Discussion of the Day
Fundraising / savings ideas
Daniel TMar 10, 22
I've done all kinds of travel over the years and despite the uncertainty of COVID variants etc, I still have plans and hopes for travel etc for my family and me. e.g a family Missions Trip and other travel...
What about you guys??
Also, what ideas methods have you found to be effective for generating funds etc for a major dream/plan?
  • Grommie
    • Megan K 659578
      Dont buy unnecessary things, sell items you do not need, eat at home more
      • Cory C
        i just have a small amount of savings for emergencies but if i need to visit family its there
        • Imperia S
          I think I'll stay put for a while
          • Hanno.
            Nothings more dangerous than travel, you're safer staying at home.
            • Elizabeth J 447888
              I did a few trips on my own and with friend when I was younger. Hubby loves the Scandinavian countries. They have great rock bands. A few dollars can be earned from mystery shopping. As an example I have been to restaurants and had a free meal. They payment would be say $5 - not much - but I have had a lovely meal at a nice restaurant for free.
              • Leslie D 488751
                Only spend what you have to. People buy things that are not needed, so their money disappears before their eyes. There are many ways to save, some better than others, so use your imagination. I had plans to go to Ukraine this year but that has been put on hold for now.
                • Edith v
                  work hard & save up
                  • Beverly I
                    People traveling from country to country far to many years has caused the mess the world is in ,Not good mixing with other countries.What's wrong with traveling in our own countries ?
                    • Julie K 348980
                      For every coffee you buy, put $5 into a money box.
                      • Sonya F 68771
                        just start saving
                        • Helen L 750218
                          Start a family travel blog and YouTube channel :)
                          • allin
                            we painted our way from the east coast to the west coast, then returned the same way, met lets of great folks, as usual there is always an ass to be found here and there ;-))
                            • Ruth v
                              Put a certain amount aside each week. It adds up quickly.
                              • Pat C 618241
                                I travelled during my working years. Glad I did as I don't think I will again except to see a little more of Australia and perhaps New Zealand, presuming Covid doesn't rear up in even more horrific variants.
                                • Greg B 520364
                                  We all save for a rainy day (opps not a go topic in S.E.Qld or N.S.W.) and hope or travel plans can be met
                                  • Paul B 522937
                                    Hard work
                                    • Paul J 94868
                                      My secret plan is cashing in Rewardia points...
                                      • Stephen F 84899
                                        There is no way I would travel overseas. I feel it is much safer to stay in Australia
                                        • Disie
                                          Hear Hear
                                      • Sheree T
                                        My husband and I have been to a few countries over the years. Singapore, Vanuatu, USA, Hawaii and New Zealand. There are two more places I would like to visit and that is Scotland to see where my nanna came from and Canada. Unfortunately due to covid it probably won't happen.
                                        • Carolina Z
                                          I have travelled the World. I have saved enough for my future. I don't need to squeeze my spending although I prefer to help the poor rather than spend on things that I really don't need
                                          • Jania S
                                            I am not travelling anywhere but family and friends in Australia I am thankful we did our travelling 3-4 decades ago, when the world was a much better place. I have so many amazing memories or Iran before USA stuffed it up. England before the Bolshevick did their work. I dont want to go and see destroyed countries and I wouldnt trust the demonic idiot in charge of each country.... THEY fooled 90% of the world to be obedient of their scare tactics of ????..... People still go and get test with a test that cannot diagnose anything, they still obey all the illegal mandates the contradict federal law so are illegal.... I dont want to go and see a world that has been destroyed by the elites and the 99% that apparently have been programmed by the idiot box, because it onlyt takes 5 mins reading of current and old scientific papers from CDC, John Hopkins, WHO, UN, and you would know... BUT most people dont want to know.. NOW THAT IS REALLY SCARY
                                            • Jenny L 591463
                                              I would love to have a trip to Canada as I have very good family friends over there, I just can't get my husband to travel. Around Australia was great in our van and I am so Thankful we did it when we did. What with fuel going up and just the expenses of it all now. My husband work for the airport so he knows a lot about travelling and has done some himself but not with me. It is also a lot of money and money we will never see again. I do dream of the one day maybe, I think I will have to wait for my inheritance and then we will discuss it again. With us it's not just the money side it is our pets too, our youngest puppy does suffer from separation anxiety which we didn't mean to create but have managed to. We would have to find the right person to look after them so it does all add up. I guess we will have to wait and see.
                                              • kristian s 513441
                                                I had all of my coins that I am not using that I put them in a jar for saving for a rainy day.
                                                • Christina C 466456
                                                  There's a lot of options depending on your skill set and available time. 1. Survey websites in your spare time saves on Birthdays and Christmas presents as well as other things. All you need is an opinion - you don't need any special skill. 2. Selling merchandise or online trading - no skills required. Things like essential oils, beauty products or any kind of popular/reasonably priced consumables sell pretty good. There's a big market for grooming products, beauty products that are organic/vegan/natural or eco friendly FYI. 3. If you have graphics design skills you can create 3D objects or make images to sell online for passive income. 4. If you have some programming skills you can upgrade skills for web design - big market and pays well. 5. If you have writing skills you can publish ebooks on Amazon for passive income - good if you have a lot of knowledge in any particular area. 6. Blogging and generating revenue through advertising. You can blog about anything but it requires some skills. 7. Small jobs around the neighbourhood - mailers, mowing lawns on the weekend, weeding gardens etc. 8. Bake sales are popular especially if you pair it with charity where a certain portion of sales are donated. You can sell at work, markets, school events etc.
                                                  • Joe B 288252
                                                    I buy everything on my air points card, pay it off monthly and it helps with card status and the points go onto air tickets….Air NZ 1 point = $1….. apart from that I’m not saving, I’m spending……lol…..avaunt Covid
                                                    • Bugalugs
                                                      We all know that using actual cash is frowned upon by so-called "Modern People" and that using 'plastic', apps etc. are the "Right thing to do" - or so the self-styled "Experts" tell us. But if you want to save and see your savings grown then "Cash is the Ruler" - won't use the royal word incase it offends (it's a joke, Joyce) Just put all your loose change into money- boxes, do not raid, and you will see how quickly it all adds up when you have one or two filled. We have one each for the different coin values which makes it easier when counting it all out to take to the bank etc.
                                                      • Joy L 68767
                                                        I put aside $50 a week towards our next trip. In the currency of the country we are going to. It was enough to pay for our airfares this time.
                                                        • Carolyn H 319412
                                                          I mostly use my Wyndham credits.
                                                          • Empress
                                                            I've been collecting cans and bottles, ready for the 10c refund when Dan Andrews gets off his butt. I struggle from week to week with money, not able to work, lots of other stressful things I need to deal with. But hey...bless you and your family to be saving to go somewhere to help others. I hope God sends you a windfall.
                                                            • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                              There are other rewards companies. I like the ones that put money in your bank account or Paypal. Opinion App does that. If you look up Appen.com. It is the biggest employer of work from home type jobs. Currently they are looking for typing from home jobs and social media evaluators. At different times they are looking for people from different countries. I am in Australia.
                                                          • Sapphire Princess
                                                            I did go on a mission trip in 1997 to Germany and Belarus. A local actor paid the way for me to go. I've Brietta prefer sites I've rewardia, Swagbucks, my points and inboxdollars. I use to order maternity clothes in my size
                                                            • Brietta 617888
                                                              Sites like rewardia, swagbucks, inboxdollars work well for me as a money gaining option
                                                              • Terry G 153626
                                                                Dont forget Pure Profile and Octopus Group.
                                                            • Tupulua S
                                                              Work your buds off and save hard. I do not fundraising for family pleasure and trips . But I am instrumental in fundraising for a community good cause perhaps Mr Daniel would you like to donate to Kids Can project, for children who have no means of getting laptops for home schooling
                                                              • Pieter K
                                                                Budget all your expenses for the next 10 years and overbudget all your expenses allowing for an annual inflation increase. After allocating the money you'll find that you are underspending and anything saved is transferred to a travel account, either within your budget or separately. I have done it for over 20 years and always have enough to travel and still have some for the next trip. The secret is not to touch your travel account for anything else. Good luck.
                                                                • Igor A
                                                                  Just work harder is the name for the best fundraising.
                                                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                    I don't plan on traveling aboard (ever again), since covid19 enter the premises. My last trip aboard was 10/01/2019. I started taking two trips aboard - in 1989 - been too ever continent - except Antarctic. I am saving money since I stopped traveling aboard (a lot of money)!
                                                                    • Darla T
                                                                      The old-fashioned Vacation Club which you did through the bank back in the 60's. However, you can do it at home with your unused cookie jar [if there is such a thing] and decide on what amount to save each week for a specified period of time and stick to it.
                                                                      • The dog house
                                                                        When I was young I travelled to Europe, USA, Canada, Hawaii, New Zealand and a cruise around the Fijian Islands. Seen most of Australia. Now I have no wish to travel abroad but would like to see more of Australia. The uncertainty of what is happening overseas concerns me and prefer to stay closer to home.
                                                                        • Nola B 392757
                                                                          When I was young I ran a disco for one night to fund a trip around Australia..ended in Brisbane when my girlfriend met her husband to be LOL Travel when you are young its cheaper. I used to go to Bali every year first trip $489 for 2 weeks and that included the airfare and accom. 8 weeks in Europe $2500 airfare and accom...Boy do I feel old LOL
                                                                          • Linda C
                                                                            On a pension with a mortgage and strata fees to begin with there is nothing left over after paying the bills and buying some food.

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