Discussion of the Day
Do you think there are more good people or bad people in the world at present
AngieAug 16, 23
I've heard and seen so much horrible behaviour by people lately... Animal abuse, Child abuse and family violence, Crimes against society, Corporate greed, Inequality, Online bullying, Scamming, Looting, Road rage... need I go on? What the hell is going on with people. Things are only getting worse, especially as times are hard financially with the cost of living, not to mention Climate change and the after affects with Fires, Floods and Drought etc.
Why aren't we helping, and giving, and taking care of each other anymore? Why is it a case of every man for himself and bugger the rest of you.
How do we come back from this? I try to be optimistic about the future of humanity. But every day there is a yet another story of an innocent life cut short at the hands of such evil people in our world
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