Discussion of the Day
Scary Escalators. More warnings needed?
Elizabeth H 165879Jun 23, 24
Recently, my family and I were trapped on an escalator at a major Hardware store, when the wheels of a trolley caught at the bottom of the escalator. People started to panic as they were pushed into one another. It was a very frightening experience. Fortunately, my daughter-in-law knew how to press the stop button to our great relief. No one was hurt, just shaken up. Surely there should be more education about safety and access to emergency buttons when necessary. Have you experienced anything similar in stores near you that you were worried about?
Comments - Page 2
  • Conny 1314879
    happily, no
    • Pam G 449028
      Luckily I have never experienced or witnessed any accidents on escalators in the past.
      • APB
        A long time ago...I got down to the bottom of an escalator (metro/underground)...late in the evening... and there was a man sitting there...at the bottom...his long coat had somehow been dragged inside the staircase so that he couldn't get up without taking it off...he must have been sitting down on the staircase on the way down...and was very drunk...I asked him if he was OK..and he said he was...and seemed happy.....so I went on my way... I supposed as some point he would have been removed... First rule is: don't sit down on an escalator... especially if you are wearing a long coat... and drunk...
        • Roy R 1009866
          As with any machine there are bound to be accidents or incidents. There are often warnings at the entrance of the escalator and they should be observed. Just stand on and hold that dirty rail, if you must, or just stand and people who need to or don't care about the dirty rail can hold on. No carts or carriages !
          • Blue Cat
            I dont think you are actually supposed to take trolleys on escalators. Back whe I was pushing a pram I always found a lift even if it meant walking further.
            • Gerald 1492860
              The main thing that's required when using an escalator is common sense. An escalator is designed for a 2 legged person to stand on and hold the handrail as it moved the person up or down. They are not meant to transport wheeled objects.
              • Holly Cat
                With all this technology, the escalators should be able to automatically stop when there's an obstruction!
                • Liane H
                  Yes I agree . I was on one years ago when a little old lady on a zimmer frame tipped over face forwards and was just clinging on for dear life until she was almost at the last step . I was too far away from her underneath and others were just trying to hang on to her.Then a man watching rushed across the floor and pushed the emergency stop. I still don't know where that button is actually as it was so long ago but you've reminded me now next time to check !
                  • Val 1394045
                    No have not experience any thing similar to this
                    • Pamela G
                      Neither have I.

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