Discussion of the Day
Mask or not to mask?
Carrie KSep 13, 21
In the USA, although it has been shown that masking saves lives by keeping you safe from Covid19, many schools are fighting about this issue. What do you think?
Comments - Page 2
  • Stephan S
    I live in SA and we been very lucky so far in compare to other states.I hate masks and its annoying but the far worse option would be another lockdown.If masks help to avoid it I m prepared to put up with it
    • BOO
      It may save your life or mine. I wear one everywhere I go. Dying terrifies me
      • kate j 178373
        For many years I have wondered why people with a severe cold or flu are not encouraged to wear a mask .. Most adult Aussies are responsible when it comes to spreading or catching serious infections/ diseases / viruses.
        • Samiuella L
          No masks. I can't breathe having them on for a long time
          • Linda C
            Coming up to nearly 2 years with Covid and it has been proven masks help in the prevention of spreading the disease why would people not wear them. Of course they have to be the good ones not some silly useless mask that does nothing. People in a car wear a safety belt - operative word safety - well this is what a mask does - safety not just for the wearer but others in your vicinity. My 5 year old and 4 year old nephew and niece have to wear a mask every day at their schools as their parents work in necessary industries. They do not complain. If kids can do it without being whiney why not adults do so also.
            • just me- NZ
              We are in Alert Level 2 + in the South Island of NZ, masks are encouraged in schools, I personally think it should be mandatory. We have to wear masks or face coverings when we go out to Malls, shops, restaurants etc I wear 2 masks, call me neurotic, but I want to keep enjoying my freedom and being safe at the same time.
              • Disie
                We saw the difference a mask makes in our Vic first wave.
                • Gaza
                  Here in Western Australia, our state government was sensible so now we don't require wearing one.
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • Nola B 392757
                    Your time will come if bloody Gladys keeps getting her way
                  • Christine M 323842Nola B 392757
                    Gladys is calling the shots for the whole bloody country!
                  • GazaChristine M 323842
                    HA HA HA
                • Rhonda D 522615
                  Not sure how much masks prevent Covid 19, but I mask all the time. Better safe than sorry.
                  • Julie K 348980
                    In the State of Australia where I live masks are mandatory for everyone over 12 both indoors in public places and outdoors as far as I know. That includes schoolchildren. My personal “prejudice” is pro-mask.
                    • Linda C
                      Yes I wear one also when I go out anywhere. I live near the Qld/NSW border and the people from NSW could care less about coming into our state maskless and just hop over the border as they please. Latest outbreak caused by 3 men doing this.
                    • Julie K 348980Linda C
                      I have become dreadfully parochial regarding people from NSW doing the wrong thing and want to keep in my little cocoon.

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