Discussion of the Day
I need a break!
LAFeb 28, 25
I need a vacation! Can anyone suggest their favourite place they have travelled to and why is it your top pick.
Comments - Page 2
  • Robert F 1161011
    Every year I fly to Jamaica for the warm weather and to visit relatives and friends.
    • Tupulua S
      camping in your own backyard with your grandchildren. The kids love it
      • Angie
        Love this
    • Aisha A 379399
      I suggest Singapore. The airport itself is interesting, fairly reliable public transport and great food.
      • Cynthia 1521546
        I haven't traveled in years.
        • Vidya 1577202
          New Zealand I suggest
          • Microwaved~Robot
            Newfoundland, Canada is great. It is like the cultures of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, Portugal, Spain, France, and a few others are all present to be enjoyed fully. Such an experience. All visitors should also be Screeched In! What an amazingly fun experience!
            • Andrew 1456514
              Northern Territory
              • Val 1394045
                Any where warm Very cold winter.
                • pam rae
                  HI ,TY, Pamela G
                  • Sandra 1575376
                    Hawaii is definitely a must see. Great place to visit and explore
                    • Tina 423889
                      Anywhere new
                      • pam rae
                        would love to go back for a visit in alaska butI HAVE MANY PLACES TO GO BACK FOR A VISIT,BEING A AIRFORCE "BRAT" SEEN SO MANY PLACES AND LIVED ..hard to pick just one..
                        • Pamela G
                          Montreal and Quebec City Canada. Beautiful cities with a European feel.
                          • Darla T
                            Aruba. Climate is great, peaceful, relaxing, etc. Take a tour of the island. Easy to get from major airports. All inclusive options. Nightly entertainment in various resorts.
                            • Michael 1629232
                              Hawaii was great. As busy or as relaxed as you want it to be. Learn how to surf, 🏄 Turtle bay, North Shore amazing!! 🤩 visit each island as they’re quite different to one another.
                              • Robert 1571950
                                A Bob Dylan statment, I need a dump truck ta unload my head! is somewhere to go.
                                • Marisa 1367299
                                  If you can take the time, try the Pearl Farm on Samal Island in Mindanao, Philippines. It is absolute heaven! Food is good, fresh, and very tasty.
                                  • Angie
                                    Thanks for the tip 🇵🇭♥️
                                • Linda 1473555
                                  I will just go south in West Aussie . Safest and best place in the world.
                                  • Renee 1556074
                                    I have never been but my bucket list has Hawaii & Disney World at the top!! Safe travels whenever & wherever you go!!
                                    • Nola B 392757
                                      Scotland is the most beautiful country I have ever been to however, I wouldnt go anywhere in the UK right now. Too much unrest.
                                      • Izabelle 1457992
                                        I live in Canada but my ansestors are Scottish and I often wonder why they came here!
                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      Paris (France) with its unmatched combination of historic grandeur, cultural influences, and cutting-edge sustainability initiatives! My favorite city (in the world) that I like visiting - when I 'really' need a BREAK!
                                      • View all 4 replies
                                      • Lyn 78550
                                        This would have been mine Walter even though I have never been there. It sounds wonderful. Have a good day. x
                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERLyn 78550
                                        Hi Lyn. Have a good day - too!
                                      • Angie
                                        Bonjour Walter
                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERAngie
                                        Bonjour Angie
                                    • Tasneem 1372544
                                      I love Honolulu the sunrise and sunset are amazing. You feel like you ate in a different country. Lots of things are still traditional.
                                      • Linda C
                                        I live in Queensland, Australia with beautiful beaches, unusual animals and birds, lovely people, warm to hot weather, the Great Barrier Reef and many other beautiful sites from the ocean to mountains to desert and everything in between and lovely seafood to enjoy with a glass of wine overlooking any of these sites. Lovely. However, overseas I love Paris and many other European sites. Santorini was beautiful but I felt sorry for the people who lived there with so many people walking around their homes - no privacy. It depends on what you are looking for. Sightseeing historical areas, beautiful scenery, mountains, beach, sunshine or snow. As they say, the world is your oyster.
                                        • Teri 1282723
                                          I'm going to St. Kitts with my sister next spring. White sand, turquoise water, sunshine .... my happy place.
                                          • Riz
                                            San Francisco => see the Golden Gate Bridge, visit Fisherman's Wharf, go to Chinatown and ride the trams. It will be easy travelling as people speak English and there are plenty of affordable hotels to choose from.
                                            • Len G
                                              I loved visiting Alaska and Hawaii. Hawaii was so beautiful and i always wanted to visit the Pearl Harbor Memorial. Words cannot describe the emotion i felt standing there. Alaska is beautiful in a different was but not the least breathtaking.The mountains ans especially Mount McKinley cannot be described in words
                                              • Diane M 82776
                                                Pearl Harbour is very emotional.

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