kids and killing them. We have those aged kids breaking into houses with guns, machetes, knives and clubs. 14 year olds and younger should be home period after dark.
                                                                                                                                        • Rhonda D 522615Linda C
                                                                                                                                          I am talking about them being at school or church functions. At a friend's house/party. Not running the streets. A 14 year old has to have a definate place to go and I take them.
                                                                                                                                        • Linda CRhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                          If you have them at school or church functions you would have a cut off time. At a friends place you would need to know the parents are being responsible for them. Unfortunately, too many kids are running the streets these days. Not every parent takes them to and from a place.
                                                                                                                                        • Christine M 323842Rosemary E 383382
                                                                                                                                          In winter it gets dark by 4.30 and they are still on their way home from school. How’s that going to work?
                                                                                                                                        • Linda CChristine M 323842
                                                                                                                                          Not sure where you live but we do not have that problem here. As with everything, one has to adjust to circumstances. However, if it is dark then once home they should stay there.
                                                                                                                                        • Christine M 323842Linda C
                                                                                                                                          I live in Melbourne Linda. I don’t agree that they should be confined to the home just because the sun has gone down. Life goes on after sunset.
                                                                                                                                        • Linda CChristine M 323842
                                                                                                                                          I was born in Melbourne and lived there for over 30 years and had 3 children there. I don't remember it getting dark by 4.30pm. Yes life goes on after sunset but you have to know where your kids are. It is our responsibility to know. If they are somewhere they should be and you know they are safe OK but if they are just running wild then there can be problems.

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