At the moment we are all mostly at home. I try to walk each day. I have certain programs I like and most of the time on my computer. I might bake a cake another day I might vacuum. I frequently talk to family over skype. Talking with someone helps lift my mood. I try to talk to people while out it tends to help both of us even though brief. Usually dogs help. My dog is having the best time since I am mainly home. It is amazing how the boy makes me smile. The worst is for the elderly as they may have issues walking like my mother and a friend and have not left the home except their back yard. My friend has her children and visit frequently to care for her rather than see her in a nursing home. An elderly gentleman was found dead on his own. A friend noticed his mail was still in the letter box and papers on the ground and he alerted someone. Could this have been avoided if we took better care of the elderly? How do you spend your time at home? |