Discussion of the Day
Should we monitor what our children read or watch as parents?
Henry sFeb 13, 22
Some parents don't monitor what there children watch and read, what do you think? cause I think it's proper. Our duty as parents is to monitor the PG rating of what our children watch or read, because sometimes what they watch and read control's there behavior and character. So I am just curious to see what other parents and people think?
  • Jenny L 591463
    Yes they should be monitored every moment they are on the computer. They should only be allowed to use the computer in a family space not hidden away in their bedrooms for hours on end. People on the internet came be bullies and can cause serious damage to any one and they get away with it because they can hide their identities. Children have killed themselves because they have been bullied online. Extremely sad and a terrible time to be a parent these days as it is so much harder to manage what they are exposed to. I know the internet people are trying to make things safer but for some it is all too late.
    • Grommie
      read the question again... children aren't parents until they are adults !! Dear Henry s could you put the words...As Parents ....at the start of your question? oh and there children should be their children and you think it's proper that parents don't monitor....? controls didn't need an apostrophe the last sentence has a question mark, but it's not couched as a question. I'd be interested to know what you read !!!!
      • Glenyse H
        Most assuredly as there is a lot of rubbish that is available.
        • Imperia S
          • Paul W 383502
            Depending on their age, Yes definitely.
            • michael b 383297
              all to late for that unfourntnely
              • Margaret B 429563
                This is our main responsibility as parents, along with good nutrition, safe environment and peaceful sleeps the next most important thing is to screen their visual and audible intake. If we truly care for our children, we will do this for them - its part of our expression of love to them as part of our family. Too many parents just opt for a game machine or screen where kids can view unsavoury programmes and the little ones (even up to teenagers) never learn safe boundaries and the morals of life and what God wants for us - to be safe, happy and living life to the fullest.
                • Rose S 88496
                  Yes yes yes there are way too many weirdos out there that we need to protect our children from
                  • Jan M 586967
                    Of course we should monitor the children's reading and watching habits it is our job as a parent to make sure that the things they read or view will help to develop caring loving instincts not violent behaviors
                    • Paula J 395266
                      Of course we should monitor what our children are reading and watching. It's called parenting. Many people today don't believe in God, but believe in him or not he does exist and eventually everyone will get to stand before his or her God and they will be called to answer for the way their children turned out. I have raised my children to be believers but it is their choice to choose whether to or not, but I also raised them to be polite, honest and respectful, and so far none has let me down. I ran a very strict household, much stricter than their friends. One of the friends told me one day our household was quite odd, and when I asked why you could have knocked me over with a feather. My family was considered odd because we ALL sat down together each night to eat our dinner. How sad is that? I had to wonder what parents are doing with their children. It seems not much.
                      • Christina C 466456
                        Yes absolutely. The internet while awesome, can be dangerous so it's up to parents to make sure their kids are safe.
                        • Margaret C 77490
                          • Dimitri T 100433
                            no children but they should be monitored what they access on internet
                            • Mary M 329762
                              Do you remember odd couple tv shown its was a "M" in 1960s but 1990s was "G". Yes monitor someways but also should the child have family time that kids needed so much. One and one time to talk the parents day to day life.
                              • Amber 22
                                Yes but you can not do it all the time
                                • Mary M 329762
                                  If don't havw sameone to talk to the internet became family
                              • Ruth v
                                Definately. They could be watching anything and it sometimes isn't good for their young minds.
                                • Shirley H 391879
                                  Absolutely! The old adage “garbage in garbage out” still holds true. It is the responsibility of parents to censor. Explain to the child why. As a parent it is vital to do this as children do not have the experience to do this.
                                  • Derek T 647795
                                    I think depending on their age, you have to watch certain things, but you can't watch them all the time, they need bit of freedom as they get older, plus they pick up a lot of stuff out and about with their friends.
                                    • Judy T 470524
                                      I agree, parents should monitor what their children watch but they can't be there 24/7. Children will always be nosy & watch what they are not allowed to watch.
                                      • Bernadette S 103492
                                        Agree with you Henry S, as the people who Rate what the kids can watch and read, are sometimes "away with the fairies".
                                        • Gail B 209535
                                          • adrienne H 312549
                                            monitor the on internet and online gaming - predators paradise
                                            • peter w 94893
                                              • Sabine V
                                                Offcause the parent should monitor what their children read and watch, especial early in life as they learn so much in the first 5 years
                                                • Matt M 461986
                                                  I'm not a parent, but yeah definitely until a certain age. Maybe early teens, after then it's kind of going to be hard to restrict them with the way the internet is now and how easy it is to access anything at the click of a button
                                                  • Tiffany L 690503
                                                    It was not issued
                                                    • Jacqueline R 353303
                                                      Definitely children need to be monitored so much rubbish around these days! This goes for the TV also
                                                      • PETER M 134659
                                                        OF COURSE. IT'S A PARENT'S JOB
                                                        • Elvira D 70287
                                                          yes definitely as parents we need to be involved in what our children read or watch regardless of whether our children like it or not . one thing to remember is parents are always the last to find out things that revolve around their children. While the children have no life experience, tunnel vision, and have disbelief in what parents say, that's when problems arise because we want to inform, protect, teach that children read or watch because it can affect their personality/character/ becoming uncooperative disrespectful. and don't know who they are dealing with because not everyone is honest out there., there are those ready to rip you off, get you messed up into drugs/crime/alcohol abuse., physical bullying, and cyberbullying. the children have no idea about taking risks and the potential outcome can bring.
                                                          • Peter R 540519
                                                            Absolutely . The content providers should be held more accountable as well.
                                                            • Belle S
                                                              More than ever these days.
                                                              • APB
                                                                • Mooi
                                                                  • Anneliese
                                                                    Yes you should absolutely be monitoring what they watch and read. Also if their older what they look up on the computer, plus who they become friends with and hang out with. Influences can come from lots of sources, some will good and some are bad, you just need to watch and guide them in the right direction.
                                                                    • Disie
                                                                      Yes. Moreso on the net than TV
                                                                      • Storm A 703881
                                                                        Definitely YES!!
                                                                        • Sheree T
                                                                          Absolutely yes.
                                                                          • Paul J 94868
                                                                            The internet can be a freaky place...
                                                                            • Granny Al
                                                                              Yes! There is a lot out there that isn’t suitable for different ages and they have difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction
                                                                              • Janice S 76330
                                                                                Most definitely yes. It is a parent's responsibility to protect their child/children. We do it out of love, and we take our responsibility seriously, doing the best we can while we can. Unfortunately many children are told that they have 'rights' and that no one can tell them what to do or not do, that actually happened with my granddaughter, it was lucky that her parents spoke to the school principal about the teacher concerned and corrected the situation quickly. She is now a much nicer granddaughter.
                                                                                • Qberryz
                                                                                  Yes!!! Absolutely monitor everything they read or watch. We as parents are to guide them
                                                                                  • Kathleen g 106187
                                                                                    yes definitely,its a parents responsibility
                                                                                    • Maria B 89860
                                                                                      Yes, every minute of every day, guess this can be done these days by setting perimeters of what they can access. I don't have young ones and just trust my grown up one to do the right thing.
                                                                                      • diane c QLD
                                                                                        my kids are all grown up now with kids of their own ,but i do wonder sometimes just what they watch and who they talk to on the internet.
                                                                                        • Paul B 522937
                                                                                          Chou can only tell them what's good for them to watch and read but if you stop them from seeing things that are damaging to their minds they will only want to find out what's being hidden from them
                                                                                          • Val B 69099
                                                                                            It is a parent's responsibility to monitor watch our children watch and to talk about whatever they are watching
                                                                                            • Helen E 469767
                                                                                              Yes We are responsible for their behavior that can come from the wrong things to watch
                                                                                              • Michele W 394946
                                                                                                Yes, it's called responsible parenting.
                                                                                                • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                                  • Empress
                                                                                                    You need to have good trust between you and your child/children. It is our role as parents to teach right from wrong, the gut feeling you have when something isn't right, and when they need to tell an adult. My kids made it through to adulthood without anything major, and I'm sure there are things they will laugh about amongst themselves that Mum didn't find out about. We need to be there for them when they make mistakes, Moreover, those creeps that prey on kids online etc need to be caught and dealt with.
                                                                                                    • Largs - SA
                                                                                                      As a teacher, hearing what some children talk about in the classroom it is essential that parents monitor their children's viewing and reading habits.
                                                                                                      • Brietta 617888
                                                                                                        yes parents should monitor what things their children put in their minds via tv, internet, books or other sources. It is called being a parent.
                                                                                                        • Joe B 288252
                                                                                                          I think it’s necessary, not so much for censorship but to ensure that they have an understanding of what they are reading / viewing and how it relates to real life. If you hide something…it becomes more desirable
                                                                                                          • Igor A
                                                                                                            I guess you right. We are responsible for our kids. We should monitor and protect them.
                                                                                                            • Nikita M 760398
                                                                                                              Yes parents need to be aware of what their children are doing
                                                                                                              • MoB
                                                                                                                Yes it's part of parenting.
                                                                                                                • Colin L 88398
                                                                                                                  Simple answer is ES we need to look at what they are doing if only for their own protection if nothing else.
                                                                                                                  • Bugalugs
                                                                                                                    This is a no-brainer! Of course parents, guardians and other adults in the family should closely monitor and, yes, censor, what children are reading and seeing. How many 10s of 1000s of time do we hear reports of Children being groomed on-line? Just as many times how often do we hear these parents and other adults complaining about how their child was groomed but they, the parents/adults, had no idea what was going on? Some years ago a young girl was murdered. She had been groomed by a paedophile on the internet. The child was having her 15rh Birthday Party and a man, older than the girl's mother, turned up at the door claiming to be the father of the "boy" the child had met on-line. The mother let him in and allowed the child to take this adult male into her bedroom and close the door. Later one of the guests went to the bedroom and there they were in bed together. Still this stupid mother did nothing. The child ended up getting murdered by this man. The mother claimed she had just wanted to be her daughter's friend, both had dressed like Goths, the mother complete with tatts - which today she keeps well hidden - then went into "Victim Mode" - none of this was her fault' Yes, it was. She refused to exercise any control over her 13, the 14 then 15 years-old child.
                                                                                                                    • Joy L 68767
                                                                                                                      yes, when my kids were young we got our first computer. they were only allowed to use it at certain times and it was in the lounge/dining/kitchen area of the home where we could see what they were doing. my grandchildren had the rule of only 1 hr screen time and they had to do it where Mum and Dad could see them. Unfortunately with home schooling ect during COVID kids get away with a lot more now.
                                                                                                                      • Kennedy R
                                                                                                                        Yes parents should watch their kids on their screens
                                                                                                                        • Beverly I
                                                                                                                          Yes we should check what very young children are watching and reading ,we have to keep are children safe ????
                                                                                                                          • SueM2
                                                                                                                            Parents would do better to read their child a book instead!
                                                                                                                            • Lorraine C 90175
                                                                                                                              • Jane M 438289
                                                                                                                                The younger a child is the more you should do periodic checks. This should be for their protection more than monitoring what they may say to approved friends.
                                                                                                                                • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                  I am lucky, my kids grew up before technology had become an issue. Yes I think it is now important to keep an eye on what kids are 'watching', with out being over protective help them make safe/good decisions
                                                                                                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                    Outdoors is the best class room, Only 2 rules, Do not get hurt, and do not eat poison fruits
                                                                                                                                    • Lachelle B
                                                                                                                                      Some parents use technology as a babysitter. The older they get the harder it is to monitor. Let common sense prevail, talk to them, tell them not everything on the internet is 'safe' or 'real'. Keep the pc in the lounge, take the phone away at night. The internet is a privilege not a right (I have taken the modem away before). When you contribute financially then you can have a pc in your room, my house, my rules. I giveth I can taketh away lol.
                                                                                                                                      • Claude H
                                                                                                                                        My 6 children have a range from 64 to 48 so I think it is a little late to tell them what they can read or watch
                                                                                                                                        • The dog house
                                                                                                                                          Unfortunately with mobile phones and computers you cannot monitor as well as you would like. They may often get up at night when you are a sleep and use these devices. Yes I think it is wise.
                                                                                                                                          • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                                            Yes, I always monitor everything that my child read or watch on the internet as a parent is because I need protect my child from unwanted cycle Bully or predators.
                                                                                                                                            • allin
                                                                                                                                              i don't bother, my kids are around 50 years old,,, ;-))
                                                                                                                                              • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                                                there is a most unfortunate complex given rise to these days - if a young person has an opinion - which they are more than entitled to have - that that opinion is the only one to have, and that all other/opposing/different opinions are dumb, stupid, wrong, or - worse still - dangerous. Where the heck did that come from? Teenager Greta Thunberg, (sorry about name if wrong), says I should be jumping up and down about climate change because she wants to have a hissy fit about it, and I'm suppose to drop all my beliefs and listen to her, on a subject that I would probably know more about that she does - all because she's a teen speaking her mind? What planet did we suddenly migrate to, when I wasn't looking? People - by that I mean ADULTS - need to seriously get a grip. We are meant to be leading our children, to be the safe place for them to fall, if and when they do, not the other way around! Bit of a rant there, sorry.
                                                                                                                                                • just me- NZ
                                                                                                                                                  My daughter is grown up now, but I monitored everything she did lol :)
                                                                                                                                                  • Laurie I
                                                                                                                                                    Yes definitely. There are individuals out there who deliberately target young people. Part of growing up is being guided in what is essential in a healthy environment both physically and mentally. It is essential that there is mature input into what young fertile minds are fed. Unfortunately in this highly technical age a lot of adults have been left behind and are at a loss in monitoring what our young ones have access to
                                                                                                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                                      My parents NEVER monitor what I watch or read. I not sure monitoring what kids watch or read is feasible for most parents - however all parents "should know" the warning signs - if they kid(s) are being physical and/or sexual abuses. Still not my issue - I don't have KIDS!
                                                                                                                                                      • Gaza
                                                                                                                                                        Take an interest in what your kids are doing and lead them for the better.
                                                                                                                                                        • Aisha A 379399
                                                                                                                                                          Check the history of their activities whether on the computer, phone or tablet. And make sure they never learn how to delete those details.
                                                                                                                                                          • Linda C
                                                                                                                                                            That is our job. My children always read and still do. I always handed them their books. Same went for TV. I only allowed them to watch certain shows. I remember when Jaws first came on TV and all the kids watched it and were so scared and mine kids were dirty on me for not letting them. When they were older they did watch it and understood my decision although I copped some sour looks for a while. These days with social media, the stuff that is on TV etc. it must be very hard to keep track of what they are watching. Still, one should not give up as it is our job to protect them.
                                                                                                                                                            • Denise E 319573
                                                                                                                                                              I was the same, but different shows. My kids (both now in their 30s) still think I was wrong, but I still believe I had the right to do that. The show was "The Simpsons" and I still don't like some of the concepts on the show although we still don't watch it. It was only a couple of shows I did this to and I do realise now that there are far worse shows out there. We don't watch any TV now and neither does my son. And I totally agree that Social Media must make it very difficult these days. I don't use it at all, my husband is very limited as is our son but our daughter has her screens glued to her face all day, every day. All we can do is do what we think is best for our own kids and be there, for them, if they get into trouble.
                                                                                                                                                            • Linda CDenise E 319573
                                                                                                                                                              I have never liked cartoons so we did not watch them but they did watch The Simpsons when they were older. I do not use social media either and am horrified by the nasty trolls on it.
                                                                                                                                                          • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                                            Definitely, for younger children. As teens, you can somewhat loosen the controls. A lot of bad stuff out in the world.
                                                                                                                                                            • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                                                              yeah, one of the most important lessons to teach kids - trust their gut instincts. but you gotta know what that gut is telling your kid first. Take an interest in their likes/ know what they dislike. Unfortunately, for their own protection as much as anything else, kids kinda hafta grow up quick - quicker than most of us did - today. But not all the way. Adults still have the say over tv, music, books/reading material, movies to see, for a while at least, if the kids live under your roof

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