Discussion of the Day
Should COVID-19 vaccines be compulsory?
Adele MFeb 05, 21
Should the government make COVID-19 vaccination compulsory as many business are?
Comments - Page 2
  • Chosen
    Yes - cannot wait being and essential boarder worker.
    • Connie B 386307
      As soon as my pharmacy has the shot(s) I'm there
      • Kim E 84962
        • Robert nsw
          • Graeme E 87063
            • Linda R 394234
              • Sally M 173272
                • meredith j - NZ
                  • Frank N
                    No. All medical treatments should be the patient's choice.
                    • Bill H 487635
                      • Debbie C 147795
                        No. But common sense would tell you what to do to stay alive and the ones you love
                        • doug m 408074
                          • Chris A 117384
                            • SueM2
                              No, but there should be provisions that state you are not impelled to attend functions etc where there are unvaccinated people.
                              • Sue2
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  In the USA (where I reside) - NO! The majority (Caucasians) - have constantly used minority groups ( especially Blacks) - as "guinea pigs" for medical advancements - in the treatment of diseases! The history of medical treatment of minorities and/or indigenous people - overseas - I don't know and can not give a definitive answer!!!
                                  • Louise M 447666
                                    Absolutely not. We don’t know if it’s safe yet
                                    • kate j 178373
                                      • JustE
                                        Not compulsory.
                                        • Shirley H 391879
                                          No. My system is already compromised so I don’t want a further assault. Plus the virus is mutating and the vaccine available will not be as effective, and there is no assurety of time of efficacy?
                                          • Tony Whiting
                                            • Carrie K 391388
                                              Yes. We can get over this Pandemic when most people (80%) are vaccinated.
                                              • Gaza
                                                Yes, otherwise the majority will suffer because of the minority.
                                                • Rosemary E 383382
                                                  I am worried about allergic reactions. I know a child who had to have cpr after being given a iv of medication the didn't know he was allergic to.
                                                  • Diane M 82776

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