Discussion of the Day
Starting a garden
RoseOct 31, 23
These days, it's a great idea of starting a garden. Since with the cost of living, rising price of fruits and vegetables...
I've started a garden, and it's turned out to be a great hobby. Time-consuming but rewarding. Who else has a garden to maintain? :)
  • Dada WA
    First rule. If you can't eat it don't grow it!!!
    • Kristina
      I want to start a garden but I never have the time. I'm only home about 20% of the day.
      • Susan KTC
        We’ve been growing veggies and herbs for many years in a green house, bags and Garden beds, The greenhouse was an affordable price on trade me, bags from mitre 10 or Bunnings, bed we made from off cuts my eldest son had, he’s a builder. Bags are better than pits we’ve found. We also compost, what we can’t grow ourselves we buy locally from a family business, Harvest2Home, fortnightly, spray free/organic and delivered. Happy planting…
        • Pam G 449028
          I have a small garden in which I grow herbs, capsicum, rhubarb, tomatoes, broccoli, snow peas, spring onions and cucumbers.
          • Melinda B 311794
            I have a garden to maintain. I actually love it, and need to do a better job. Lately it has been very windy and I suffer from hayfever plus sinusitis. Bring on the calmer weather, plus less pollen and dust please!
            • Jim 1368397
              Just bought in 14000 litres of water. Will need more soon. Two years ago we put in a 10000 litre tank strictly for the garden. Gone, empty. We grow dust now.
              • JANET R 328390
                I have a garden. Mainly flowers but I am growing a few beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, carrots and spring onions - at the moment. The main problem is always the bugs - snails, grubs etc - but I still like to grow them.
                • View all 3 replies
                • Susan KTC
                  Have you tried drying egg shells and crushing them, put around plants, sometimes helps with deterring slugs and snails…
                • Danielle R 478487Susan KTC
                  yes, I do this,helps alot,also if you make your own coffee try using the ground coffee beans ( after making a pot of coffee). Not only does it deter pests,snakes don't like it either but it also helps your plants grow.
                • JANET R 328390Susan KTC
                  Thanks will try it.
              • Lyn 1385519
                I find it a place of satisfaction. Somewhere my husband and I can join together. Then the products continue into our kitchen.
                • LESLEY S 385154
                  I have started a garden with a few vegetables and hopefully I will be able to share some of the food around withh my family because it is what I really love to do. I am noticing things are growing so it is a good start. The veges taste different when they are straight from a home garden. I qm pleaaed I have got one advocado growing and planted. It does take quite a long time but they are tasty when they are ready to eat.
                  • Woofers
                    Many years ago, I was fortunate enough to have a garden. Digging was always FUN! Woof!
                    • Armadillo
                      Good therapy to have a garden
                      • Catharina 1274733
                        My backyard is only flower and small scrubs. So gardening for me is a form of meditation, in picking up weeds with roots : )) Can spent an hour just to finish a small area around 18 inches x 18 inches.......
                        • Katzeye
                          Only grow herbs now because most of the vegetables went to seed..veges are slowly coming down in price at the supermarket and I emphasize slowly.
                          • Mary M 329762
                            As long make you happy do gardening
                            • David R 1258352
                              Those who think it's not worthed You don't know gardening or you don't understand finances!!!
                              • Anh D
                                It is the really good method to relax your mind.
                                • Joe B 288252
                                  Not worth it if you just want to save money but a great pastime and very rewarding when you put your own verges on the table
                                  • william 1389666
                                    its good to know that you grew your own and you can verify that no dangerous chemicals have been used,health benefits and cost cutting its a win win
                                    • Catalina
                                      Ive a raised garden bed, mysterious, how things are growing or not growing! Composting is good, few fruit trees, flowers grow by themselves...gardening is a blessing. Really amazing. But I’m not really a gardener. I wish I was.
                                      • Bev
                                        I grew veggies last year, and was so disappointed because bugs got into the plants.
                                        • Jennifer S 320468
                                          I love being in t hge garden ...great for the soul!
                                          • Paula J 395266
                                            I love a garden but it isn't always easy. When building our second home we found a block in a new estate in the middle of the bush with pegs showing where roads etc. would be. Once the roads, curb and guttering, sewerage etc. was in all the trees on the front of the block were gone and we realized there was one inch of clay with solid rock underneath. We built tiers with rocks but needed soil so contacted every pool builder in the area. It was a very slow process. We used our veggie scraps, a friends horse poo and anything else we could get our hands on to build the soil up. It has been almost 40 years and we still need to build some garden beds up because the rain and water either run straight off or soak in, hit the rock and drain away. But we have a plum tree, macadamia, ruby grapefruit, lime, persimmon, we did have a lemon until we trimmed it and it died, we have figs, blueberries as well as raspberries, mint, parsley and rhubarb. I don't think I've forgotten anything. I've tried lettuce which usually goes to seed, and tomatoes are ripe when they are the cheapest in the supermarket, potatoes take up too much space and I gave my Bay tree away. I have had no luck with garlic and the chives always decided to grow where I don't want them to, but you do get a sense of accomplishment picking things from your own garden.
                                            • Danielle R 478487
                                              If you have a deck or patio I would suggest some vegies in pots. I have my tomatoes*( mainly Roma and another called patio supreme) they work the best in small space with good yeild. I have also had luck with garlic,spring onion,herbs and even lettuce( best in rectangular type pot). Oh and beans with a stake in the middle for them to climb up. Potatoes can be tricky,saw a utube video where they used one of the old type small garbage bins,about 2ft. But haven't tried it myself. Shame you couldn't keep your bay leaf tree. Best of luck with your garden.
                                            • Paula J 395266Danielle R 478487
                                              Thank you.
                                          • Greg B 520364
                                            A good hobby. But do not think you will save money. Unless you have at least 700 square meters to put under crops. It's is nice to have fresh veggies.
                                            • View all 4 replies
                                            • David R 1258352
                                              I doubt your gardening skills!!! I have a 350 sq feet garden and i save at least a thousand buck every summer.
                                            • JANET R 328390
                                              I tend to agree with you Greg. When you take into account cost of water, fertilizer, etc - I don't think you save much at all. But it is nice to have fresh veges from your garden.
                                            • Greg B 520364David R 1258352
                                              That does surprise me you must sell a lot to your friends
                                            • David R 1258352Greg B 520364
                                              i actually cant eat that much beans and zucchinis so i gave it to my friends and family as well !
                                          • Angela B 809648
                                            So many good reasons to have a little patch. Exercise, vegetables taste better and better for you if you grow organic like me, it's fun especially if you grow from seed. I love growing lettuce on my windowsills, can just pick as needed..oh I could go on forever, there are some great Facebook sites such as gardening on a budget, check them out!
                                            • JANET R 328390
                                              Agree about Facebook gardening sites. Great.
                                          • DENIS PONCH
                                            My garden has trees for shade and 32 roses but the possums have destroyed most of them, luck that is what you need l have tried every think they have destroyed 2 of my lemon trees but don't touch my tomatoes as l make pickles, 16 larges jars for my family. That Life People. deponch
                                            • Paula J 395266
                                              Yes, possums and cockies are a pain.
                                            • JANET R 328390Paula J 395266
                                          • Roberta E 611945
                                            Yes I have done that so far it’s costing me more but I’m hoping I will get my money’s worth eventually, but despite that I am really enjoying growing everything
                                            • Larry S 382961
                                              I would but limited space as only a small courtyard. I could buy tubs to do it but too much to do it
                                              • Sabine V
                                                I try growing tomatoes with little suggest. They start good and then die.
                                                • Danielle R 478487
                                                  I have had luck with a product called tomatoes food". It's in a small box and is available at most Mitre 10 and Bunnings stores from between $7=$10. Specially formulated for all nightshade plants,so tomatoes,chillies,capsicum,eggplant. Lasts a really long time. And doubled the size of my plants and yield. The other thing I found is caterpillars can eat a plant in a couple of days so either cover them with netting,spray them or check them every day. Hope that helps.
                                                • Sabine VDanielle R 478487
                                                  Thanks l'll try that, sound good. At the moment l have flowers and good growth, but for how long l don't know. Thanks again for your help
                                              • Laura W 363255
                                                I have a garden but don’t grow veggies as don’t think it’s worth it for 1 person & I only have small block. Have lots f frangipani in ground & pots which I love in Perth WA.
                                                • Danielle R 478487
                                                  Frangipani are so beautiful.
                                              • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                Such a great hobby for many reasons.
                                                • Priscilla R 316016
                                                  I have always had a home garden and usually grow far too much for one person to consume, but my neighbours love that I give them whatever is extra. It is a wonderful hobby and certainly keeps one busy.
                                                  • Linda B 907610
                                                    I started a vege garden last year when we moved to this property. It needs a lot of work after the winter but that's this weekend's plan. I love reaping the rewards of my toil.
                                                    • Sarah 1325723
                                                      Yes, home grown is always better
                                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                                        Just moved to Qld hoping to start a garden soon
                                                        • Asesh S
                                                          I have been gardening for over 20 years and have 2 tanks that collect rain water which helps a lot and my family and friends eagerly await for the vegetables from my garden every year.
                                                          • Colin L 88398
                                                            I used to till the rainwater tank started leaking. Being underground and no one knowing where it was helped no end but after digging back from the pump input pipe I eventually uncovered the top which is straight concrete and over 6 inches thick so i'm looking for something affordable to cut it open and concrete cutters with blades that cost 1.2 K are not my idea of affordable.
                                                            • Sharon NZ
                                                              Boc choy, beans
                                                              • Danielle R 478487
                                                                Love bok choy, it grows so quick. And has so many uses
                                                            • Barbara M 70809
                                                              I love gardening and find it relaxing and rewarding. I grow most of my berries and vegetables in pots or above ground gardens as I can control the water supply better. My above ground gardens are old tanks cut in half with the bottom section filled with wine bottles with lids on and ash etc in between. This is covered with old carpet or similar and garden soil for the top 30cm. Some use IBC's cut in half but they are a bit low for me. Our fruit trees grow under netting tunnels to keep possums and birds out.
                                                              • Shawn B 1061185
                                                                My garden turned into a salad bar for the deers.
                                                                • lulu
                                                                  Me too but guess what? cows get fat on grass haha enjoy a healthy hobby.
                                                                  • Mary G 409440
                                                                    I do not have much room for a garden so decided to get a Vegepod. One of the best things I have ever done - it works very well on the patio. Have now invested in a second one to grow herbs etc. Just wish I had more land for veges. However we do have some fruit trees on the boundary of our property.
                                                                    • Rodger M
                                                                      Grow a lot of vegies and give some away .... best flavour ... really don't need a lot of space for small lots
                                                                      • Mercedes 1376978
                                                                        Unfortunately I enjoyed gardening but due to problems with my hands had to stop. It relaxed me and get a happy feeling, satisfaction when see the crops grow.
                                                                        • Jan R 542056
                                                                          At the moment we are living in a caravan, but I can't wait till we get our own place so that my husband & I can start a garden. I want to make a little Japanese plot and we want to grow vegies, roses and shady trees.
                                                                          • Jenny L 591463
                                                                            We have a small veggie/herb garden. Chives are very easy to grow and they just can't be killed and ours survived the drought in 2019. We have rhubarb which we love to stew with apples ( I want to grow more but water can be an issue here.) I decided because we haven't had any decent rain I wouldn't plant any thing. Normally we would have tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, parsley, potatoes, have had carrots, capsicums, thyme, flat leaf parsley. Hubby hated the taste of our carrots but I learned if we put them in the fridge at least over night they tasted like brought ones. Certainly taste different if home grown and yes can save some money here and there. Growing some sweet potato for the first time, our potatoes were so small this year due to lack of water. We don't grow things because we can we only grow things we know we will eat. Tried broccoli once and the bugs loved it and we didn't get any. One day we want a green house and some chooks but not yet.
                                                                            • SueS
                                                                              Planted several lettuce but no one ate them so I lost interest.
                                                                              • Nikki W 168121
                                                                                I have a small veggie garden. Love it. I use something from it every day.
                                                                                • Empress
                                                                                  Oh please..I look at plants and they wither and die. My garden looks like a shambles and the more I try to rectify it I jst get worn out with barely any results. I am fighting bigger battle. In any case I have birds and possums, and they would be happy to pick off the produce as they do with my lemon and mandarin trees.
                                                                                  • Maureen W 406466
                                                                                    I am trying to get a garden going so far I have a few herbs and tomatoes but the bush turkeys eat some of them unfortunately
                                                                                    • Ann J 1179342
                                                                                      If you have tomatoes changes I would suggest trying that and then do some research to see what would detract them away from your garden. I have the same problem in the states with squirrels
                                                                                    • Maureen W 406466Ann J 1179342
                                                                                      Thank you we also have kangaroos that love my herbs
                                                                                  • Danielle R 478487
                                                                                    Yes,we have fruit trees( lemons,apples,figs,plums,nectarines and Tahitian limes). We just extended our enclosed vege garden. So we have 1 small dome with oregano,spring onion celery,lettuce,rocket and at times potatoes. And now have a large area like a gazebo covered with netting with assorted pots of different tomatoes,garlic, all kinds of chillies,zuccini and sage. We covered it because the birds here strip the plants leaves and all. And helps prevent pests like cabbage moth. Yes alot of work but enjoyable. We share what we grow. One tip I found handy was googling a local area gardening group. I use one for far south coast. Helps with ideas to manage local pests,what grows best,planting dates etc. It's such a rewarding hobbies,hope it goes well for you.
                                                                                    • pam rae
                                                                                      hi ty Zebra...
                                                                                      • Gaza
                                                                                        No room.
                                                                                        • Nazima 1379130
                                                                                          Right now I don't garden will do in further I like to it
                                                                                          • Kerry P 1257988
                                                                                            I don't garden
                                                                                            • Paul B 522937
                                                                                              Me Gardening is very relaxing as well as saving a little money I love it
                                                                                              • Conny 1314879
                                                                                                too late in the year for this year. . .
                                                                                                • TREV. BOO
                                                                                                  GREAT GOOD TO SEE
                                                                                                  • Robert T 597718
                                                                                                    Thank you Rose you look happy
                                                                                                    • nina m 212027
                                                                                                      love my vege patch and start in the middle of september i,m already picking my greens and we love the taste soon the snow peas and tomatos will be ready to pick lot of work but the result is worth it
                                                                                                      • Joy L 68767
                                                                                                        Love my garden, I have 14 different fruit trees, and vegies each season. I have been gardening since I was little with my grandfather. The food tastes much better as it has no poisons on it.
                                                                                                        • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                          In the Great Depression the only way that most people had food to eat was through the "Victory Gardens". Back then the government supported the idea of self sufficiency for the masses but today so many people live in apartments and don't have access to larger tracts of land and Victory Gardens are mostly relegated to the past. Growing you own food is really vital in this dying economy and those who prepare and grow their own food will have a head start on the others who believes this party of excess will continue. Only problem then is security of the garden as every man and his hungry dog are going to come for their share! Thanks for reading!
                                                                                                          • Maria A 582072
                                                                                                            I have a mini backyard and front yard garden...mostly grow in pots and small raised garden beds. It's just too hot sometimes and not enough shade so some plants get toasted then I feel I wasted money instead. Got a portable small green house as well. Still nice when harvesting herbs and some tomatoes. Mainly grow ornamentals and made a small side hussle during the pandemic with sansevieria and jade plants, plus succulents.
                                                                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                              I don't garden at all
                                                                                                              • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                                                I have always had a garden and even at 80 I still have all my herbs, rhubarb, fruit trees. But these days as we don't need as much I grow in pots except for my asparagus, which comes up each year. They are so easy to grow & maintain.My grape vines are going to have heavy crops this year, after all the rain. So plenty to pass on to neighbours too.
                                                                                                                • Danielle R 478487
                                                                                                                  Haven't tried asparagus yet. But keen to give it a go.
                                                                                                              • JANN R
                                                                                                                I have a raised garden bed that I grown most of my vegies in and I also have fruit trees I make jams and sauces and I have been doing this for many years now I also have a compost to get good soil for my garden
                                                                                                                • Suzanne S 1017427
                                                                                                                  Every spring I start seeds...been growing in cloth grow bags... Grew potatoes..! Anyone can..
                                                                                                                  • Michelle 1281734
                                                                                                                    No garden
                                                                                                                    • Jeanine R
                                                                                                                      I would love to as was stated, I also have wild creatures around and we have groundhogs in abundance, There are also ferrel cats and some unknown dogs,. Oh well I try to get fresh things at the store, All the best
                                                                                                                      • Yin Girl
                                                                                                                        For the last couple of years, I've maintained a herb garden, saved myself a fortune on sleeved herbs from the supermarket
                                                                                                                        • Robin L 79437
                                                                                                                          I have gardens and grow my own vegetables and fruit, a wonderful hobby, gets me out in the yard and makes me feel productive
                                                                                                                          • Hummingbird 1018344
                                                                                                                            Love the garden but too much work
                                                                                                                            • Carolina Z
                                                                                                                              I have a Green House
                                                                                                                              • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                                                I can’t get anything grow right
                                                                                                                                • Vivian M 867575
                                                                                                                                  I love gardening it's great to pick tomatoes lettuce spring onions fresh from the garden to make a salad
                                                                                                                                  • Deborah 1314174
                                                                                                                                    I have one, but it's closed up for the winter here in the northern hemisphere.
                                                                                                                                    • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                                                      Have always had a little patch and most things I planted grew quite well. My radish at on place grew over a meter tall, the plant that is at it went to seed. Have heard that when you pull up the weeds just let them lie on the ground for a while til the start wilting and let the rain wash the soil of them, then put them in the recycling section. This ensures that you don't lose any of the good soild. At the moment have on a few things in pots, can even grow potatoes in that manner ie old buckets and the like. I usually only gather enough for daily need and don't have to worry about the going off as the soild acts as a cellar.
                                                                                                                                      • Sheree T
                                                                                                                                        We started growing vegetables last year and planted pumpkin, lettuce, zucchini and carrots. Enjoyed doing it a lot and have done the same this year.
                                                                                                                                        • Lee b 979050
                                                                                                                                          Is it worth it work it out. You got land maybe but if you buy seasonal and local you'll find it costs you more to do it at home. Sure you get the pleasure of seeing something you've planted grow mmmm tasty when you wash it cook it etc. But do the maths.
                                                                                                                                          • Carolyn K 714554
                                                                                                                                            I am moving into a new home in 2 weeks and hope to start a small garden against the back fence. (The only space available). Tomatoes, cucumber etc. Not much space but something.
                                                                                                                                            • Bruce 1274521
                                                                                                                                              I have always had a garden in which I spend time in with my wife Starting to clean up after the winter mess A single pot is a great place to start, growing fresh lettuce which can be picked as required. Spinach and other greens is another source of meals that can be picked as needed. There is no excuse for not growing anything.
                                                                                                                                              • writerrochelle
                                                                                                                                                I WISH I did! Where I live, on an island off the coast of Washington, USA, it is very shady, and the ground is not suited to grow much of anything. I even have trouble trying to grow flowers, either because of the elements, or because of the deer or slugs eating everything I plant. I'd love to live where I could have nut and fruit trees, berry bushes, grape vines, a small garden and all the flowers I love! I'm looking forward to hopefully living in the promised Paradise on Earth! (Psalm chapter 37; Isaiah 65:17-25). ;-D
                                                                                                                                                • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                  My family from my ancestors have always had minimum of home garden [some did commercial] Even with little space one can grow many things in pots. So much better than having all the chemicals that are required for commercial growing
                                                                                                                                                  • Irena T
                                                                                                                                                    Living in a building. No garden, but a really think it's a good rewarding hobby.
                                                                                                                                                    • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                      do you have a balcony? If so you can grow things like lettuce, tomatoes and many other things that take little space in containers
                                                                                                                                                  • Jania S
                                                                                                                                                    Have always had a garden, grew up with one and never feel for the USA sponsored "supermarket' crap
                                                                                                                                                    • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                      unfortunately commercial growing will always need to be. many places do not have the space to grow own of everything
                                                                                                                                                    • Bruce 1274521Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                      There is always a place for a little pot to grow something in. It is a lot less effort than keeping a pet.
                                                                                                                                                  • michael g 433073
                                                                                                                                                    always had a garden which include fruit trees, veggies and flowers as you can't beat fresh. Started new ones wit the grandkids to inspire them to do it.
                                                                                                                                                    • Angie
                                                                                                                                                      Me, I have a big garden and grow many vegetables and herbs, and also have fruit trees. At the mo I have peas in abundance! The kids love them and eat them fresh straight off the vine. Also growing potatoes, parsley, chives, rosemary, thyme, basil, dill, oregano, coriander and have fruit trees. I'm passionate about composting so my soil is full of nutrients and my produce tastes amazing! Gardening is so great for the mind, body and soul and I would recommend everyone to have a go.. even if it's just growing herbs in pots on the window sill. About to sow broccoli, spinach, and mixed lettuce in my recently prepared raised garden bed this week. I often grow more than we can consume so just give to my neighbours and always get fresh snapper in return as many of them regularly go fishing. Good returns I say! Happy gardening :)
                                                                                                                                                      • Beverly I
                                                                                                                                                        I have started a vegetable garden too, I love the idea on going out to the garden and picking what I need to cook. And if there's enough vegetables to share, I do give some away.😀
                                                                                                                                                        • Kathy 1270954
                                                                                                                                                          Due to the huge population of squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks, it is not worth it for me to keep a garden. Plus I'm not the gardening type.
                                                                                                                                                          • Lyn A.
                                                                                                                                                            sometimes nature will make it difficult. We all have our different niches also
                                                                                                                                                        • pam rae
                                                                                                                                                          hi ty cher...
                                                                                                                                                          • Donna M 594867
                                                                                                                                                            I do not have a green thumb at all!
                                                                                                                                                            • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                                                              Yes and good workout for us oldies
                                                                                                                                                              • SueM2
                                                                                                                                                                I'm getting on a bit and don't have the garden I used to, but still have a thriving lemon tree (which gets stripped by persons unknown every season), plus rhubarb & tomatoes.
                                                                                                                                                                • Lachelle B
                                                                                                                                                                  Started when I was 16, now 49, I always have a garden. At Christmas it's Defcon 1 between my 70 year brother in law and I to see who has the best patch! All celebrations are on hold until a decision is made..tick tock.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Val 1394045
                                                                                                                                                                    I have a garden. Love working in the soil and adding new things every year. Very relaxing and wonderful to watch my garden grow.
                                                                                                                                                                    • Raven55
                                                                                                                                                                      I used to have a garden. Then I did planters on the deck.
                                                                                                                                                                      • Cher
                                                                                                                                                                        I have 2 garden boxes where I plant root vegetables in one and an assortment of tomates and onions in the other. There is nothing better than going to the garden to pick everything needed for a salad or soup. Just love it! Worth the effort.
                                                                                                                                                                        • The dog house
                                                                                                                                                                          If you shop around for some fruit and veg some are reasonably priced. Cauliflower recently $3, broccoli $4 kg. Corn $1 each, Cabbage half $2. Potatoes 5 kg $4. All this for $14 or a sandwich and drink for $14.
                                                                                                                                                                          • Micheal M (WPASSR-US)
                                                                                                                                                                            I can't remember a time when I didn't have a garden. It relaxes me and, I always seem to come up with new gardening ideas. It's never finished so, it's self perpetuating.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Glenice L 1244113
                                                                                                                                                                              I've had tiny garden spaces at home for almost 5 years now and I'm amazed with how nature gives and gives such wonderful opportunities to learn, grow, keep occupied, feed and save. Each year I try a new veggie and I'm still impressed, if not nourished and blessed. The maintenance and closing down of my food and ornamental garden spaces are the new challenges as our first snowfall is today....got to grab my beets and chards out soon. We have come a long way!😊
                                                                                                                                                                              • Pennye R
                                                                                                                                                                                I live in the country and have a large garden every year. I know where my food comes from and I preserve as much as I can. It is worth the extra work!

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